If You Hide Your Psychic Gifts, Will They Explode out of You?
There is an energy of shame to using our gifts and a fear of abusing our power that is prevalent in our society…especially among women.
Historically, and currently, woman have been physically silenced or completely dismissed as not as knowledgeable, too emotional, or not “our place.” It is sadly not uncommon and is a HUGE part of our history that is often casually written in one liners or we are omitted completely.
It’s time for fear and shame around our gifts and our power to be healed.
It wasn’t always safe to share and there may have been times you abused your power in this lifetime or others…but you were learning, like Elsa in the Disney animation Frozen (yes I watched it recently in anticipation of Frozen 2).
You were learning how to balance your gifts with the current life you found yourself in and that’s okay.
Elsa’s story is actually such a good parable for what happens when we try to conceal our powers and hide them rather than learn to use them. When Elsa is playfully using her gifts as a child, she hurts her sister accidentally. Rather than teach her balance (or how to heal with her powers), her parents teach her shame by hiding her away for fear she will hurt someone telling her “conceal don’t feel.” Eventually, she loses “her cool” one day and freezes her town and creates an ice palace when she decides she can’t hold it in anymore… she has to “Let it Go.” In the end (spoiler alert!), she learns to balance her gifts with love.
Elsa learns to use her gifts for the better of the whole, not hide them.
It’s a cartoon, I know, but these are often metaphors for life and I believe this is the perfect metaphor for psychic gifts and how quick we are to hide them. Or whisperedly tell someone that we are actually intuitive, can see spirits, get premonitions that are helpful, are closet energy healers and so much more!
It’s usually not the actual gift we fear, if we’re being honest, the gifts come so naturally. We fear what people will say. Will they accept us? Will we be ostracized? What will my neighbors, friends and family think? Even, who can I TRUST with this information?
And, we can often fear our power. That’s what Elsa and her parents feared, her power, not her gift.
When I find myself wondering, “How powerful are we really?” That my friends, feels scarier than being powerless.
There was a time when villages had teachers and spiritual mentors at the ready to help us develop our talents and it was expected that we would use the “psychic tools” we came into this life with – after all, we chose them for a reason!
I firmly believe, Intuitive Writing is one of those gifts. It has the power to heal, even by releasing your thoughts onto paper. It has the power to connect you to people who are your tribe. It has the power to lift and inspire, based on what you are writing. It can bring laughter to someone’s day, feelings of not being alone to someone who’s feeling lonely or strange… it’s definitely not to be ignored and hidden away in another room of the house.
Yet, it is scary to say out loud. I was fearful of it for many years and stuffed it down any chance I got.
And I’m here to say that ignoring your gifts and being fearful to use them doesn’t work well and isn’t very fulfilling. Your life often feels stuck and like something big is missing. An incompleteness AND pull to use them that is hard to deny.
Learning to allow and trust my gifts has been much more healing, beneficial, and just overall made my life easier.
We all need to learn to “Let it Go,” in a way that isn’t pent up until we reach a boiling point and metaphorically freeze a town.
Or worse, let ourselves be a smaller version of ourselves than we know we can be. Because truly that’s what usually happens. We become a lesser version of ourselves, lose touch with healthy rebellion, wild abandon, feeling all the feels… instead of being TOO MUCH, we become TOO LITTLE. Until a small handful of people truly know us, if that.
Incorporating our gifts into our life in a way that is useful, helpful, HEARD, shared, inspiring… doesn’t that sound so much nicer? So much more fulfilling?
It’s time to heal shame and fear around using our gifts.
If we deny our power, we can’t create positive change in the world. WE can’t be the version of our self who is empowered and who she came here to be!
And our world badly needs you to be able to show up in your life as your balanced, whole, and powerful self.
We are the way NOW.
It starts one baby step at a time.
One admission that we have power inside us, at a time.
One exploration of our gifts and how we want to use them, at a time.
One insight from our higher wisdom, writing it down, at a time.
Turning on one light at a time in a strand of lights inside you.
Isn’t it time to heal the shame and fear around using our gifts? Hasn’t it been long enough that we’ve been denying ourselves an easier way, looking for answers externally rather than from our own soul connections?
I’m ready for us all to shine our brightest and I hope you are too!
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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...