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I was watching the show The Voice, when one of the contestants seemed to completely forget the words to a song during his blind audition. He mumbled through the first few seconds, then got it together and began singing it. Almost immediately Jennifer Hudson turned for him when he connected to the song. She said the reason she turned is because she’d been in that position before.

His vulnerable, authentic moment and ability to overcome it is what got him on the show. That should be a triumphant story about perseverance, surrendering to the moment, and succeeding.


He did what so many of us do. After the blind auditions, the contestants move on to the Battle Rounds where they face off against another contestant.

By the time Stephan Marcellus got to the battles, he’d had plenty of time to focus on how he “messed up” in the audition. He said, “After my blind audition I was so disappointed in myself.”

So disappointed that he’d made the show? Think about that. Yes he didn’t hear the right note, got a little confused and off track, but then he found his voice and sang his way to success. This is not a disappointment!

But that is what we all do, isn’t? We think about the embarrassment, the failure, and the things that went wrong instead of the one REALLY BIG thing that went well. He made it on the show where millions of people will hear him sing.

And the thing is, the universe is funny about how they bring things into your experience.

Pam Grout in the book E Squared gives the example of how she asked the universe if it was time to start her freelance writing career and the next day she was fired from her job. She had her answer, lol, but maybe not in the way we’d like. Right?

I will tell you too that Stephan did not win the battle (but was saved by another judge) and I can’t help but wonder how much of that was due to focusing on how his start was shaky. Jennifer Hudson even asked him when he came to rehearse, “How do you feel after the blinds feeling like you didn’t put your best foot forward?” A reminder of failure rather than a focus on success. Again! We all tend to do this.

Here’s what I see from a broader perspective (sitting on my couch!). I’ve been watching The Voice since it first aired and what I noticed is that all the contestants are so talented now that they actually are blending together. There used to be a really good one following someone who was off key, which would make them both more memorable.

But now, the show has done a great job attracting talent, but everyone seems like they deserve to be on the show and they all have an either super sad or super dedicated back story. Which makes them pretty much blend together and I tend to lose interest and come in and out of the show as the season continues.

But Stephan, having that moment, caught my attention. He comes up easily in a google search for “contestant who forgot lyrics in 2017” where otherwise you may not be able to find him. I’m not suggesting all the contestants go mess up in their auditions, I’m suggesting that his own personal authentic moment landed him on the show when maybe he wouldn’t have been on otherwise. We don’t know.

So many of us, me included, do this. We let our energy stay stuck around the one mistake instead of the HUGE win!

I mean here he was on the show, which was the goal of the audition, but he was still upset about the blip of a mistake.

And let me tell you, it’s not just that we do this to ourselves. The show keeps reminding him and asking him about it. Jennifer brought it up as I mentioned and it’s the focus of his story now.

It puts so much pressure on us to get it right. To get everything right!

I want to release this tendency we have to cling to what is not serving us. We are going to make mistakes! We are going to fail, sometimes loudly and in front of an audience, but we are also going to have wins.

What if we could just let the failures go, chalk it up to learning, and really, really deep down celebrate the victories in a heartfelt way?

I’d love for you to try cutting energetic cords to those experiences. Those that stand out, those that caused you embarrassment, make you cringe a little at the thought of them, and make you wish you’d just knocked it out of the park instead of made a mistake. They should be a memory not something you re-experience over and over. Not an energy you can still feel.


Picture that moment. How you felt. The anger toward yourself, the fear, the worry about a missed opportunity, the embarrassment or the disappointment. Once you have that moment really clear, you can really see it, visualize a gold cord from you as you are now connected to that memory.

Where is the cord attached? Is it coming from your stomach? Heart? Back? Throat?

Just see it. Just allow it to be.

Ask Archangel Michael to surround you with love and cut that cord with a beautiful, shiny sword of light. Let that cord be cut and release it into the light. See it dissolve. Feel you are no longer connected to that experience.

You are free from it. It is a memory – NOT AN ENERGETICALLY STORED MOMENT.

Have the angels place a green healing salve of light where the cord was.

Ahhh…. Release.

So when you fumble, but you get your win, let it be about the win! Even if it’s small. Especially if it’s small. Those moments are meant to be celebrated.

“Failure” is not meant to be so tightly gripped.

Stephan is not the one who fumbled and came back to do great. He is a singer who made it onto the show by singing his heart out in the blind auditions. He succeeded by fumbling, he didn’t fail.

And if you do fail? So what. Let the failures go. They will happen. Just don’t let them block your energy.

Cut those cords!

We aren’t meant to be bound to those memories. We aren’t meant to be held back by them. We are meant to experience them, really live them, and let them go.

We are also meant to recognize that sometimes, the mistakes, the failures are what take us to our next big success. If we can just let it be. If we can let it pass through instead of make it our focus. If we can cut the energetic cords to it.

I often tell my clients we are like hot air balloons tethered to the ground. We need to gently release the cords one at a time so we can soar!

How about you? Have you had an experience that seemed like a negative at the time but later you realized it actually contributed to something better? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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