intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

Intuitive Automatic Writing is a great way to chat with your spirit guides and your Higher Self. You can ask your them questions, co-create with the universe, and heal the energy that is stuck in your field coming between you and your dreams. The possibilities are endless!

I like to refer to it as Intuitive Automatic Writing because you can open up your “Intuitive Channel” through Automatic writing which can be life-changing!

Today I am sharing how to use Intuitive Automatic Writing to chat with your guides and experience this magic for yourself! There are some important things to know about energetic boundaries and how to set up your intuitive channel before you begin, and from there – ENJOY!

If you’re ready to take this practice deeper and learn with expert guidance, my program, Intuitive Automatic Writing 101, is here to support your journey. For now, here’s how you can start chatting with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self to experience the magic of Intuitive Automatic Writing firsthand.

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But First, What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic Writing is said to be writing without consciously thinking about what you are putting on the page (or into your laptop).

You simply put your pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and let whatever comes to mind come out. You aren’t judging it, you aren’t thinking about it as you write, and you try not to let your logical brain interfere and correct it.

You let it flow.

When you are Automatic Writing, most poeple don’t take time to set up their energetic boundaries and can end up writing from their ego, inner child and shadow energy. This can be therapeutic, but often it’s masked as “higher wisdom”. If you’ve heard that saying that you can’t solve a problem with the same knowledge that created it, it can be like that. Pure Automatic Writing can be a release of feelings and emotions, but when you’re ready to be more intentional, opening up your Intuitive Channel and clearing your energy are KEY!!!

I often find that I write advice that is wiser than my usual perspective without even realizing it which is why it’s a great way to “chat” with your higher guidance. I’m sharing ways to use Intuitive Automatic Writing to connect to your Higher Self and guides in this post.


How to use Intuitive Automatic Writing to chat with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

You can use Intuitive Automatic Writing to chat with your Higher Self and spirit guides by creating a liminal space. You’ll see me also refer to this as opening up your intuitive channel.

This is how I picture it:

It’s important to have good energetic boundaries when you do this and to make sure your space and your energy are clear before you open up this liminal space.

Otherwise, you may get advice from your ego, inner child, or even your fears and insecurities can come through instead of the higher guidance. (see: Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do).

The more you practice, the more trust you will build, and the stronger the higher wisdom will come through. You will begin to recognize when your ego is trying to take over (it wants to keep you safe and small!) or when other thought-forms are getting in.

For example, I grew up with a VERY critical mother. Nothing I could do was good enough or correct as a child. As a result, when I first started Intuitive Automatic Writing, I would get about a half-page in and these doubts and critical voices would come in.

“Who are you to do this?”

“No one will listen to you”

“You aren’t good enough to do this”.

My penmanship would actually change by slanting in another direction and the words didn’t feel good.

That’s how I knew it was no longer my Higher Self or spirit guides because that sacred connection is always positive. They want what is best for you. They are loving and supportive beings who honor your journey and want to help when you ask them.

have good energetic boundaries

I would later learn through spiritual development classes and self-introspection that it was my inner child who would take over the pen and she and I had PLENTY of healing to do!

It’s important to note the connection should feel positive and helpful, and if it doesn’t simply stop writing, clear your energy and try again at another time. Perhaps go for a walk or shake it off with dancing. This is what having STRONG energetic boundaries is all about!

Let the energy clear and get back to it when you feel ready to try again. I explain this more in Intuitive Automatic Writing 101 if you want to try this with the help of an expert guide.


How to Create a “Liminal Space” to connect to your Higher Self and guides.

Before you begin Intuitive Automatic Writing, after you have cleared your energy and your space, take a minute to take a few full, deep breaths.

If you aren’t sure how to clear your space energetically, you can find out more in this post: The Best Energy Clearing Hacks to Write More Authentically.

clear your space for automatic writing

You can put on meditation music, I like this Tibetan Gong Music or sounds of nature, and anything else that feels good. I also have a favorite fountain that sounds like a mini-waterfall and burn Nag Champa or Dragon’s Blood incense to enhance my connection. (These are my favs: Fountain, Nag Champa, Dragon’s Blood Incense).

You can say out loud or think, “I now invite a sacred connection to my Higher Self for purposes of love, clarity, and divine wisdom in this Intuitive Automatic Writing session”.

Your higher self may appear to you in different forms as you write.

They tend to show up in the way you will find the most comforting, or you may not see them at all and feel their presence instead.

