Understanding your dominant Clair is the powerhouse to receiving intuitive guidance from your Higher Self and guides. The tricky part is that it can be so natural to you that it’s deceptive. You may not even be aware of your most dominant Clair! I know mine NOW, but I definitely didn’t know it for a LONG time.
You see, I have been writing since the age of 11. At least that’s the age when I remember my first journal, but I also remember short stories that I wrote well back to the 3rd grade.
During my teenage years, I went into a depression and also “high risk” behavior – partying, missing school, and overall being a hot mess. As a lost teen is when I first became aware that writing felt good.
I would write poetry. And then I would re-write it in different colored pens, or change just one word. The connection to the words, the paper, and the pen… was soothing. It helped me through some dark times even though I didn’t understand why.
In college, I decided to take a creative writing class where I realized that writing was such a big part of my life that I wanted to pursue it. It was so natural and such a part of me that I didn’t even realize how much I loved to write and had been pursuing art instead!
From there my writing journey began, with many detours along the way, but one of my most important discoveries is what I want to share with you today. It’s that I write what I hear.
And that voice that I hear sounds like me, but it isn’t exactly.
I NOW know that my predominant “Clair” is Clairaudience. Which means I hear guidance from my Higher Self and spirit through what I believe is an Intuitive Channel.
Many years later, after I had long since stopped writing poetry and switched to metaphysical subjects and blogging, I went back to read the words from my teenage, misdirected self. I expected the poems to be juvenile and as confused as I was at the time – but they weren’t.
Those poems were wiser than I was back then. They looked at the world as the collective and spoke about it. How did I have a wiser view when me in my younger years had such a limited perspective and was riddled with limiting beliefs?
I believe I was connecting to spirit through Automatic Intuitive Writing and that’s why it felt so comforting and soothing. And once I understood that Clairaudience was how I was doing it, it allowed me to understand that we can co-create with our Higher Self and guides. It doesn’t have to be a one-way conversation!
I truly believe that understanding which Clair is your dominant Clair can be magical when it comes to Automatic Writing.
What are the Clairs?
I believe the Clairs are the way we receive Intuitive information. They are our psychic gifts, in other words.
Some people may feel something is true. Others may just “know” what they are meant to do.
I remember hearing Rebecca Campbell say she picked up a metaphysical book in a bookstore as a teen and she just knew would write one someday (which she did!).
Or you may hear words, as I do. The voice may sound like your voice or a different voice (both happen to me but usually it’s my voice with an image of a person if it’s not my Higher Self or guides).
Whatever your dominant Clair is will likely feel very natural to you, like it’s been a part of you always.
The main types of “Clairs”.
Clairvoyance, clear seeing.
Images pop into your mind. It can be a true event, a future possibility, a metaphor to help you receive information.
Clairsentience, clear feeling.
Information comes to you in the form of a feeling. The term “gut instinct” would apply here. You may be able to tell how people are feeling through this sense, tap into “the collective” or know the mood in a room full of people.
Clairaudience, clear hearing.
A voice in your head that is calm and can sound like your own “thoughts”. Often it can come when you are not thinking anything. It can be insightful and have a larger perspective than you normally have.
Claircognizance, clear knowing.
You just “know” things. I used to have a client who when I led her in meditation to get answers, she would just know large quantities of information all at once. Anytime she was stuck we could tune into her guidance and it was amazing how quickly she’d connect back to her path. People refer to these as “downloads”.
Clairalience, clear smelling.
This is usually thought of as smelling scents that don’t have a specific source. So you may smell bread in the kitchen where someone used to lovingly bake bread, but none is being made.
I personally believe that it’s also a heightened sense of smell. When you can “tune in” through scent. This Clair alerts me when my body doesn’t like certain chemicals or foods, in addition to showing up at times without a source.
Also Clairgustance, clear tasting.
This is similar to Clairalience in the manner you may have a taste in your mouth (or know what something tastes like) without taking a bite! I’ve been wondering if Chefs are tuned into this sense. They seem to know which spices and herbs they can put into a dish, even with ingredients that are new to them.
My 14-year-old has taken an interest in cooking and even though he hasn’t been cooking that long, he will add flavors to our meals that I wouldn’t think of and they taste delicious. How does he know which spice will help when often it’s ones he’s never used before? I’m wondering if Clairgustance is a dominant Clair for him?
How do you know which is your dominant Clair?
All the Clairs act as heightened senses. And while each of us has access to them all, one should be more prominent for you than the other.
