Work/life is inherently stressful. It just is. But I honestly believe a majority of this stress comes from our interaction with others via working together, emails, phone calls or conversations.
Which is really our energetic fields coming in contact with other people’s energetic fields.
We can take on the stress of our boss, the financial fears of our spouses, irritability from the excessive noise of the kids if we work from home with them, an angry customer’s complaint, haters on social media, and even the negative energy of a co-worker.
Have you ever wondered why you can start work in such a great mood and by lunch you are dying to get out to eat something greasy and feel the need to vent about your day?
Or you start out happy with your smoothie and 10-minutes in to answering work emails you are feeling stressed?
Often, you’ve absorbed more than your share of lower vibrations and your body/mind is trying to cope.
Wherever your work space is, if you are interacting with customers, co-workers or the public in any way, you can learn to manage your energy “like a boss” so that you aren’t subject to the energetic vampires, haters, or just overall daily stressors we all come in contact with.
The most exciting part is that it can be done in just 10-minutes or less every morning, in any location.
AND, if you forget these 10-minutes, the great news is you can excuse yourself, sneak to your car or do the 2-mintute version in an emergency and you’ll be back to a better place in no time.
Energetically cleanse and protect the inner you and outer you!
The basic gist is you want to cleanse and clear your energy at the very least once a day, in the morning. This takes care of the outer you. Mid-day and before bedtime is also helpful.
Then visualize cleansing and clearing from the top down, on the inside.
There are so many ways to do this and so many techniques you can use, but here is a great starting point that I’ve been using for years and LOVE.
Imagine drops of light falling all around you. Washing away any energetic debris. See it wash out of your room, down the street, where it is transmuted to beautiful golden light.
Once your energy feels clear, then imagine a beautiful bubble of light surrounding you. Start small and see it grow bigger, and bigger.
If it’s hard for you to visualize it, you can feel it or ask the Angels or your Higher Self to help you. You can say out loud or in your head, “Angels (or Higher Self), I call upon you now to surround me in a beautiful bubble of light. None but the highest vibrations may enter my field”.
Quick and easy and now you’re all set up to keep energy out of your field that doesn’t belong to YOU!
With your outer energy cleared and your protective energy “bubble” engaged, it’s a great time to go a step further and clear your energy internally.
Imagine a beam of white light, coming down from your soul star, just for you. Let it enter your crown chakra at the top of your head. Pulling it down behind your eyes, scrubbing your pineal gland, down through your throat chakra, heart, digestive systems, root chakra, legs and into the earth.
From there, see that column of white light pushing through the earth until you reach a pool of light (the color of your choice) and you pull that grounding energy back up. Through the same column, pull the grounding energy of light back up into your feet, up your legs, thighs, root chakra, and up all the way through your internal energy systems until it comes out your crown and up toward your soul star.
White light coming down from above, grounding light coming up from the earth and let it swish and swirl inside clearing out anything that no longer serves you and moving your chakras (energy systems) and getting them unstuck.
Taking a few minutes to visualize (or feel it if visualization isn’t your strong Clair) will put you in such a great light and heart space for the day – it’s worth finding a way to squeeze this in.
The concept is visualizing connecting to divine white light and having it flow through your body from the top down to cleanse anything negative or blocked. The energy from the earth is to keep you grounded.
When you are done, it leaves you feeling connected to that light and feeling calm. it’s a great way to begin your day, maintain, or end your day!
There are many ways to meditate and shield your energy, but what I like about these two is that they can be done relatively quickly and anywhere you can find a quiet spot once you have them more or less memorized (it doesn’t have to be perfect!).
It doesn’t mean that there won’t be upset co-workers or angry emails, or a hater in the comments on your blog post, but it does help with how you react to those things. Whether it sticks with you and bothers you for hours or if you can clear it out of your field and go about your day.
Basically, with these two techniques you can manage your energy like a boss, anywhere!
Commit to this process for 30 days and then skip a day to feel the difference. I’m convinced you will feel the difference in your stress level and ability to get caught up in the negative on the day you skip it! Which is such a great reminder that the process works and is worth devoting a small amount of time to.
If you would also like to end your day on a high note, repeat this process before bedtime so that you can sleep well. Even teach it to your kids so that they also sleep with happy dreams and don’t interrupt your sleep with their nightmares.
What if you still have a day that feels a little “energetically icky?”
If you do have a day that still feels a little energetically icky despite using this process, a salt bath can really help. My favorite salt is this one and I add a calming essential oil such as balance, serenity or lavender to relax and feel the negative attachments literally melt off me. I then visualize the negative energy going down the drain and thank mother earth for accepting it so that it leaves the house entirely.
You may also like these helpful resources:
And I highly recommend learning more about energy in the “Energy Wise” portion of WRITE YOUR FUTURE.
How about you? Do you have any additional ways you set up and manage your energy throughout the workday? Please let the readers know your favorite ways to keep your energy YOURS and positive, in the comments.
Want to Stay Connected?
Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...