It can be subtle. You may not even know it. But I’ve come to the realization I’ve been scattering my energy (for years!) and I want to point it out to you in case you are too so that you too can get the heck passed it!
I first heard the term “don’t scatter your energy” in yoga.
We were coming up from shavasana and the teacher said, “Keep your eyes closed for now, you don’t want to scatter your energy.”
At first I thought, “What? How is that scattering our energy to see what we are doing???”
But the more I practiced sitting up with my eyes closed and keeping them that way until we bowed with our final “Namaste,” I felt the difference. I felt how much more focused the end of class could feel if I waited to open my eyes until my yoga practice for the day was complete.
I didn’t realize I was doing the same thing in my business until very recently.
I had heard that I needed to be focused (I’m clairaudient). That message was making its way to me on the regular… but I didn’t see how I wasn’t completely focused!
You see, because my business has always felt like a a calling, I thought the universe would fully support it if I made the effort to show up. If I remained a clear channel (which is no small amount of dedication believe me!) and put out consistently good content and advice, the traffic would come to my website and I would be financially supported.
I worked on my abundance blocks. 🧘
I healed my inner child.👶
And the traffic came in a very small trickle compared to a mountain of effort I was making.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
I see it so often. People start their websites or Instagram accounts and say, “You guys I’m so excited! I’m out of the spiritual closet and I created this!”
And I always think the same thing. “If only they knew that those first few steps end up being the easiest part of making a living if your calling is your business.” It’s a very important, critical step in your healing journey, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t just end up being effortless and easy in most cases. In fact, I don’t personally know anyone where it’s been that easy but I’m sure there are some out there… maybe???
Instead, it’s so much more.
I recently heard the term “hope marketing” and realized that yes, that has been my strategy. I put myself out there and I hoped it worked.
The video where I heard the term said, “Hope marketing never works.”* Yikes!
It certainly didn’t work for me and last May I started to hear and ever present “Change or Die.”** It was a reference to a book I read in Grad School and I finally understood that if I didn’t learn marketing and sales I would have to give up on my dreams.
That simple.
“Change or Die.”
What it comes down to is putting out effort and energy can be like the shotgun effect. Scattered everywhere and hoping it lands on something that works.
And believe me, I mediated every day and made sure I was listening to my inner guidance with ALL my content.
It wasn’t enough, it was scattered energy and hope marketing for YEARS!
Not to depress you, instead I want you to think in terms of strategy.
The question to ask yourself is, “Is the effort I’m putting out, coming back to me as something fulfilling and/or lucrative?”
If you are putting out a blog post, is it coming back as traffic to your website?
If you are getting the traffic to your website, is it turning into something that financially supports you?
It doesn’t have to be icky which is where I was really stuck for awhile (see my thoughts on the creepy email marketing HERE). Instead, it should be a seamless route to your words of wisdom for those who will benefit from it and it in turn has a means to financially support you.
Whatever you want to do has a means to financially support you – that’s why it’s coming to YOU.
There is a way to do it and now that I’ve learned it, I understand that almost every book I’ve bought, every eCourse, every free seminar that I’ve signed up for which lead to a sale – has been employing the exact same methods.
Not because they are slimy or salesy, but because they work!
And the reason it works is not because it’s a gimmick. It works because people get to know you and how you think and how you can support them BEFORE you offer a product or service.
It’s about trust and relationship building.
If you are putting out your words of wisdom, your healing energy, your great advice all over the place without a plan, it may or may not reach anyone… Maybe a few.
Whereas if you know how to tie everything together you will see that the energy has a focus, an intent, and a way to really get out there and reach people.
You have to understand your target and learn how to aim.
Of course there is a healing component to this.
If you are not ready to be heard, you probably won’t be.
I have no doubt the information I needed to understand how to market and sell came at a time when I had healed the parts of me that weren’t ready before.
Which is why I say that any action is good action because you are moving forward and you have to start somewhere. By the time I had this understanding, I’m shocked by the amount of content I have to turn into eBooks, blog posts and eCourses. It’s all written and because I showed up every day dedicated to writing it’s all there and some of it I don’t even remember writing! So cool…
So when you are ready, really ready to be an entrepreneur or in the career of your dreams, it really does become about “focused thought” and where your attention is going.
That’s the difference between supporting yourself and pushing until you burnout (see: You can HAVE it all, but not if you DO it all, aka “Burnout.”).
“Change or die.”
It doesn’t mean actually die. It means your dream.
It should be “change so you don’t have to give up your dream!” Right?
How about you?
Is your dream falling into place or are you too scattering your energy?
I’d love to hear about it in the comments.
*Jeff Walker “Product Launch Formula” webcast.
**Book referenced Good to Great. Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.
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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...
This article helps. I didn’t know what “don’t scatter your energies” meant, thanks for this blog. 💕