intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

Automatic Writing is one of those things that I hear mentioned quite a bit in a casual conversation and social media advice like, “You should try Automatic Writing”. But I don’t hear that many people explain exactly what it is or WHY you should try it.

I’d love to take a deep dive with you into the world of Automatic Writing because I personally believe when used properly, it can be a manifestation game changer.

I think people are drawn to Automatic Writing because they have an instinct about it and realize something is happening when they write in this way.

They may feel it’s therapeutic, it may feel like an energetic release, healing, or it might just plain feel good.

There’s the shadow side to it as well where it might feel scary “What are these things I’m writing?” Or weird “Why am I doing this???”

Often, it’s used as a fluid “stream of consciousness” tool. You can just flow write without worrying about what you are writing and see what pops up.

All of these are great ways to try Automatic Writing, but if you’re ready to explore it further it can be a POWERFUL tool that can improve your life.

You can use Intuitive Automatic Writing with intention to see tangible shifts in your life for the better.

Rather than wait for the universe to bring magic to you, you can use Automatic Writing as a co-creation tool to manifest what YOU want!

intuitive automatic writing

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic Writing is said to be writing without consciously thinking about what you are putting on the page (or into your laptop).

You simply put your pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and let whatever comes to mind come out. You aren’t judging it, you aren’t thinking about it as you write, and you try not to interfere with your logical brain and correct it.

You let it flow.

A good way to start would be to set a timer for 10 minutes, sit in a cozy spot, and just write! No punctuation needed, no questioning “Why would I write this?”… just write. (see: Forget the Rules When It Comes to Authentic Writing).

Then put it away and read it at a later time to see what it says. If you read it immediately you may allow the rational mind to take over and dismiss it.

But if you can allow some time in between you may surprise yourself with what you wrote!

I often find that I wrote advice that seems wiser than my usual perspective without even realizing it.

wait to look at your automatic writing

Especially if I look back a year later I’m often amazed that I had so many answers to my problems, through Automatic Writing.

Note: I write about Automatic Writing because it’s a more common term, but I also think of this as “Intuitive Writing”. (see: What You Need to Know About Automatic Versus Intuitive Writing)


Do you need to “protect” your energy when you write?

Now, I love Automatic Writing, but I do want to talk about how it can be a form of mediumship. Many of us do not realize we are a “light on the map” so when we sit down to try Automatic Writing we open a dialogue that we aren’t even aware of!

(Amanda Linette Meder has a great post about how many of us are a light on the map. She is a medium who asked spirits how they know who to connect to. It’s a great read and you can find it HERE: On The Map: How Do Spirits Find Their Mediums?.) 

I myself did not have any idea I was a medium and was walking around “open” all the time.

If you sense spirits around you, hear noises that aren’t easily explainable, or just know you have that sixth sense, you are likely a light on the map. You may be a person who chose to come into this lifetime with the ability to communicate with spirit or be a connector (help them reach someone who they are trying to reach).

This means that yes, you will want to have energetic protection OR an awareness that you may not be writing from YOUR consciousness. It could be a message from spirit, your inner child, or even your ego that comes through when you are Automatic Writing.

There are many messages that can come through Automatic Writing and learning to decipher them is helpful.

My overall recommendation is never to take advice from Automatic Writing if it doesn’t feel true, if you didn’t ask “Who is sharing this?”, or if you are not experienced at connecting to your Higher Self and confirming that connection.

I don’t feel like this is anything to fear. It’s just if your ego is posing as your Higher Self it’s going to want to keep you safe. It’s more likely to tell you NOT to pursue your big dreams, or follow your intuition because that feels too scary.

Your ego loves to do the same old same old because it’s expected and known. It’s happy to steer you clear of any real soul growth and dream-chasing because that carries risk!

Knowing who you’re “talking” to when you write is important. Learning to validate what you wrote, that it is meant for you, and that you are meant to take inspired action is equally important. (see: Before You Take Inspired Action from Automatic Writing 3 Steps to Take)

NOTE: I hear the words, I am clairaudient, but you may see a vision, have a knowing, or sense it depending on your dominant Clair when you are Automatic Writing. I go more in-depth about this in my digital course Intuitive Writing 101, which is now part of The Writing Alchemy Bundle.

With all that said, Automatic Writing can be a powerful way to uplevel your co-creation abilities, and trying these 5 ways can be a game-changer.

Before you begin, I highly recommend clearing your space (see: The Best Energy Clearing Hacks to Help You Write More Authentically). Empaths especially often have other people’s thoughts and feelings stuck in their energy field and it will be hard to tell which information is yours and which is not.

Taking a few minutes to clear your energy before you begin is well worth the time!


1. Connect to your Higher Self, the highest version of you, to access your dreams and your NEXT steps toward achieving them!

connect to your higher self through automatic writing


You can connect to your Higher Self through automatic writing. This is the highest (and wisest!) version of you!

They know your path, your soul’s calling, and what you set out to achieve when you opted in to this lifetime.

They are there always wanting to help you and guide you and it just takes some conscious effort on your part to connect to them and get their guidance (see: How to Use Automatic Writing to Chat With Your Spirit Guides to find out how I connect to my Higher Self for automatic writing).

Ask questions about why you are stuck, what your next steps are, what your path or calling is… anything goes.

