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Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

Does Something Spiritual Make It the “Right Place at the Right Time?”

We’ve all either known or heard of something who “struck it rich.” Worked hard at their business and then sold it for millions and never have to work a day in their life again. It’s so easy to think “That LUCKY B!”

Or, even more importantly, the tendency we have to say, “Yah. But all he did was work.”

For example, I have a friend, who has a friend, who sold his company for multi-millions. He is set for life! A truly have-anything-your-heart-desires kind of life at that. When my friend was telling me all about him she ended the story saying “But he’s a workaholic though.” In other words, he made millions because he worked non-stop so he deserves it.

does something spiritual make it right place and right time

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The way she said it made me think she wouldn’t go after millions of dollars because it would mean she would have to sacrifice everything else in her life she loves and ONLY work.

And is that true? Or is there something more too it?

Millions of people work SUPER hard, millions of them don’t become rich.

Was he just lucky? He got a “random” job after high school and it turned into this very niche business.

Right place at the right time?

When I hear these stories, I put aside all my preconceived notions for a minute. Even my first inclination to feel jealous too.

Maybe he looked like a workaholic because he loved what he was doing. Could it have been passion? You know that saying that an entrepreneur will work 80 hours a week to work for themselves rather than work 40 hours a week for someone else? As an entrepreneur I will tell you, it’s hard to ever turn off all these ideas and the effort to birth them, but it doesn’t feel like work to spend countless hours making it happen.

But what if it’s something other than hard work (and luck) that makes a person sell their company for multi-millions?

Maybe, just maybe, he was really tuned into his intuition.

When someone is in the right place at the right time, maybe it isn’t luck at all. Maybe they followed their inner guidance to be there so the opportunity could happen.

And then they acted. Didn’t self-sabotage. Didn’t upper limit.

They also must not have a limiting belief about how much money they should earn or how the money is the root of all evil or that they are not worth it.

Those beliefs limit so many without even knowing it.

I also think the people who can let the opportunity in, know how to get out of their own way.

When we see people crushing it in a way that we would like to (i.e. selling your business for multi-millions!), instead of thinking they are lucky or they were willing to give up everything else in life for work, allow yourself to dream!

Wonder about it. How did they do it? What is it about that person that they ALLOWED that kind of life in, found those opportunities and made it happen?

Because if you look, you will find stories of people changing their life in the poorest, bleakest of circumstances.

It’s more than just luck, it’s more than just hard work.

Gay Hendricks wrote a great book about self-sabotage and “upper limiting” behavior in The Big Leap (you can find it HERE). He talks about those subtle thoughts we have when things are going well that come in to sabotage it. You think “Life is good!” and then worry “OMG. We’re going to get an unexpected bill,” or something along those lines. When you start to pay attention to your thoughts more, you can see the pattern and stop them.

(See: How to release waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop syndrome.)

Thought patterns are habits that are deeply ingrained though, so it takes time to create change – but it’s possible!

Another book that explores this tendency we can have to think others are just lucky and it won’t happen to us is “Get Rich Lucky Bitch” (you can find it HERE). It’s a great book to help you overcome those limiting thoughts that keep us from having it ALL.

Together, these two books can help at least invite in some questions for you to wonder if others are really just lucky, workaholics, at the right place and the right time, or if it’s something else? Are they following their intuition AND have healed (or never had) “money issues”?

Here are the books referenced in this post:


What do you think? Are others just lucky? Is it mindset? Following intuition? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.


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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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