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F* it Cafe. Is THIS How We Made Our Life Decisions Before We Incarnated?

My awakening was so confusing. I had my life set up a specific way with the education and years of experience to support what I was doing, when BAM, I had this strong feeling that I needed to take a completely different path.

The new path was much harder, had no clear direction and relied almost solely on my intuition and trusting the universe when my results would’ve led a saner person to hurry back to their chosen occupation and enjoy the feeling of putting in effort and having it come back to them tenfold.

But I wasn’t a saner person, lol.

f* it cafe

At one point, I hired a spiritual mentor and we were discussing my goals and what shadows or limiting beliefs may be standing between me and the results I was after. We got to the idea that we choose our path before we incarnate so that we learn and grow into what we are wanting to do.

I asked her, “Why would I have chosen this confusing path when the other one was so much clearer and easier to figure out?”

She told me that her mentor had told her this idea of “F* it café.” This place where souls are sitting, discussing what they want to do next, sipping their cloud lattes, and they are like, “F* it, I think I’ll start poor,” or “It’ll be best if I get abandoned so I’m independent,” and then of course we get here and it’s so murky and we’re wondering, “What the Heck????”

f it cafe

Thankfully my path has become so much clearer as I stopped questioning it and learned to heal obstacles and embrace the journey, but I can’t help but wonder when I meet people who are going through so much, possibly too much, were they trying to get through too many lessons?

Were they just like “Screw it. Let’s get ALL my soul growth out at once!”???

I have a friend who says she must have wanted to clear all her karma in one shot because that’s the only way she can explain all the struggle in her life.

Maybe she was like “Let’s do this,” sipping her light-filled latte in F* it Café. Maybe we were laughing together going, “Move out way too young, single Mom, two marriages, you totally should!”

What do you think, are there certain turning points in your life where you wonder “Why in the world would I choose this?

I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


how did you come up with your current life path

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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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