Be sure to write down the wisdom to capture it!


2. Heal STUCK energy through Automatic Writing.

heal stuck energy through automatic writing

One of my favorite things about Automatic and Intuitive Writing is its energy healing abilities! I have a digital program dedicated to it called Moon Writing Magic that walks you through how to do this in greater detail, but I will share a “sample size” way for you to try it here.

The easiest way to try it is to clear your energy and your space, get comfortable on a bed or couch with your paper and pen, and think about somewhere in your life you are stuck.

Most of the time I will tell you that you can do Automatic Writing on a laptop, computer, or even phone, but for energy healing, I prefer a pen and paper. It feels more magical to me and amplifies the healing energy (IMHO).

Connect once again to your Higher Self as in the first tip #1, and this time you can also invite a sacred connection with your spirit guides too.

You can ask them any questions that have been on your mind, ask why you feel stuck, have an ailment, are having reoccurring drama, any pattern or annoyance that has been bothering you.

Write down the advice you receive and any insight you get. Again it could be words, an image, or a knowing.(See: Automatic Writing: Why Understanding Your Dominant “Clair” Is Magical)

Don’t rush out to try whatever you wrote. It’s important to learn to validate inspired action when you are starting out to confirm the advice is for you. (see: Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do).


3. Access a WIDER perspective (bird’s eye view!).

get a higher perspective through automatic writing

The great thing about Automatic Writing is that you get a higher perspective on what is happening in your life.

Just as a Hawk circles high above the ground to have better visibility, you can do this too when you are Automatic Writing.

If you think of a pattern in your life that you’ve been noticing or some area of your life where you feel you should have already manifested something but it just isn’t happening, you can Automatic Write about it and see what insight you receive.

I recommend clearing your energy as I mentioned throughout this post, getting comfortable, and asking for insight for your specific situation.

For example, you could ask, “Why is it when I get close to a friend they move to another state?” (this kept happening to me!).

Or, “Why does my family have drama around money?” “How come I feel called to do ______ but it isn’t flowing?”

Then write down whatever comes to mind. Again, it may be a vision, knowing, or actual words depending on your dominant Clair. .(See: Automatic Writing: Why Understanding Your Dominant “Clair” Is Magical)

You can read it right then and there, or you can wait a day or two and revisit it.

I’m consistently surprised at the insight I receive when I do this!


4. Co-Create

co-create through automatic writing

Co-creating is my FAVORITE way to use Automatic Writing! When I first began awakening over a decade ago, I felt the universe would guide me.

I started blogging and it sent me into fear, panic, and also frustration that it didn’t seem to be working. I had no idea back then how much promotion it takes to have a blog and sent it to the 20 people on my email list with one Pin for Pinterest and didn’t understand why I wasn’t discovered when I KNEW in my heart of hearts that I was channel writing and people needed that information.

Fast forward 10 years and I understand NOW that we are meant to co-create with the universe. Our soul has desires that it longs for and we can follow those intuitive nudges to create the life we want.

You can co-create through Automatic Writing by getting clear about what you want and writing to your Higher Self and Spiritual Support Team. You can tell them your big dreams and ask for a big picture of how to achieve it and a baby step so you can take inspired action. I go into great detail in my digital course Write Your Future but this will be a good start. Dream big!


5. Let your ego speak!

let your ego speak through automatic writing

Your ego wants to talk! It will go to great lengths to sabotage you if it’s unheard.

It’s like when a small child wants your attention because you are trying to have a grown-up conversation. They will interrupt, tug on your pant leg, and act up!

The ego can be the same way if you don’t create a relationship with it where it can communicate with you.

In your next Automatic Writing session, you can simply let your ego speak. What do they want to share with you? What are they afraid will happen?

Letting them share helps to bring awareness to the fears and insecurities your ego is experiencing. It can be very cathartic to understand what is holding you back and how to work with it.

When you let them share, you can then let them know it’s OK. You can remind them of other times you took a risk and it worked out just fine. Or how you’ve taken steps to prepare or get training.

Even how this lifetime isn’t like others where it wasn’t safe to be spiritual (or whatever the thing is that you are trying to do that they are reacting to).

Your ego is your partner in crime in this life and when they know they don’t have to go to such extremes to get your attention it can make your life flow so much more easily!!!

Set yourself up for Automatic Writing and ask your ego “What do you want me to know?”

Remember, the advice from your ego isn’t the co-creative advice or the higher self wisdom. Instead, it feels more cathartic to let your ego speak and be heard and has the potential to make your life less messy if you have a good relationship with your ego.


After an Automatic Writing Session

If you have energy cleansing and grounding in your practice, it is always a good idea to cleanse your energy and make sure you feel grounded after Automatic Writing so you are present for the rest of your day.

how to cleanse your energy after automatic writing session

It’s easy to get stuck with your head in the clouds and feel like you are bumping into things later or like you are not fully paying attention.

There is a “Grounding” frequency on YouTube that I like to listen to for this. It helps me feel stable and solid after I write. You can find it HERE.

If you would like to take this further, a great way to begin is to try my digital course INTUTIIVE WRITING 101. It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between clear and protected energy versus energetic interference. It’s a great first step!

intuitive automatic writing

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101


Happy Writing!


P.S. Let me know your favorite way to use Automatic Writing in the comments! I’d love to know.

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