environment where you thrive Human Design

Discover the ideal Environment Where You Thrive

Get your FREE Human Design Report

Ever feel unstoppable some days but barely productive on others? Discover how understanding your environment variable from your Human Design chart can make all the difference!

Don’t know your environment type? You can grab your FREE “Discover Your Ideal Professional Environment” blueprint to find out yours and start utilizing this powerful insight today.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a fascinating system that combines elements of astrology, Kabbalah, I Ching, and quantum physics to create a unique “energetic blueprint” for each individual. It feels like the most accurate personality test you’ll ever take – except it’s based on your birth time, date and location.

Think of it as your personalized guidebook to understanding how your energy interacts with the world. It reveals insights into how you make decisions, how you can best utilize your energy, and what kind of environment truly supports your well-being.

By delving into your unique energetic makeup, you can:

  • Make decisions that align with your true self, discovering a decision-making process that feels authentic and empowering.
  • Optimize your energy, learning how to conserve it effectively and utilize it to its fullest potential.
  • Create a supportive environment that nourishes your soul, enhancing both your productivity and overall happiness.
  • Live a more authentic life, embracing your true nature and shedding societal expectations that don’t serve you.

The Importance of Your Environment

One of the key aspects of Human Design is understanding your Environment. This is one of the four “Variables” that make up your unique energetic blueprint. It defines the type of physical space where you thrive and feel most supported.

Knowing your Environment type is incredibly beneficial because it helps you:

  • Optimize your workspace to support your energy and productivity.
  • Improve your well-being by creating surroundings where you feel comfortable and at ease.
  • Make better decisions, as your environment can significantly influence your thought processes and choices.
  • Nourish your body, mind, and spirit by creating a space that allows you to recharge.
  • Access your intuition, creativity, and productivity whenever you need it.

There are six primary Environment types: Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys, and Shores.

Today, we delve into the Markets environment, exploring its unique characteristics and how to optimize your workspace for maximum well-being and productivity.

Markets Environment: Your Guide to Thriving

If you have the Markets environment as a variable in your Human Design body graph (you can download your chart here), you thrive in dynamic, bustling spaces that stimulate your senses and spark innovation. The key to optimizing your workspace as a Markets type is to create an environment that balances the buzz of exchange with pockets of calm for maximum productivity.

Thriving in the Buzz:

  • Dynamic and Bustling: You flourish in lively workplaces, bustling cities, or social gatherings with constant interaction. The buzz of exchange energizes you.
  • Diverse and Stimulating: You thrive on the exchange of ideas, goods, or experiences – a melting pot of people and cultures feeds your curiosity.
  • Adaptable and Flexible: Just like a market that constantly changes, you excel at “going with the flow” in new situations.

It’s interesting to note, that Markets isn’t as it seems on the surface. I have two people close to me in my life who have “Markets” in their body graph chart and they both seek out people and the exchange of information, but then retreat to a quiet space. They are likely to be the friends and people in your life who follow up with you, text before you can text, call before you can call them and stay connected to your no matter how busy life gets.

I believe individuals with Markets are loyal and consistent friends, relatives and co-workers. They enjoy connecting for the exchange of energy, information, or goods.

markets human design

Creating Your Ideal Markets Workspace:

  • Flexible Seating: Adjustable workstations or standing desks allow for movement and postural changes throughout the day.
  • Visual Brainstorming: Use tools like mind maps and whiteboards to capture ideas and collaborate with colleagues.
  • Inspiring Surroundings: Surround yourself with objects, artwork, or photos that reflect your goals and interests.

By understanding and embracing your Markets environment, you can create a workspace that not only fuels your productivity but also nourishes your spirit.

Ready to transform your workspace into a powerhouse of creativity and productivity?

Download your FREE “Discover Your Ideal Professional Environment” blueprint to unlock the full potential of your workspace today!

Remember, your environment isn’t just a setting; it’s a powerful tool for creating harmony and healing in your life. How does your current workspace reflect your Mountains Environment? Share your journey in the comments! I’d love to hear how you’re creating your ideal workspace.

Please note: This information draws on research from various sources, including but not limited to:
1. “Orientation,” a digital course by Jovian Archives, you can explore it [here].
2. Eden Carpenter’s podcast episode “The Energetics of Everything EP81: Human Design Environment Colors and Tones,” you can listen [here].
3. ahumandesign.com

Nicole Strychaz is a Copywriter and Career Coach who empowers you to leverage your Soul’s Signature energy for professional success. By combining Human Design, Gene Keys, and over a decade of experience in content creation and corporate HR, she helps clients cultivate their unique energy to build fulfilling careers and carry out their soul’s vision. Discover your ideal professional environment with your free personalized guide [here].

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