intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

Validating the Intuitive Guidance you receive from Intuitive or Automatic Writing is a VERY IMPORTANT step! It’s not hard to do and is worth double-checking that the information you received is for you and is for now (and not later).

Your intuition may come to you in many ways, shapes and sizes. One of my favorite ways is through Automatic Writing or what I also refer to as Intuitive Writing. It’s a process similar to journaling, that most of us do without even knowing it and it’s a great way to receive intuitive wisdom from your Higher Self and guides. You can use it to clear stuck energy and remove energetic blocks and you can also use it much like you would use a pendulum when you’re stuck on a decision.

When people use pendulums they usually ask “yes” or “no” questions and have the pendulum “programmed” so they know what it means when it swings either horizontally or vertically.

The problem I found with the pendulum, and what caused me to crave an alternative solution, is that for me it wasn’t accurate.

It would say “yes” to something but my gut was having a response to say that it wasn’t correct. My authority in Human Design is to have a sacral response (which I didn’t know at the time!) and over time I have learned to trust my gut response, more than anything else.

The pendulum said “yes”, my gut said “no” and my gut proved to be the one who was correct most frequently in the long run.

3 steps before inspired action pendulum

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Now I use the pendulum as a clearing tool in line with Jean Haner’s Clear Home, Clear Heart process for energy clearing, but I no longer use it as a decision-making tool.

Even if the pendulum does work for you, and I know many of you have success with it, it still doesn’t give more insight than a “yes” or a “no”.

Intuitive / Automatic Writing allows you to go deeper. It allows you to ask questions, get guidance, find out your next step, and heal energy if something is standing between you and your dreams.

But, there’s an important step that comes before “inspired action” that I would love for you to consider adding to your practice if you haven’t already.

And that it is VALIDATING that the information you receive as Intuitive Guidance is correct and is truly meant for you.

In any case, when you receive those Intuitive nudges (or Intuitive information), it’s always a good idea to validate it if it doesn’t require immediate action. Just to make sure the information is for YOU, and for you right now.


What is Inspired Action?

what is inspired action

Inspired action is when you receive that divine wisdom from your higher self and spiritual support team and you are inspired to take an action toward your goals.

I think of it as magic advice, the kind of magic that belongs to co-creation and alchemy, where it’s so clear and insightful that you just know that something great will come of it.

This is not to say the advice will make sense!

Often it’s a tiny baby step to a much larger puzzle that years later you can look back and think “Oh! If I hadn’t done that one thing ALL these other things would not have happened.”

Intuitive guidance is often like that (which comes through Intuitive Writing). It’s a nudge, a step, a clue… and on a rare occasion, you get a roadmap of where you are headed so you can set your internal GPS to that coordinate.


Why do you want to validate?

why you want to validate the guidance

Intuitive Writing isn’t an exact science, especially when you are starting out. It’s similar to tuning the radio on your car to a clear station. Or finding the right spot for your cell phone if the reception is bad.

When my boys were little they had walkie-talkies. They would try to talk to our neighbor in his house but often they couldn’t hear him. Their walkie-talkies had different channels so they would change them around and sometimes we would hear strangers’ conversations!

And sometimes a stranger (or neighbor I guess it must’ve been) would talk through it. They would have to figure out which frequency their friend was on and then leave it on that channel or they couldn’t communicate.

And even then every once and awhile the walkie-talkie would have a strange voice come through out of NOWHERE if they left it on!

Intuitive Writing is like that. If you are perfectly dialed into your Higher Self and guides, you get a clear conversation and can write down (or type!) the wisdom.

But, it could also turn out you have mediumship abilities and someone else’s spirit guides are trying to get a message to them.

Or it could be your ego posing as your Higher Self (this has happened to me many times!), or your inner child may want to share.

Depending on WHO is giving the “inspired action” to you… well, it may not be for you and it may not be for right now.

Your ego, for example, wants to keep you safe. They want you to stay doing what they know, even if it doesn’t feel soul-satisfying. So if you are Automatic Writing or Intuitive Writing and you’ve tuned into your ego, the advice may be to do nothing for a while. Or apply for a “safe” position instead of taking a career risk.

Your ego isn’t likely to say “go for it!” in other words.

It’s important to validate the information you get from writing, just as I took the time to validate that the pendulum wasn’t giving the right input for me.

intuitive automatic writing

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101


Here are 3 things you can do before you take inspired action from intuitive guidance:


1. Clear your energy and ground

Clear your energy

After a writing session, the first thing I do is ground my energy. I make sure my energy is clear and that I am once again rooted to the earth and not with my head still up in the stars. This is great music on YouTube for grounding that I like to listen to and you can also try the energy clearing meditation found in Intuitive Automatic Writing 101.

Then I’ll look at what I’ve written (or typed!) and ask “Is this for me?” “Is this for my highest and greatest good?”

