unlock your entrepreneur superpowers


Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

Does it happen to you where you connect to someone either in person or online and you just don’t like them?

You can’t really explain why… they aren’t doing anything wrong, necessarily, you just feel a strong “Nope!”

I find this fascinating!

I am always a student of energy and marketing so when I come across someone that I find interesting, and I opt-in/follow/or purchase something from them but then immediately feel like I don’t like them, I’ve been wondering why that is?

I mean, they get me to their programs or offers and then suddenly I don’t like their vibe??? What gives???

(If this happens to you too, let me know! I’d love to hear what gives you “the ick” when it comes to new people).

I’ve also had this happen in real life too where I either resonate with someone or I don’t.

There is a component of one sphere in my Gene Keys that talks about being able to discern whether someone is genuine or not.

Richard Rudd (the founder of The Gene Keys, an extension of Human Design) describes it as being able to sniff out imposters but I feel like there is more to it because not everyone is an imposter, I’m sure.

I think one of two things happens when we feel “put off” by someone’s energy.

  1. We’re vibing on different wavelengths. Therefore, we just aren’t meant to connect to that person at the time. This is why sometimes you don’t like someone at first, but later they grow on you. You start vibing on the same frequency and your feelings about that person change.
  2. People are often in their shadow energy and you can feel it. It’s not bad to be in your shadow, it happens! But the energy of it will attract other shadow energy. So, if you’re feeling great, embracing your gift, or Siddhi frequency, and you bump into someone in their shadow, it may trigger you. You may feel frustrated being around that person, or just plain feel like they aren’t for you right now.

And that’s OK! There is no right or wrong to being human! But because I’ve been thinking about this it’s helped me step back and be less quick to dismiss people with a quick “that’s for me” or “nope!”

Whereas before I used to just think “Something about that person bothers me”, now I stop and see “Why is this bringing up something in me?” And further, “Is it me or something about them?”

And, then I check in with my Sacral response (because I’m a Sacral Authority in Human Design) to decide if any next steps are involved.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, said that if you just follow your Inner Authority and Strategy in Human Design – it would be enough to live a full life following your soul signature – aka, the energy you were born with as your Highest Self.

It’s so easy to go down a rabbit hole of information and forget that if you start exploring Human Design, but as life gets more complicated, I’m falling back on this more and more. If you’re wondering about your strategy and authority, I include this information in your Soul Signature Entrepreneurial Blueprint​.

I will take this one step further to say that when you are creating your own marketing or sales pitches, you’ll want to make sure you’re embracing your gift, or your Siddhi (mastery) emotions as you are creating.

Coming from a place of knowledge and a strong, embodied vibration is magnetic to your soul clients.

It may not be magnetic to EVERYONE, again it goes back to the idea that we don’t all vibrate on the same wavelength, but the people you are most meant to help or serve will be able to feel when you are in your gift or shadow.

Not on a conscious level. It will be more like “I like that person, I don’t know why I don’t want to buy this?” They shy away when you are in your shadow without knowing why it resonated but something felt off.

In your gift? Those are your raving fans! See this YouTube video for more about your shadows in your messaging, and THIS video for how to get out of your shadows.

And if you need more insight into your personal gifts and the natural energy you emit when it comes to your business, you may really love my SOUL SIGNATURE ENTREPRENEUR BLUEPRINT AND LIVE READING.

You can find out more about that here:

unlock your entrepreneur superpowers gene keys blueprint


Let me know in the comments if you’ve felt the ick from someone’s sales page or once you buy their program. What did you do when it happened? I’d love to hear about it.


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