unlock your entrepreneur superpowers


Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

We don’t always know we’re playing small. It starts with those statements like “I know I should be creating an eCourse,” or “I know I’m supposed to be writing.” Even “I’ve been meaning to update my website.”

But for some reason you aren’t creating it, writing it, or updating your website to better represent you.

And WHO is telling you that you should be doing it anyway?

Likely it’s your Higher Self and your Soul’s Voice alerting you to these creative ideas, these inspiring ideas that are an answer to YOUR questions. Your questions like:

🤔 “How can I free myself up to spend time on things I’m passionate about?”

🤔 “How can I fulfill my life’s purpose?”

🤔 “How can I better serve?”

We often ask the universe or our guides for help, get an answer, and then say “I know I should be doing X” but something makes us feel VERY hesitant about doing it.

We ask, get an inspiring idea/vision/response in return, but something holds us back.

There’s good reason you have inspiring ideas but stop yourself from taking action.

It’s often fear, your Ego, and even past life energy flowing in to make it feel much scarier than it should feel.

It causes us to wear of cloak of invisibility that we don’t even know we are wearing.

Your Cloak of Invisibility: Are You Ready to Be Seen?


Has this happened to you? This knowing you are meant to do something? That feeling that if you did it, it would help you on your path?

Our fears and our egos are no small force to be reckoned with.

They can put obstacles to “protect” us where we didn’t even know there could be obstacles.

When I first started my book, freak accidents kept happening with my computer to wipe out the words. I even invested in a good back up drive and something happened to THAT and it became encrypted in such a way that it will cost me two thousand dollars to see those words again (bye bye words!).

Thankfully, once I learned to work with my ego, my higher self and my soul – I began to see progress. I began to feel the safety of writing and communicating my “woo” in a way that I hadn’t experienced before.

I was able to stop self-sabotaging on the unconscious level by bringing awareness to it. Shining light on it.

And most importantly, learning how to put self-care and self-love as a priority.

Because if I shine my light, it extends out and gives permission for others to shine theirs too.

Your Cloak of Invisibility: Are You Ready to Be Seen?

Your gifts can’t reach your audience if you are playing small. If you are wearing a cloak of invisibility and aren’t even aware of it!

Self-sabotaging without even knowing it or letting the fear stop you is such a roadblock to your dreams (been there!🙋).

It takes some awareness, some energy healing, but you can do it!

I know it’s in there and you are ready to let it out. Gently, with ease and with grace.

So what is it? What “should” you be doing? Are you ready to claim it?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments or you can tag me with an image of you stepping out of the shadows on IG @thewritingmedium.

the writing medium

does it feel safe to be seen in your online biz

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