Is it time to be the Boss of Your Biz?


I had invested in too many digital courses that were SO overwhelming that it made me feel like quitting my biz rather than implementing their “easy” systems!

With countless half-watched digital courses, often feeling like I already knew the content and I still felt stuck, I got to the point where I no longer responded to the promised transformations and the claims that “Joe made $96k after one week of this program”.

I’m sure someone was getting these incredible results, but it wasn’t me and it wasn’t anyone I knew with a few very rare exceptions.

Not only was I frustrated, I started getting more and more clients who had bought other people’s programs, or been in other people’s masterminds, and they would find me at a point where they were so OVERWHELMED!

Like crying on our first conversation kind of overwhelmed.

They had often invested heavily after someone’s amazing launch only to find they didn’t have enough of a concept or structure in place to be able to make back their investment quickly.

I believe it’s often because the content creators want to make such a big program that they can sell it at a high price point. I have nothing against making a great living, but unfortunately, if you haven’t really nailed down your concept with some good old-fashioned trial and error, it can be too much pressure and you can find yourself burnt out, emotionally drained, or worse… quitting your passion project and walking away for good.

After helping so many entrepreneurs put their structure in place to ATTRACT their soul clients, connect with them through their email list and then offer their programs and services to an engaged audience leading to higher conversions rates – I knew I wanted to do something differently.

I went back to my Corporate days when we used to bring in experts to host a variety of “lunch and learns”. It was a way to keep our employees motivation up and teach them helpful skills they may not have otherwise had access to.

I thought, “Why don’t I offer these simple trainings and help people get the skills and tools they need to get expand their business?”

One of my zones of genius is to take in complicated processes and simplify them so you can implement them quickly and start getting results.

When I say it’s “MADE EASY” I mean it!

I had a following on Instagram but no email list. Nicole helped me set up a Lead Magnet and email funnel and I got 1000 subscribers within my first week! Later when I launched a new digital program, I used her template to do a flash sale and got my first sales. This process works!

Aileen Wu



Lead Magnets and Email Funnels Made Easy


This digital course is everything you need to create an opt-in page (lead magnet) and an email sequence welcoming in your new subscribers to create a warm (engaged) subscriber base.

PLUS, I’m providing the copy templates for all of it including a flash sale email sequence (time-sensitive deadlines work!).

I have found that if you connect the dots from your lead magnet to your eventual offer and if you don’t rush people and try to do everything evergreen too soon, you can get AMAZING results with less stress.

I liken it to dating and I can’t wait to tell you about it in this new live training.

With the live training class, you get my behind-the-scenes knowledge of how to best use the lead magnet –> email –> offer process with your subscribers based on years of trial and error and seeing what ACTUALLY works.


And, you get the templates to do it so that you don’t have to feel stuck after the training.

Nothing bothers me more than when I watch a training and later I can’t remember what they said or how to do it.

You KEEP the replay and the templates so that you are all set to be the boss of your biz!

In fact, I think the copy templates alone are worth it but I want to provide training so you don’t get stuck in ANALYSIS PARALYSIS and you are excited about creating this automation process that will give you back your time and take back the struggle of trying to explain to people who you are and what you do.

And best of all, this is priced so that you can feel confident trying out something new without feeling like there’s so much pressure on it.

I want people to have that feeling like we used to provide at the employee “lunch and learns” where you could take your lunch and show up and learn something that helped you in your life.

I love learning and now I want to share that knowledge with you in such a way that it’s simplified and ACTIONABLE without heading to frustration.

I hope you join me for the first of BE THE BOSS OF YOUR BIZ training series with…


Lead Magnets and Email Funnels Made Easy

The conversion rate for my membership was 31%…that’s the highest conversion rate I’ve ever had for any of my products.

Nicole is an extremely gifted copywriter. Her ability to understand the vision and turn it into words that convert is second to none.

I decided to create a membership and I shared that with Nicole. In a matter of days, we were able to discuss what I wanted it to look like and who it was for and she was able to write 10 emails and copy for my sales page.