They may be male or female, or a warm and comforting light.

It is helpful to validate it is your Higher Self by asking “Are you my Higher Self?” until you receive a “Yes”. If you receive a “No” simply ask the energy to step aside and replace themselves with your Higher Self.

Again, this could be your ego who wants to speak and tries to show up as your Higher Self or your inner child, but if you would like to receive guidance from your Higher Self and Spiritual Support team, validate it is them by asking.

Once you have a solid connection with your Higher Self, this is a great time to invite in your spiritual support team in the same way.

I will usually invite the guide who is the most helpful for me at this time, or just see who shows up. I’ll say, “I now invite a sacred connection to my guide from my Spiritual Support team who is most aligned with the guidance I need to hear today”. Sometimes they’ve been trying to get through to you and tell you something or they may want to respond to a question you’ve been asking. I let that guide speak first!

When I have this sacred connection I write down everything I’m hearing, (Clairaudience is my dominant Clair) and try to capture any images I receive.

You may hear words to write, see a vision that you want to write down and describe, or have a sudden knowing about something you want to capture in words.

Second-guessing or rephrasing during this process isn’t a good idea. Just let it happen and see what guidance you receive.

No judgment or questioning. Write, or type, until you feel a sense of completeness at which point you may thank (or hug!) your Higher Self and spiritual support team and close out the session.

intuitive automatic writing


Validate the Information after a session

I recommend you validate the guidance you received after a writing sesh by asking for signs that it’s meant for you (but during Automatic Writing, you just want to let it flow unfiltered).

See: Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do

Especially the things that don’t make sense! Intuitive guidance often doesn’t make sense at the time and MUCH later you look back and go “Oh! I told myself about that!” It’s amazing in that way if you learn to build your intuitive muscle and create that trust with your guides.


Ask questions.

how to use automatic writing to chat with guides

While you are in your Intuitive Automatic Writing session, you can let it flow but you can also ask questions. I have writing prompts in my digital program “Intuitive Automatic Writing 101” that help with this but there’s nothing off-limits when it comes to your guides. They are there to help you!

Some examples of what you can ask:

  • Ask about a block or a pattern you are noticing.
  • You can ask what’s next for you or if you’re on your path.
  • You can ask for a side hustle to make more money as you pursue your purpose or the best supplement to help you sleep.
  • Whatever you are trying to solve, shed some light on, create awareness for – you can ask that in an Automatic Writing session.


After your Intuitive Automatic Writing session.

I always recommend you clear your energy once again after Intuitive Automatic Writing and ground your energy. You may feel “spacey” or not fully present after, much like you would after an energy healing session.

Clearing your energy, cutting cords, imagining you feel grounded and rooted to the earth – use whatever you have in your practice. I take you through this in my guided meditation in Intuitive Automatic Writing 101 because it’s so helpful!

Otherwise, you may find yourself bumping into things, shutting your finger in the car door (done it!), texting the wrong person, and things like that. Your energy can be spacey, in other words.

Ground your energy and clear your space after. It’s worth taking the extra few moments.

automatic writing to connect to your higher self

Write it all down and date it!

It should go without saying that you want to make sure you’ve written everything down, but just in case I’m saying it again.

Write down what you see, sense, feel and know. Everything you can or you can even create pictures or diagrams.

I can’t tell you how many times I have written down something that seemed like nothing only to read it back later and realize how much I needed that information.


Validate the guidance and build trust.

Intuitive Automatic Writing isn’t a “one and done” kind of thing. It’s a relationship-building tool to your higher self, spiritual support team, and higher wisdom.

It’s a co-creative tool and as such, it’s like any other muscle you are building.

When I first started Pilates, my body just couldn’t do certain exercises. To the point where in one class the instructor asked if I had an injury preventing me from doing it to which I responded, “No! I’m just weak!” 🤣🤣🤣

Over the course of a few months, I was shocked at how much my abilities changed. Things that I just could not do no matter what became almost easy (almost!). All because I was building muscle and my body could do more each time I went.

Intuitive Automatic Writing is like this. Your ego will settle down, your inner child will learn to speak with your awareness through it, or you can create a relationship with him/her in another way.

You’ll begin to feel what your guides feel like and how your Higher Self connects to you.

A great way to begin is to try my DIGITAL COURSE, INTUITIVE AUTOMATIC WRITING 101. It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between clear and protected energy versus energetic interference. It’s a great first step!


Happy Writing!

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