energy clearing ritual

Clearing, Cleansing & Protecting

Your Energy is the best way to ~


✨ Connect to your Higher Self and receive her golden wisdom

✨ Access Free-Flowing Creativity

Get the CLARITY your soul has been longing for.

Get the FREE 2 Minute Energy Clearing Ritual 

 With this 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual,

you’ll learn how to clear your energy (on the outside),

cleanse your energy (on the inside),

and feel safe and supported by wrapping it all up in

energetic protection so you can feel

unflustered, uncluttered, and not have other people’s fears

and worries mucking up your energy field.

I can show you how.

  energy clearing ritual

Working with Nicole has changed my life.

It has changed my relationship to my business. The stress around writing emails and copy has disappeared and I am confident in expressing who I am and what I do. It has been one of the best investments I have made in my business and I know I will do it again. Nicole is a gem.

Rini York

Acupuncturist. Astrologer. Ascension guide

What’s Inside?

When you sign up for your FREE 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual, you’ll receive a brief audio where I walk you through how to do this simple process and you’ll be able to experience it for yourself, right then and there.

Before I knew how to clear and protect my energy, my work had too much interference! I spent so much time editing and fumbling with what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it, even though it would initially start with a good FLOW.

OR… I would have amazing insight I was dying to share but it was as if I couldn’t even remember what my point was and started second guessing who I thought I was to be sharing it.

🙅That inner critic.

🙉Those doubts.

🙊The “Who are you to do this?” voices.

And yep, even total disconnect from the desire to write (Writer’s Block!)

Can you relate to any of those feelings?

Hi. I’m Nicole.

I am a Content and Copywriter for Awakening Professionals and Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

I firmly believe that keeping our energy clear is what helps us connect to our higher wisdom for manifestation, clarity, and to access our genius.

I highly recommend you try this 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual any time you feel stressed, anxious, or just want to connect to your intuition more clearly.

I KNEW I had MAGIC flowing through me, but I didn’t know how to just LET IT FLOW!


I created this quick ritual to clear, ground, and protect my energy and it changed everything for me.

I stopped second guessing my decisions and started trusting that what I was doing when I was clear and energetically protected.

Who was I to question what wanted to be shared? I ALLOWED it all to flow through me, throughout my business.

I also quit second guessing everything to death and began connecting on a soul-level.

You can have this feeling too.

✅Clearly connect to your genius zone.

✅Let your words flow.

✅Enjoy the ease with which you communicate with others.

✅Reduce the interference of worries, fears, and other people’s energy in your field (EMPATHS ESPECIALLY!)

And best of all, you can connect to your Higher Self and receive her words of wisdom when you are clear, grounded and energetically protected!



What a wonderful meditation!

It’s so relaxing and so effective in clearing my head!


Are you ready to connect to your Highest Wisdom and Creative Flow?

energy clearing ritual