You did not come here to play it safe. Not. This. Time.
When we really sit quietly. When we cut out all the noise. When we set aside our ego. We can see it, SO CLEARLY.
We can see what we can do with our lives if we are not afraid. If we live in our joy and just follow our passion. We can see it working out. We can see it being effortless.
But then we begin to worry, right?
It can feel SO BIG. It can seem super scary.
For every person who is out there using their voice, I have no doubt that they had many scary, “What the hell am I doing?” moments.
Being a visionary means you not only have a vision, you act upon it.
Acting on it is where the courage comes in.
When I work with clients and we connect to our internal guidance they can almost always say that they know what they should be doing and writing, but –
“I need to pay my bills.”
“I need to keep a roof over my head.”
“I have kids to take care of.”
Basically, “I can’t just leap into this unknown vision which doesn’t even make sense, Nicole!”
I completely understand their concerns and they are so valid. I have nothing against creating a healthy savings to invest in your business and taking small steps toward your dreams instead of putting yourself into crisis mode. In fact, I recommend it.
You may have some spiritual growth to do before you can fully step into your Awakened Career, which cannot be skipped. Leaping without a net isn’t always the best decision (although some do thrive this way!).
I don’t think we need to hit bottom to rise.
However, if we have answered the call on some level. If we have started taking steps toward it. If we have programmed the destination in our soul’s calling GPS, the universe will start to help us by course correcting.
They will start putting in little challenges and obstacles to keep us on track. They want us to succeed!
There may be a point, where even if you want to play it safe, that option will start to disappear.
You did not come here to play it safe.
Think about that. If you are reading everything you can get your hands on, are fascinated by manifestation and creating an amazing life. If you have a message you want out in the world and you are finding ways to heal every limiting belief you have to get there, then you did not come here to play it safe.
That doesn’t mean put yourself in harm’s way. That doesn’t mean take unnecessary risks, but it does mean take risks.
Take a minute to really picture your life as if you played it safe. Don’t judge it. Just feel it and see it.
Then picture your life and really feel into that scary idea you’ve been having.
Which one makes your toes tingle? Which one really gives you that nervous energy? What does each one feel like?
The one that feels scary exciting is the one you came here to do.
It may take time. It may take more knowledge. It may take sitting with meditation after meditation, but the ride is worth it! The journey is most likely what you will be able to help others with after you’ve figured it out.
We come into these lives with talents that are meant to be expressed. With gifts that are meant to be shared. We all do.
I recently heard Anita Moorjani say that we make every decision out of either love or fear. So we want to make them out of love so that we create our life from that space.
I actually think it’s a combo. We should make the decision from love, but often the fear is coming with us.
You can’t have courage without fear.
We are all Joan of Arcs in our own way. Before battle she would say, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this,” when really she must’ve been terrified!
Courage. Acting when we are fearful on our magical ideas.
You did not come here to play it safe.
When you fall into that pattern, imagine again your life playing it safe. Does it feel as rewarding as taking the risk?
When you start taking those steps, you will feel it. An AWAKENESS that is like no other.
You did not come here to play it safe.
I’d love to hear if you are following your vision, in the comments. Especially if it makes no sense!
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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...
Yes. I am agree with your thoughts. We have to take risks to succeed in life.Sometimes it is affordable risk or sometimes it is not. But we have to adopt it to grow. Changes are part of life.