intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

The word “Authentic” comes up quite frequently these days, especially with regards to Spiritual Entrepreneurs and their online presence.

People are craving authentic-ness over “professional” or impersonal. Which makes sense, right? We are being fed such a steady stream of customized ads and click-bait titles that it IS really nice to connect with people who feel genuine.

But writing authentically, IMHO, isn’t as easy as it sounds. Not because you want to trick people or be someone you are not, but for several other reasons.

I’m assuming with this blog post that I’ve attracted the voices and the writers who want to be seen and heard in their truest form, over someone is who trying to be authentic just to make a quick buck.

While I have nothing against making money, the purpose of this blog post is to help those of you who are wanting to make soul connections to your soul audience, but something is blocking you OR you find it feels hard to be vulnerable and seen.

Your authentic voice is there, waiting for you and this post can help you.

What keeps you from your authentic writing voice?

Before I share the best energy clearing hacks to connect to your authentic writing voice, I want to talk about what needs to be cleared.

Several things keep your authentic voice elusive and when you shine awareness on them it can help to dissolve the obstacles to it.


The first one is fear.

There are so many reasons to feel fear when you are writing a book, an article, a blog post, your social media posts – the world is pretty dang JUDGEY right now.

It’s so easy to sit home in your pajamas and comment on what other people are doing in negative ways and many are doing just that (see: I got my first hater and it made me smile all day).

But I don’t actually think that’s the real fear most of us experience. I think this goes back to the “burning times” where millions of people suspected to be witches were tortured and burned often just for using a simple herb for a stomachache.

I mean geez! If your crops grew and your neighbor’s crops didn’t – they said you were a witch.

The current cancel culture and hater brigades feel a lot like the witch hunts to me and it can make it feel scary to put your words out there, even on an unconscious level.

But put them out you must if that’s your path because otherwise, you will end up playing small and not fulfilling your dharma.

Here’s the good news! When you clear your energy before you write and connect to your authentic writing voice, you can stand behind your words.

These are NOT just things you will have written for no reason or that you are unsure about, no. It will be pure content that you believe in.

That way if a hater does come along or you receive a negative comment you can feel confident that you did your best and you were TRUE to yourself.

And you are just as important as anyone else!



Your ego will often get in the way of your authentic writing voice. It’s afraid of change, channeling, and anything that feels different.

Your ego is here to protect you and believe me, going online and putting your words out into the world feels anything but safe.

And that ego is great at sounding like your higher self and higher guidance! It’s the one that wants you to make everything perfect, professional, and tie it up neatly in a bow.

Then perfect it again, and again… until maybe it never even makes it out into the public’s view. That feels much better to your ego if it’s not ever seen.

We’ve all felt the “too perfect” sales pages where everything looks right but something keeps you from taking the action to sign up, right?

Often the energy is off. The alignment isn’t there because that person was in the perfection of the page instead of the heart of it. I’m sure their ego LOVED the page that looked pretty, took up a lot of time, and then didn’t convert so that person would go back to doing what they were doing before.

Yes…  your ego is happy to keep you small and inauthentic because soul-to-soul contact is much more vulnerable and scary!



This is similar to what I mentioned about the ego but different in the sense that this usually comes from teachers and online courses.

You may write a beautiful and heartfelt sales page that you feel showcases your creative projects perfectly, but then you edit it to death based on a sales page template you bought that is supposed to be “high converting”.

Or you write a blog post and let it flow, but then edit it the way you remember your English Professor wanted things and it no longer sounds relatable.

How you write authentically, and what you “should” do, are not the same (see: Forget the rules when it comes to Authentic Writing).

And while I do believe there are ways to make your sales page have higher conversion, blog posts have a flow that readers have come to expect, and your emails to have a higher open rate – if it doesn’t SOUND like you and FEEL like you it won’t connect.

It just won’t.



intuitive automatic writing




How do I know if I’m writing “authentically”?

When you are writing authentically, I believe it has a feel to it. I often experience an energetic high after the things floating in my head come out in an aligned and understandable way.

I think of it like the singer that gives you goosebumps. They’ve connected to their higher self in that moment and are channeling through the magic and you can feel it.