If you are an entrepreneur and looking for someone who “gets” you, no matter how “woo-woo” you are, Nicole is your person! She is now my permanent copywriter and I’m looking forward to the AMAZING things that we will do together.

Andréa A Michel

Intuitive Transformational Coach

What’s Included?

This Digital Course includes a relationship-based approach to attract new subscribers and the “how to’s” to implement your funnel from “opt-in to offer” including:

🖊️DIY Copy Templates for Lead Magnets
🖊️DIY Copy Templates Email Welcome Sequence
🖊️DIY Copy Templates Sales Email Sequence
🖊️100 Email Ideas to Keep You Writing to Your Subscribers (don’t disappear once they’re in your subscriber base!)
🖊️100 SEO Friendly email titles you can customize to your niche when you want to get more visibility.

If you are ready to make your digital marketing not only easier for you, but easier for your clients to find you… this is the training for you!


Includes access to a masterclass and DIY copy templates to take the guesswork out of growing your email list.

Do you know what the problems with most email marketing courses are?

1. Strategy not included.


They assume you already have the STRATEGY to create your lead magnet and email funnel sequence.

I can’t tell you how many courses I invested in myself, and that clients hired me to help them with, that had all the “bells and whistles” but still left you stuck.

This Course:


I share how to be strategic with your lead magnet (aka freebie, opt-in) in such a way that it ties to your CONVERSION rate.

A warm, engaged email subscriber base – who are interested in what you offer – is more likely to buy than cold subscribers that don’t understand who you are or what you do.

I’ve made it so easy so you can take action NOW!


2. They are not actually “foundation” focused.

If you try to scale your business on a shaky foundation, you can lose subscribers (more than the normal rate!).

Creating a solid footing is what helps you get out there, have people sign up and share what you’re doing – yay!

Meditation can't fix this one!


A disjointed email funnel will sink your efforts!

3. They give you so many videos and content you get stuck in overwhelm.

Depending on your personality (and your Human Design Centers if you know your chart), too much can be a bad thing!

Someone with an aggressive strategy could stress you out, a BIG ad spend strategy might not feel good to everyone, and labor-intensive programs can feel exhausting.

There is a need for SIMPLE so that you can find the style that works for you.

 The one that you ACTAULLY do and implement! 

This Course:


I have carefully selected copy templates to go with the strategy I present in the training program.

I also explain Email Marketing Funnels in a way that is uncomplicated so you can leave at the end of the training and get started!

Knowing how these pieces connect and having the tools right there at your disposal is what helps you create that solid foundation you KNOW you feel comfortable promoting and sharing.

A foundation that leads to conversion, not just traffic and subscribers.

It’s better to have a small subscriber base of engaged buyers than thousands of people who aren’t even reading your emails.


“SIMPLE” is what makes what doesn’t feel possible, possible.


I had a client who was convinced she would never be able to sell her digital program online. She had been teaching the subject for years and was feeling a little bored with it but her students still needed that foundation.

She created a beautiful digital course so she wouldn’t have to teach the same thing over and over. But it wouldn’t sell! She thought they only wanted her in person.

It wasn’t true!

We used this strategy to connect her Opt In (Lead Magnet) to her digital program through an email sequence that allowed new subscribers to get to know her.

And guess what? Using the “Flash Sale” template you’ll get with this course she sold 14 in a weekend to the tune of $14,000!

So much for not wanting to buy from her online!!!

In this Lead Magnet and Email Funnels Made Easy Masterclass you’ll get:



In this Masterclass, you’ll learn the EASY strategy to follow to get actual results! I’ll also cover each part of this system in detail, including how to use the templates.



You’ll receive copy and content ideas to make it easy to take in the strategy from the masterclass and create your lead magnet.



Giving your new subscribers their “freebie” isn’t where this ends. It is SO freaking important to create an email funnel that welcomes them in and helps them connect to you. It’s the difference between “cold subscribers” and ones who are opening your emails.



