intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

A great way to get better at tuning into your intuition and understanding when it’s actually intuition, and not ego interference, is to play!

Testing it out, learning how you receive it (see this blog post), and taking action when the stakes are LOW… it’s what allows you to be confident when you need to make much bigger decisions.

I’m going to give you an example that just happened on Friday – that has to do with fried chicken.

(And if you’re not a meat eater, please replace that part of the story with something yummy you would love to eat!)

My 12 year old has started taking diving lessons. It’s 3 hours per week of constantly pulling himself up out of the water on a warm summer day. And for some reason, after each lesson, he craves Raising Cane’s fried chicken strips.

I got it for him one time but then my healthy Mom voice kicked in and told him “You can’t just eat fried food every time you exercise – that’s not good for your body!”

He is skinny so he tried to pull the “I need more meat on my bones” card but I gave him a nourishing meal instead.

But on Friday, he was still craving fried chicken and couldn’t stop talking about it. I began to crave it too! We all did.

Except I had promised my 14 year old we would go to Downtown Disney because he’s been looking all summer for a little Remy character from Ratatouille that has been sold out. (He’s going into a culinary program for High School and has been wanting this so badly!).

We looked up Downtown Disney’s food and the best we could find was a fried chicken sandwich at a restaurant. We’ve been there enough times to know that the restaurant is always packed! And this was a Friday night on top of it.

And let me tell you we were already STARVING.

It takes at least 40 minutes to get there, probably 20 to park and get through security, and then we were expecting a 1-2 hour wait for the restaurant.

It didn’t make sense to go there for fried chicken.

My husband started looking up other places on the way to see what other options we had but I strongly heard “just head to Downtown Disney”.

Even on the way as we were stuck in traffic, my husband kept asking “Should I just pull off and look here?” and I would tune in to my intuition again and it was the same “Go to Downtown Disney”.

Now I know getting fried chicken isn’t a big deal and that’s why it’s the perfect way to practice tuning into your intuition.

If we couldn’t get into the restaurant, I knew they had hot dog carts and we already planned on a delicious milkshake or churro (it was a splurge day!) so not a big deal.

When we got there, finally, as we finished the long walk from the parking lot and arrived at the security station (they check your bags), can you guess what was the first thing we saw?

A food truck! And not just any food truck!!! A Nashville fried chicken food truck!!!

I mean, what are the odds of a fried chicken food truck being right at the entrance of your destination when that’s the one thing you’re looking for???

Well, when you learn to access your intuition, the odds are much better.

And let me tell you it was really good. So not only did my son get what he was craving, it was delicious on top of it and fun to eat with a band playing next to us on a planter we found to sit on.

Now you could say “That’s just coincidence!” but when you play with your intuition enough, you no longer feel that way.

Because things just line up! Life becomes easier.

I have no idea if the seed was planted in his head to talk about fried chicken when there was a food truck, or if the idea to choose Friday for this adventure is what allowed us to get there, but either way, if we had pulled off the freeway to find an alternative, we probably would’ve settled on something else and then been sad when we walked in and saw that big truck right freaking there!

Playing with your intuition when the stakes are low is what helps you grow your confidence.

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Because I tell you, I’m teaching my boys about manifestation and there’s no way they could argue that one.

My 12 year old now feels he manifested what he was craving!

As for the Remy my 14 year old was looking for, he settled for a big one while we keep looking for the little chef that fits on your shoulder.

But my intuition didn’t say it would be there, it just sounded fun to go look for it. And we love Disneyland so being in that energy is always fun for us.

I can give you another quick example of listening to your intuition so you too can play with it more.

After I wrote this post, it was time for me to go exercise and then head to the infrared sauna so I decided to finish it later.

At the sauna, they have a TV with a remote control that they set up to play relaxing music with beautiful pictures of scenery.

You CAN take the TV remote in with you and watch Netflix or Hulu, but I usually don’t because I don’t need to change the channel.

Today though, I heard “that voice,” say “Bring in the remote”.


“That’s strange”, I thought but I decided to take it into the sauna with me. Playfully, I wondered if I was going to get bored and want to watch TV or what else would be the reason I would need it.

AND again I was so surprised when 20 minutes into my session the music stopped and the message “Your account is being paused because it’s being used in another location” appeared on the screen.

I have been using the infrared sauna as a way to detox and hopefully lower my blood pressure and the music is what makes it relaxing because the quiet makes me want to bolt!

I was so happy I had the remote with me so I didn’t need to open the glass and feel how much better the air-conditioned room would be over sweating (I might have ditched the detox!).  I hit the home button and found how to put the music back on and went back to my relaxing/sweating.

Would it have been THAT much of a problem if I had to step out and get the remote?

Of course not. But following your intuition when nothing is really at stake is what allows you to make choices when bigger things are on the line.

I’ve used my intuition (after clearing the fear, stress, and worry from my energy field) when our family has had an illness, needed to make school decisions and important health decisions during the pandemic – and even for financial choices like buying a car to get the best deal.

Play with your intuition when the stakes are low, so you can TRUST it when the stakes are higher.

It’s beyond helpful to know when it’s fear, other people’s ideas, your ego guiding you to a “safer” path that isn’t the best for you, or your own worry VERSUS your intuition.

intuition makes life easier

Intuition is your GIFT to make your life easier.

And it can even lead you to a good meal!

Some easy ways to play your intuition are:

Notice HOW you receive your intuition. Do you hear it? Do you just have a knowing? Do you see a vision about an outcome? (SEE: How Understanding Your Dominant Clair is Magical).

If it’s easy to follow, doesn’t seem harmful (like my example to “grab the remote”), just try it!

Learn to clear your energy and then ask questions and wait for your intuitive guidance to show up. You can clear your energy with my Intuitive Writing 101 Course that you can access here:

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

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Let me know in the comments how you’re playing with your intuition. I’d love to know.


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