Unlock your Writer’s Block

unlock writers block

You don’t have to feel stuck, or blocked, anymore.

If you are ready to write UNTETHERED, UNCLUTTERED, without the second guessing, then it’s time to Unlock your Writer’s Block!

We get stuck because writing can feel like:

Stage fright – people might read it. 😟

🤭Ultra professional and uber-serious  – it can be fun! 

So focused on grammar and typos you can’t get your bearings – just write instead! ✍️

In order to write untethered, unbound and with ease, you need to clear the energy and the seriousness of it to be able to just write. Soul-aligned and without the energy of fear, ego, or stress weighing you down.

Sounds nice?

“No one ever gets talker’s block. No one wakes up in the morning, discovers he has nothing to say and sits quietly, for days or weeks, until the muse hits, until the moment is right, until all the craziness in his life has died down.”

Seth Godin

It’s true, right? This quote by Seth Godin about how no one ever gets “talker’s block”. You don’t hear people running around saying “I feel like I should be talking but I just can’t.”

No, we can talk all day but when it comes to writing so many people get stuck, frustrated, procrastinate, or say they “should” do more of it but don’t.

After years of writing for myself and other entrepreneurs, I’ve uncovered something.

Writer’s block is NOT the problem.

Visibility blocks, other people’s energy in your field, lack of confidence, an inability to be able to find a calm moment because your household has gone into chaos…

These are interrupting your ability to write!

There’s never a perfect time to write, but when you learn how to clear your energetic field both internally and externally – you can find that sweet spot for writing ANY TIME.

Introducing🥁🥁🥁… Unlock Writer’s Block.

unlock writers block

This writer’s block meditation is brilliant!

Not only for writer’s block but for any time you feel stuck or blocked and need some guidance. Nicole leads you thru a powerful process to set the ego aside and connect to your higher guidance. I went from confused to clarity in under 20 minutes to get clear step-by-step guidance I could follow thru on today.

Rini York

Astrologer. Healer. Mystic. Guide, Ascension, Activation & Ancestral Healing

In this digital program, I show you how to have writer’s block be a thing of the past!

I’m telling you, when I’m tuned in the way I show you in Unlock Writer’s Block there can be dogs barking, sirens blaring, kids calling my name… BUT it doesn’t stop me.

AND, I can come and go from writing with my quick 1-Minute Energy Fix if I do have to stop and take care of something.

What’s inside this magical “on-demand” resource you ask?

I’m so excited to tell you.

Unlock Writer’s Block

A yummy experience where you listen as I show you how to clear your energy, create a strong energetic boundary, and reduce outside interference.

With your pen and paper (or computer) ready I will guide you through some carefully selected prompts to get you started and then give you time to write with peaceful music.

If the writing is still pouring out of you at that point, simply pause the program and write away! Just remember to return for the grounding and cutting cords portion at the end.

Clear Writer’s Block with Your Higher Self

This guided exercise builds on what you learn in Unlock Writer’s Block and takes you to a liminal space to connect with your higher self as you write.

As in Unlock Writer’s Block, I will be guiding you through an energy cleanse and interference reduction and then you will journey to a secret garden to be supported by your Higher Self and write from THAT juicy space.

You will have time to write with peaceful music and again return for a closing cleanse to help you come down from this “spiritual high” and make sure you are grounded.

Deepen the Connection to Your Soul’s Words

This meditation builds upon the other two and takes it one step further to learn to activate your soul’s voice by creating a sacred relationship with it.

You will once again be cleansed and cleared, journey to meet your higher self, and start to practice deciphering your soul’s voice.

“What does your soul’s voice sound like?”

“How do you receive it?”

“What does your soul want you to know???”


One-minute Energy Fix

Life happens! You don’t always have time to do the full guided meditative exercises.

Sometimes you need a quick fix to get your writing done, to connect to your soul’s words, or to come and go from your writing without starting over each time.

The One-Minute Energy Fix takes just a minute! Everyone has a minute, right?

I loved the first meditation!

And it’s funny, I was thinking “I wish she had a short one to start my writing sessions with” and there it was! A one min version!! So helpful!


The Midwife of Midlife

unlock writers block

What a wonderful meditation!

It’s so relaxing and so effective in clearing my head in order to write freely!


This Unlock Writer’s Block collection is unlike anything out there which is why I decided it had to be out in the world.

It is my sincere pleasure to share my passion for CLEAR writing and FLOW with you and know that your days of feeling blocked are behind you.

Your days of feeling UNCONFIDENT are behind you too!

When your words come through this way in this soul-supported, higher self guided space, you won’t need to sink into feelings of “Who am I to do this?”

Your wisdom comes through loud and clear and is MEANT for YOU!

The more you practice writing and receiving in this way, the less doubt you’ll have in your abilities.


unlock writer’s block discovery journal 

Still stuck?

