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Have you ever started your day feeling great, only to be completely drained by lunchtime? This feeling of being bogged down and stuck can have to do with something you may not even be thinking about. Your energy field!

Science has long known about “resonance” and how we can align our frequency to the frequency of someone else or the energy of a place, but it’s often dismissed as “woo” or weird when people talk about how you’re affected in your career or business by this.

Back when I worked in a Corporate environment, I had no idea I could be an energy sponge and I frequently felt inexplicably “heavy” and drained without any idea why.


Are you wide open with your energetic boundaries?

I was a Director of Human Resources (HR) which meant I was often the person people would come to when things weren’t going well.

Now, I’ve since learned that Therapists are taught how to shield their energy because they are aware that it can be an issue, but HR professionals are definitely not trained for this.

So I would start my day feeling great! I would bring a healthy lunch, a positive attitude, and plans to be productive.

Person after person would come into my office with their struggles and by lunch I was craving my favorite steak quesadilla and a Diet Coke and ready to toss my healthy salad. So much for my healthy lunch! I was drained!!!

Years later, I learned about this book that talks about how you should imagine when someone comes to you with a problem they have a monkey on their back. And if you take on the problem, it’s like you take the monkey from them and put it on your back. So, by the end of the day, you’re weighed down by the metaphoric monkeys while the people all feel lighter.

That’s what happens with our energy if we aren’t aware of it.

I was an OPEN RECEIVER for low vibrational energy and had no idea!

Unknowingly Empathic

Being empathic, I was not only merging my energy with the energy of others to offer support, but I never cut ties to it and would have to go home at night, exercise to try to clear it, and then attempt to reset for the next day.

I honestly thought something was wrong with me because I would start each day with such good intentions and then feel so drained and deflated without knowing why.

I was carrying the problems, fears, and unhappiness of others and it WASN’T MINE!

This happens even if you run an online business and you are connecting with freelancers, spend time on social media, or have students.

Understanding your Energy Field and how to clear it and set good energetic boundaries is what helps you go from feeling like things are “off” to understanding what feelings belong to you, how to be in your own frequency, and helps you be a vibrational match for what you want, instead of what you don’t want.

Sound good? Then keep reading as I share more about the concept of energetic hygiene and how to clear your energy field for greater well-being.

energetic boundaries

What is your energy field?

Your energy field, sometimes called your aura, is like an invisible extension of yourself. It can pick up on the emotions and energy of others, both positive and negative.


Why clear your energy field?

Think of your energy field as a cup. If you keep pouring things in (other people’s energy, stress, negativity), eventually your cup overflows. This can lead to feeling drained, stuck, and unable to manifest your desires. You may end of feeling like you need to take breaks to get away from the negativity instead of feeling empowered.

Toxic co-workers, other people’s fears, and the collective energy

Several things that can negatively impact your energy field, including:

  • Toxic co-workers
  • Other people’s fears
  • The collective energy (stress, negativity circulating in the world)

Good news! I share how to clear your energy and create great energetic boundaries in the masterclass ENERGY WISE: How to Embody Your Most Authentic Self Through Energy Wisdom.

energy wise

Ready to ditch the energy drain and reclaim your vibrance? In the masterclass called “Energy Wise: How to Embody Your Most Authentic Self Through Energy Wisdom,” you’ll learn powerful techniques for:

  • Identifying when your energy needs clearing
  • Easy methods to clear your energy from anywhere
  • Understanding what’s really happening in your energy field
  • How to set firm, energetic boundaries every day
  • Bonus information on dealing with the collective chaos and overwhelm

sacred community

Join the Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community now to Access this Masterclass and others.

The masterclass is being held in the Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community. By signing up, you’ll gain access to the masterclass replay and other valuable content during the time you’re a member, with the ability to cancel at any time.

Find out more here: Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community