Time-Sensitive offers help your conversion rates like you wouldn’t believe! This template will help you create a flash sale email campaign with ease.

It helps to have a structure and starting point so you can focus on other things!




Nothing is more distressing to me than when my clients say “I never write to my subscribers”. Don’t do that! They’ll forget you!

It’s also equally distressing if you only write when you are selling something…

I’m including topic ideas to keep you motivated and make it easy for you to write to them.



When you’re ready with your lead magnet and your email funnels are in place, it’s time to get out there and drive that traffic to them! So you don’t get stuck, I’m providing some SEO titles to act as “thought joggers” so you can put your spin on them and be seen!


Using your genius to reach your soul clients.

At the end of the live class, I’ll be giving you an intro to how you can use your Human Design chart to communicate with your audience.

Human Design has been fascinating to me how quickly I can see my clients shift their results when they speak from their “healed” centers instead of their shadows. This will get you started contemplating where is your POTENT energy and are you using it?

I hope you’re seeing a theme here… IT CAN BE SO MUCH EASIER!

Hi! I’m Nicole Strychaz.

Over 10 years ago, I was at the top! Good salary, fancy job title, corner office… when I started to have this sinking feeling it was ALL WRONG.

I was an English Major in College but I didn’t know what to do with it when I graduated. I felt like I was a writer but after years of eating Top Ramen and living without medical insurance, I found my way to a career in Human Resources where I was thriving, even going on to get my Master’s degree in Business, heavily involved in the Company’s business strategy and aligning that to their team design.

Spending my days hiring well, keeping employees motivated, and having the tough conversations with the ones struggling to perform, I was getting promoted and enjoying traveling the world with my husband.

I was good at what I was doing and on the surface my life looked great.

But inside I felt something was off. It felt like my soul was dying!

I no longer wrote, my creative projects I used to love doing were a thing of the past, and when I became a new mom, it triggered all my feelings from being raised in a borderline abusive daycare and I knew something had to give!

I tried to quit but my boss talked me into staying through the company’s layoffs, allowing me to work from home with my son.

I FELL IN LOVE with working from home!

Being able to wake up early and work, having the flexibility to get outdoors for exercise mid-morning around our local (manmade) lake felt so expansive to me.

I loved working in sweats, making lunch from scratch (no more sad sandwiches or smushed salads!), and being able to keep up with dinner prep too.

It made my heart smile and when that job ended I took time to tune into my life purpose, embrace stay-at-home motherhood (much harder than managing people!), and grow the spiritual connection that I had been suppressing far too long.

I was going through an Awakening, deciding that I wanted to live my life purpose and have a MEANINGFUL life – which for me includes meaningful and fulfilling work.

It felt like the best of both worlds and eventually led me to entrepreneurship.

Fast forward several years to where I found myself channeling the book “The Awakened Professional” (in its final stages as we speak!) and eventually desiring to integrate being awakened with a career or business.

Which is the point where you find me now.

A mom of two highly sensitive teenagers, a person who is using her highly developed intuition for everything from food choices, to health, to business, to copy/content writing, and who is now channeling all this knowledge into Mindset Coaching so that instead of doing it for you, I teach you how to do it for yourself and Be the Boss of Your Biz!

I’m really excited to be offering this new training series and hope you join me in this bite-sized, easy-to-apply training with the tools you need to get started and get those wins.

Hi! I’m Nicole Strychaz.


Over 10 years ago, I was at the top! Good salary, fancy job title, corner office… when I started to have this sinking feeling it was ALL WRONG.

I was an English Major in College but I didn’t know what to do with it when I graduated. I felt like I was a writer but after years of eating Top Ramen and living without medical insurance, I found my way to a career in Human Resources where I was thriving, even going on to get my Master’s degree in Business, heavily involved in the Company’s business strategy and aligning that to their team design.

Spending my days hiring well, keeping employees motivated, and having the tough conversations with the ones struggling to perform, I was getting promoted and enjoying traveling the world with my husband.

I was good at what I was doing and on the surface my life looked great.

