unlock your entrepreneur superpowers


Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

There is a space where magic and soul alignment happen – and it isn’t in your everyday same old, same old routine.

It’s in the “extra” that you do where the magic happens. Which means, you can’t skip that part if you want to experience synchronicity and manifestation that is so aligned it can leave you speechless!

In order to explain what I mean by “extra” and magic, I need to go back to the place where I first had that insight. It was while I was in the middle of creating a new digital product, 10 weeks into quarantine, with two kids and a husband home all day (all of us going a little stir cray!).

There was a lot to be done to keep two boys active, not in front of electronics all day and keep up with my work while my husband kept up with his work, not to mention the fear and uncertainty we were experiencing.

The reason I’m sharing this is that I KNOW it would’ve been much easier to focus on the deadlines for clients that I had on my plate and let the new creation fall by the waste side. Much easier.

My whole spiritual awakening and path I’ve consistently had that thought – “It would be much easier if I just led a ‘normal’ life and didn’t have these big dreams that required all this extra!”

I bet you feel this sometimes too.

🤷 What if where I am was just enough and I didn’t need to push for more?

🤷 What if I just saved the energy I use for meditation, writing, spiritual growth, creating, implementing, and growing – then I’d have more time for everything else?

🤷 What if I didn’t aspire to my idea of financial freedom and just earned it the good old-fashioned way trading time for money?

But I think for so many of us that’s like saying “Why bother eating and sleeping?”

We keep going because something in our soul pushes us forward.

Something calls to us and says “You have to tell people about this!” “You have to create this” and it stays on our minds until we bring it into its physical manifestation, however that looks for you.

It’s why we show up on FB Lives when it makes us nervous.

It’s why we spend hours taping ourselves, failing at new products that people didn’t buy or services that weren’t understood the first 20 times we offered them.

Especially because when someone does get it, experiences what we have to offer and we make that connection – it feels so good to know that we are carrying out our vision!

Our soul, our higher self, our spiritual guides – they know our dreams and visions and what we want for ourselves and in those little extras that we do, it allows it to come in.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving you a prescription for burnout… but I’m sharing that I think the most soul growth happens in the EXTRA.

So that extra is ANYTHING but extra. It’s the inspiration, the passion, the creativity, the reason for being. It’s everything.

If you’re feeling it’s not worthwhile, not worth pursuing, I wanted you to have this reminder that you that you can take your time… but just don’t give up.

Try not to think of it as extra, because every baby step matters.

Nurture your seeds and be gentle with them as you adjust to whatever challenges are showing up for you right now.

I hope you’re all answering those soul callings even if it’s a slow burn instead of a big leap.

It can be done! I’m seeing it happen.

If you’re unsure of your path and how to Co-Create it with the universe, a great way to begin is to try my FREE 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual for Writing. It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between clear and protected energy versus energetic interference. It’s a great first step!

Get the Ritual 👉 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual for Writing

2 minute ritual for writing

I’d love to hear what your “Extra” is, that thing that keeps pulling you back, in the comments. Claim it!


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