Not to worry!!! I have carefully selected writing prompts to get things started as you learn to decipher your soul’s writing voice and get into flow with ease.

In this downloadable guidebook, you can set up your energy with the guided meditations and then ask these questions and write what comes through.

And something does always come through! It will help you uncover why you’ve been stuck, what’s holding you back, and what your soul is just LONGING to write (and to who!).


visibility and vulnerability support 

As Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we can feel vulnerable (know this, lived it, raising my hand high over here!). Usually this is due to past life persecution and vows of secrecy when it comes to using our power and sharing our gifts.

But I have something for you that will help.



This guided soul journey takes you to the White Springs in Glastonbury England.

I was fortunate enough to visit the springs on a sacred pilgrimage several years ago and one day when I was teaching an intuitive writing class – I was guided to take the students to meet with their feminine archetypes AT THE SPRINGS! It felt so real and has provided insight and support to others ever since.

Nicole’s “safe to be seen” meditation was so amazing!

It helped me when I was trying to make changes, and a lot of my old really powerful stories of my core wounds came up. This meditation really helped me clear my blocks and walked me step by step to tap into my own inner guidance and my highest self in such a clear way. Every time I listened I felt grounded and nourished.

Rini York

Astrologer. Healer. Mystic. Guide, Ascension, Activation & Ancestral Healing

I’m including this meditation as a bonus because I know firsthand how it feels to write SOUL CHANNELED CONTENT but then feel scared about it later. Like I should hide it, or that people will judge me so I keep myself small.

This meditation is the support to give the tools to stay in the vibration where you know it’s okay to shine your light. More than okay, it’s necessary!

You don’t have to play small – this soul journey can help you.

Hi. I’m Nicole Strychaz, The Writing Medium.

I’ve been writing relentlessly for over 10 years now. Ever since I heard this voice tell me “It’s time to wake up Nicole, and help others do the same”. I had no idea what that meant when I heard it but it felt compelling!

Actually, it felt like something I wasn’t even meant to question – so I didn’t. I just started writing what I was hearing and it led me on an incredible journey that I couldn’t have ever even predicted.

One of my biggest discoveries about writing was when I learned I am empathic (as we probably all are). I felt this call to channel content in the form of blog posts, but INTERFERENCE kept interrupting my “signal”.

Instead of bringing through a heartfelt blog post, I would get half way through and the questions would start!

“Who are you to write this?”

“This sucks”.

“You are wasting time when you should be doing something else!”

And… FEAR!

“They will read this!”

“People will think you’re crazy!”

Until one day I heard another clear, calm, message that I couldn’t ignore – “Why don’t you just focus on becoming a clear channel, Nicole?”

Hmmm… just learn to write without interference instead of questioning everything? “Yes, please!”

So that is what I did.

I took numerous spiritual development classes and copywriting courses and began to understand how to be a spiritual entrepreneur and write CLEARLY AND FREELY!

It was then that I learned when I used my process to clear energy with my clients it would turn out they weren’t really blocked either.

The answers, the words, the insight, the guidance, the SOUL support – it was always there JUST WAITING FOR THEM!

It was a matter of knowing how to tune in and taking the time to do so.

Are you ready?


Are you ready for writing to feel magical instead of challenging, frustrating, worrisome, or like something you just don’t do?

Or better yet, do you want to connect to your higher self and soul’s voice through writing?

Then this digital “on-demand” style program was created for YOU.

Get -> The Unlock Writer’s Block collection here:

Unlock your Writer’s Block TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be an experienced writer to use this?

Absolutely not! Anyone can write because the “how” of it isn’t as important as getting the creative muse, the information that’s longing to come through you, out on to paper. It’s like the “talker’s block” quote at the beginning of this page – no one is questioning whether they’re able to talk – it’s the same for writing!

How do I access the digital course?

It’s stored on Teachable.com so you can access it anywhere at any time with your log in information. 

How do I know this will work for me?

You can do it! I will tell you that in working with countless clients over the years I haven’t had anyone who’s energy was cleansed and cleared in this way NOT be able to access their words and insight. If you set aside the time, have your pen and paper ready, I am confident you will receive SOMETHING.

And you know how spirit works – they bring you what you most need to hear when you tune in. So it’s not always what you’re expecting, but it’s generally what you need to hear that day.

How did you come up with this?

Well I’ll tell you… As a natural channel with my words (I was writing advanced poetry at age 11), I discovered I had a “critical naysayer” living in my head and interfering with my writing. It would flow for half a page and then the tone and voice of the writing would change!

I knew I had to get the interference, the “static”, out of my creative process. I sought out spiritual development courses, “Psychic protection” classes, and learned to tune in, clear my energy and stay grounded.

From there I started sharing it with my clients and also when I write copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs so that my personal biases and thoughts don’t get into their copy.