Writing is the same.

When you are aligned you know it.

But to make sure it happens more often than not, I’m sharing energy clearing hacks to help you connect to your authentic voice (not your fear, ego, or past professor’s rules) and make sure you are a clear channel when you write.

Here are the best energy clearing hacks to help you write more authentically:

Before you even start clearing yourself, make sure your space is clear.

I invite you to look at your writing space. Is it cluttered?

Physically clean your space (dust, vacuum, wipe down your desk and monitor/laptop screen) and put away anything that can be distracting.

Since I write daily, every Sunday night I clean my desk and put away any papers I no longer need, throw away old post-it notes and look at my manifestation wall to see if I manifested anything that is ready to come down and be replaced.

You won’t believe what a difference just cleaning your space can make!


Next, open a window!

If you can open a window before you write, I highly recommend it. Getting stagnant energy out and being able to get fresh air is so helpful (see: THIS post if you can’t open a window and want to clear your space).

I open my window every single day, rain or shine, to keep the energy from piling up. It does wonders!

Get outdoors to write notes (or bring your laptop!)

If you can write some notes outdoors, it’s a great place to connect to your authentic voice. Especially if you can get barefoot and put your feet on the ground.

Taking a walk and letting your mind roam and clear is also a great way to prepare for writing authentically.

After walking you can head straight to your writing feeling recharged and clear-headed.

I often hear what I’m going to write on my walks and then come home and it practically writes itself.


Energetically Clear Your Space

It’s a great idea to clear your space with Sage, Palo Santo, or this Frankincense and Myrrh incense that is my personal fav (if you can’t open a window or use smoke see this post).

Set the intention that your space is cleansed and cleared and is a sacred space for writing.

Then burn the item of your choice and allow the smoke to permeate your space.

You don’t need much! Just a small amount will do and make sure you’ve put it out completely, or rested it in something fireproof, before you begin.


With your space nice and clear, it’s time to clear yourself!

Here is where it’s important to clear fear out of your energetic space. If it helps, I often remind myself that at this point we’re writing and don’t even have to publish it. That takes the pressure off so I can just write without expectation.

Later, you can support the parts of you who are afraid when you publish your words, but for now, you want to connect to your authentic voice and feel/hear what it sounds like.

A simple way to clear your energy is to imagine drops of light coming down like rain all around you. (I have guided meditation in Intuitive Automatic Writing 101 if you want support).

See the drops of light cleansing the energy all around you and washing out of your home. You don’t want to just dump it in your space, instead see it flow out and turn to gold, or green, or something beneficial the earth can absorb.

Once your energy is cleansed on the outside, you can imagine the light coming down like a column, entering through your crown, coming behind your eyes, throat, down through your body, and all the way out your feet.

When the light comes out of your feet into the ground, imagine roots are being formed to keep you grounded and secure.

With your energy cleansed internally and externally, imagine you are in a bubble of light, like Glenda the good witch in the Wizard of Oz.

This light bubble will keep your energy clear as you write. If you are having an unusually tricky day with your energy, you can imagine the edges of your bubble are pokey to keep away any unwanted energy so you can connect to your authentic writing voice undisturbed.

From there you can write away!

This should keep your ego feeling comfortable too, but when you are done writing you’ll want to remember to cleanse your energy once again using the same process with the drops of light, a column of light, and an energy bubble.

Then I like to talk to my ego. Let it know it’s safe and that we’re OK. You may tune in to your body and see what your ego wants to feel secure. To sit and watch a show? Eat an earthy meal? Sit outside? Honor that.

Once your ego feels you do this several times it will get comfortable. It will know “Oh, this is how we write and it was OK yesterday, the day before and the day before…”

Write authentically, support the emotions that may arise with it such as fear, your ego, and the desire to make things too perfect and you will be surprised at what you can create.

I often find my authentic voice has more insight than I normally have and feels comforting.

Let me know how your authentic voice feels to you in the comments. I’d love to know! Feel free to leave a link to a blog post where you’ve shared your authentic words.

Happy writing!



intuitive automatic writing



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