But inside I felt something was off. It felt like my soul was dying!

I no longer wrote, my creative projects I used to love doing were a thing of the past, and when I became a new mom, it triggered all my feelings from being raised in a borderline abusive daycare and I knew something had to give!

I tried to quit but my boss talked me into staying through the company’s layoffs, allowing me to work from home with my son.

I FELL IN LOVE with working from home!

Being able to wake up early and work, having the flexibility to get outdoors for exercise mid-morning around our local (manmade) lake felt so expansive to me.

I loved working in sweats, making lunch from scratch (no more sad sandwiches or smushed salads!), and being able to keep up with dinner prep too.

It made my heart smile and when that job ended I took time to tune into my life purpose, embrace stay-at-home motherhood (much harder than managing people!), and grow the spiritual connection that I had been suppressing far too long.

I was going through an Awakening, deciding that I wanted to live my life purpose and have a MEANINGFUL life – which for me includes meaningful and fulfilling work.

It felt like the best of both worlds and eventually led me to entrepreneurship.

Fast forward several years to where I found myself channeling the book “The Awakened Professional” (in its final stages as we speak!) and eventually desiring to integrate being awakened with a career or business.

Which is the point where you find me now.

A mom of two highly sensitive teenagers, a person who is using her highly developed intuition for everything from food choices, to health, to business, to copy/content writing, and who is now channeling all this knowledge into Mindset Coaching so that instead of doing it for you, I teach you how to do it for yourself and Be the Boss of Your Biz!

I’m really excited to be offering this new training series and hope you join me in this bite-sized, easy-to-apply training with the tools you need to get started and get those wins.

Who is this Masterclass for?

No stranger to Email Marketing?

Good strategy is good strategy no matter what level you are. This masterclass will make it easy to streamline your process so that you can put the fun back into it and connect to your subscribers in a heartfelt way.


probably not

Against creating something new?

If you want to keep your email marketing “as is” and aren’t open to trying something different, this probably isn’t the masterclass for you. This is about setting up your foundation from the jump and getting the best results possible.


New to Email Marketing?


You will love starting out with a good plan! This is the information that I just WISH I’d known so much earlier. It would’ve kept me from having a million different Lead Magnets sitting in my Convertkit account and would’ve helped me start out with just one that I could keep up for a year!

probably not

You don’t plan to email outside of selling?

This masterclass talks about the importance of staying connected and engaged to your subscribers in the period between sales and even gives you some email topic ideas. If you don’t plan to write to them outside of launches, this is probably not the class for you. But I will help you make it easy!


If you are ready to make your digital marketing not only easier for you, but easier for your clients to find you… this is the training for you!


Includes access to the masterclass and your DIY copy templates to take the guesswork out of growing your email list.

I’m thinking of changing my ring tone to “cha-ching!”

That moment when my phone alert went off at the nail salon saying I got my first sale for my card deck from my new trip wire!💗 Making money while I’m away from my computer feels good. Thanks Nicole!”

Gina Strole

Intuitive Healer

Nicole is a breath of fresh air in the business building community.

She skillfully weaves her traditional business background with her intuitive and energetic superpowers to help entrepreneurs launch and/or grow their business.

Kirsten Goffena

I feel re-inspired!

The day before I found Nicole, I had set the intention that I needed to start compiling my dream team and get working on my vision. It feels so good to be moving forward and waking up with excitement to start my work day again –which hasn’t happened in a really long time. I was just so burnt out and frustrated.

Rachel Victoria

Recovery By Rachel

Still have questions? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Will I need to purchase anything after I get the Masterclass?

No. I will suggest some additional tools that I love that could make life easier (like grammarly!) but you will have everything you need to get started and implement your Lead Magnet/Email Funnel.

Is the price too good to be true?

Good question! I wanted this to be an easy way to help online marketers get their foundation in place and quickly. It’s a skill-based class and I’m hoping you try it out and tell all your friends too! It’s meant to be an easy way for me to share this knowledge outside of my private 1:1 coaching container.