I do believe as you embrace your gifts you will become aware of more than one. For example, my sense of smell is so strong! I’m driving my husband crazy because I can’t stand the smell of most cleaners and I can even smell if he’s used an antibacterial wipe from all the way upstairs. But my Clairalience wasn’t always this strong and it’s become more so over time.
Your dominant Clair is powerful because it’s the most natural to you, and will be your strongest connection when you are Automatic Writing.
Your dominant Clair is the one that is most natural to you. The one that is much like my Clairaudience where I thought it was just my thoughts running through my mind.
When you wonder how to solve a problem, for example, does the solution come in the form of words, an image, or a knowing? Do you have a dream about the solution?
Try to notice throughout your day. You can start with something simple like “What would I like for dinner?” Then be patient and see if it’s a craving, an image of what you’d like to eat, something you just know, or even a smell (scent).
You can do this for several weeks. Ask questions and see how you “know” what you know.
Once you get used to how you receive intuitive guidance most frequently, that is likely your dominant Clair.
As you try this experiment, it’s important to note that if you are currently detoxing from something like bread or sugar, the craving part may not be accurate. In that case, you may ask, “What can I eat for dinner that’s for my highest good?” and see what you feel/notice/sense/smell, etc.
How to use your dominant Clair to Co-create.
When you are automatic writing, this is when it’s important to be aware of images, visions, knowings (downloads), and words that are coming to you.
You can ask questions! Then pay attention to what “thoughts” and words pop into your mind and write them down. This is your Intuitive Guidance.
If something doesn’t feel right or like you would want to do it, you can ask more questions and also confirm that it’s your Higher Self and not your ego sneaking in.
You can talk to your ego through Automatic Writing, but it’s important to know when you are doing that so you know which advice can help you create alchemy and which is your ego’s protection mechanism.
If you receive an idea that lights you up, that’s a perfect time to ask more questions, such as “What is my next step to achieve that?” “How can I make that happen?” “What, if anything, do I need to know?”
It’s Co-Creation, not a one-way conversation.
When I first started Automatic Intuitive Writing, I didn’t understand that intuitive guidance is a suggestion – not a fact.
I would clear my space, set up strong energetic boundaries, and connect to my Higher Self and guides. (I share how to do this in the Writing Alchemy Bundle that you can find here.)
I would ask, “What is my path?” “What should I be doing?” and I would receive answers. These answers were OPTIONS. They weren’t answers to go leap into a new career, but I didn’t know that at the time.
It also took many years to know when my ego was posing as my Higher Self and steering me away from my purpose.
In my ego’s efforts to keep me safe, it kept me confused AF instead!
Getting clearer about what I wanted my life to look and feel like and then asking “How do I achieve this?” lead to much more tangible results, faster manifestations, and a more abundant life.
I now teach this in the Write Your Future portion of the Writing Alchemy Bundle so that others can learn to be discerning and not let their ego send them in all different directions like mine did!
The voice usually sounds the same to me no matter WHO is “talking” so developing my Clairaudience skills is what has allowed me to know which advice is the magic (the alchemy) and which advice is not.
Validating the guidance I receive has been a critical part of my development and I highly recommend it. SEE: Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do
Your soul launches the desire…
It’s important to note that your soul launches the desires you are having. When you crave something, have a strong desire to create something, a longing to start a business… this is coming from your soul.
You have a path you chose before incarnating and soul agreements you made. Your soul has those coordinates.
Taking those desires and asking your Higher Self and guides questions about how to bring them into your physical life is a game-changer.
If you’re able to distinguish between your unconscious manifestation patterns, your ego, and your true soul’s desires, it allows the manifestations you WANT to happen to come that much faster.
Again, your ego will often keep you confused or in struggle mode because sharing your voice, your light, and in my case words that the world can read, can be scary.
(I have a meditation to help with this – Safe to Be Seen: Turn On Your Light with the Feminine Archetypes)
Understanding your dominant Clair and practicing to discern Intuitive Guidance is where the magic is!
Try it!
I invite you to try it the next time you are Automatic Writing.
Clear your space, get comfortable, set up your energetic boundaries, and then notice which is your dominant Clair when you write.
Capture that information! Date it and keep it somewhere where you can easily refer back to it.
Take the extra time to validate the information and over time you will create trust and begin your Writing Alchemy journey.
Let me know which is your dominant Clair in the comments and if you were surprised to discover it. I’d love to hear it!
Happy Writing!