Hello there, I’m Nicole Strychaz.

I’m thrilled to invite you on a unique journey to rebirth our concept of marketing.

With a background rooted in traditional business, plus one awakening later that brought me a second career as a Spiritual Copywriter, I’ve embarked on a transformative mission to merge the marketing world with powerful tools like The Gene Keys and Human Design. The result?

A revolutionary approach to attracting your soul clients, where you no longer find yourself chasing after them.


mindset coaching


My passion for marketing goes beyond conventional strategies.

It’s about creating a resonance, a feeling that transcends transactions and inspires a true connection. In a world where authenticity and soulful connections are increasingly vital, Awakened Marketing is here to guide you towards a higher level of meaningful connection with your audience.


Why the Gene Keys and Human Design, you may wonder?

These profound tools provide profound insights into the essence of who you are, your unique gifts, and how you can best serve your clients. You are your highest self at your time of birth, before conditioning and people telling you who you should be. Understanding WHO that is, is powerful for Soul Alignment and the magnetic YOU.

By aligning your marketing strategy with your true self, we unlock the potential for attracting clients who resonate with your mission and purpose. It’s a shift from the traditional marketing grind to a more profound and authentic path – a more soul aligned, magnetic one.


It’s not all about The Gene Keys, though…

Throughout this website, I share concepts and tips to tap into your inner wisdom and leverage it to create marketing strategies that feel aligned and energizing. Say goodbye to the stress of constantly chasing leads, and hello to a marketing approach that invites your ideal clients to find you without sacrificing your intuitive guidance.

Awakened Marketing is not just a service; it’s a transformational experience. It’s about awakening the Soul Aligned marketer within you, empowering you to shine your light, and drawing in those who need what you have to offer.

I invite you to embark on this enlightening journey with me, and together, let’s redefine the way you attract your soul clients. 

Let’s awaken your marketing potential and bring your soulful vision to life. Welcome to Awakened Marketing, where marketing meets the soul.


With joy and purpose,


Nicole Strychaz

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More about Nicole


Master’s Degree in Business, Pepperdine University

Bachelor of Arts Degree, English Literature

Over 10+ Years Corporate Human Resources/Consulting

Reiki, 2nd Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho

Angel Tribe Certification Course

Work Your Light Course

Energy Healer

Mom to two Spirited, Energetic Teens