Clairaudience is my dominant Clair so I’ll usually hear a “yes” or “no”. If it’s a “no”, I will leave it and ask for more clarity in my next writing session as to why not. ( Understanding your dominant Clair is a game-changer for Automatic and Intuitive Writing!)

If it’s a “yes”, I will go to the next step.



2. Leave it.

Sometimes you have to wait to take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing


Before you take any action, especially big action, it’s a great idea to just leave things alone for a hot minute.

You’ll have time to take action, but it’s important to understand if you were given the first baby step, or step number 20 when it comes to fulfilling your desires.

Things do not always come through in a logical order or specific timeline. I had a spiritual teacher who received intuitive guidance about an important event she would attend in June. She was so excited for June to come but guess what? It turned out to be a whole year later! Still June but when the thing happened the following year she knew it was exactly as she had imagined it but a whole year later!

I know it seems hard, but write the guidance down and leave it be for a minute, a few days, or a week.

Go out in nature, talk a walk, ponder how it would happen.

Sometimes you want to just jump into action and get things done. I heard a phrase from one of the coaches in Aaron Daughty’s 21-Day Abundance Challenge “Start with your heart, then add your smarts”.

If you get guidance to quit your job, that would likely come from the heart. Your soul knows what you’re meant to do and when you’re off the path.

Adding in the “smarts” would be the follow-up plan. “How can I quit?” “What can I do for money in the meantime?” “Can I create a side hustle while I’m at this job until I have the income to quit?”

You’re also wanting to make sure you were tuned into YOUR frequency. What if “Quit your job” was meant for your best friend and her guides were trying to get that message to her?

It’s important to make sure the information is for you and that you weren’t tuned into a frequency that isn’t for your highest and greatest good at this moment.

It doesn’t have to take long.


3. Ask for signs.

Ask for signs to validate Inspired Action After Automatic Writing

Once I’ve grounded and cleared my energy field, explored “Is this for me?”, I will ask my guides to send 3 signs that I’m meant to take this action.

You can let them surprise you and pay attention to signs. Is a song suddenly stuck in your head or playing every time you get in the car that has lyrics that match your situation? That’s often a sign.

You can ask to find a bird feather in your path, even specify if it’s a white feather or black one. I kid you not, one time when I did this I was sitting and saw a bird hopping on my patio to our doormat where it dropped a feather from its mouth! After I regained my composure out of total disbelief I picked up the feather and marveled how there’s so much more going on in our connections and universe than we know!

Another way this often gets validated is through conversation with others.

Say, for example, you get the message to try acupuncture. Then you’re having a random conversation at the grocery store and someone starts telling you about acupuncture.

Then potentially, you look at the magazine rack and there’s an article on acupuncture. Next thing you know, you find someone’s business card and they are, I know you know what I’m going to say, an Acupuncturist.

Your guides will validate for you and you can also ask, “If this is meant for me, can you tell me which Acupuncturist can most help me?” Or whatever “the thing” is that you got guidance to take inspired action on. Which vacation, which career, which [insert the thing that’s meant for you].

I’d like to add that once you get very in tune with your Higher Self and guides through Intuitive Writing and you learn to work with and not against your ego and inner child, these steps will happen much more quickly.

These days, I get the inspired action and I will leave it for a while to see if it starts to feel urgent.

My intuition will become a small craving and the become a sense of “You have to do this now!” kind of thing.

I still validate and ask for guidance on how, but that’s how I know it’s SUPER aligned is when it feels urgent.


The difference between validating inspired action and taking action if there’s true danger.

I want to make sure I specify that this is not the same as your intuition in extreme situations or when there’s danger. That comes through calm and clear for me in those moments. “Don’t go down that street” or “Turn right here now”…

Don’t take time to validate if there is danger involved or if it’s a quick action when you’re out in the world.

This is for the guidance you receive through Intuitive Writing, not if you are doing something like skiing full speed down a mountain and something tells you to go right or left. That’s a different relationship to your intuition than the one I’m talking about in Intuitive Writing.

Although, in those moments you may get guidance like “Why not start a new business?” That would be a start with your heart and then add your smarts situation. 😉

But when something needs your immediate attention, skip the steps!

I hope this helps you get the most out of Automatic and Intuitive Writing and take those inspired action steps when they come. It’s truly magical when you can align with your soul’s desires and the guidance of your Higher Self. They want what’s best for you and want you to get the most out of life. That includes happiness, pleasure, abundance, and experiencing your life to the fullest.

Writing is a great tool for this and taking the steps after a session will help you skip some of the trial and error of it.

If you would like to learn more about how to use Intuitive Writing as the magical tool that it is, I’m pleased to announce the digital course INTUTIVE WRITING 101 to connect to your Inner Magic! It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between interference and being a CLEAR CHANNEL. It’s a great first step!

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

intuitive automatic writing


What “inspired action” are you up to? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Happy Writing,

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