unlock your entrepreneur superpowers


Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

Are you feeling it yet? The call to act? The call to speak your truth?

It’s okay if you are not. You may be taking everything in and adjusting to how quickly our lives have changed this past year.

Pre-Quarantine and Pandemic, it was so easy to get everything we needed and quickly. Including our exercise fix and much needed social stimulation.

We experienced a new reality where we had to rely on ourselves and live knowing we might not be able to buy toilet paper, thermometers, vitamin C and cough syrup. Even treatment for cancer patients was put on hold in some cases.

We learned that there could be circumstances where we can’t access everything we need in 24 hours or less…

As the quarantine part of pandemic hit, I quickly found myself grateful that I’ve been developing a strong meditative practice for the past 10 years and that I know how to go inward. I know how to quiet my mind, detach from the collective fear and be the calm in a storm.

I also felt complete empathy for those who hadn’t been developing their ability to detach, because holy sh*t is there a lot to keep you discombobulated right now! It was in these moments of gratitude that I realized this is truly our time to shine.

Those of us who can skip the news for a week and still make an informed decision.

The closet seers (see-ers) that know there is more going on than it seems and are willing to share it in writing.

So many of us are feeling called to step up and lead.

A call you may not be comfortable with or that you may not want to answer.

But it’s more important now than ever! When crisis stirs up the world, the government can fill in the gaps of what happened and offer solutions that are likely not natural and don’t really address why this could be happening on a spiritual level.

The news is happy to lead with FEAR in exchange for RATINGS, completely ignoring the power of mindset and positive thinking.

Our thoughts are so powerful! We need people who able to go inward to counteract the energy drain that comes with sadness, uncertainty and the heaviness of fear energy and also give space for grieving.

start somewhere

It’s time for the CLOSET WRITERS to ACT.

If you study literature, you will see the real history is NOT told in the history books. It’s in the stories. It’s in the literature and the poetry of the time. I learned more about how people were feeling and what they were experiencing by being an English Major than in history classes.

That hasn’t changed. I know it’s not easy and you may be thinking “Why me???” But why not you? Isn’t it you who is feeling the desire to write but second guessing it instead?

It’s time to ask yourself why you are having those stirrings and the call to write.

There are so many ways this can express itself from fiction, to blog posts, to non-fiction and even social media posts.

You can answer the call and write material to help people stay calm when they can’t access care and resources so they envision the best outcome rather than the worst. You can let them know the intuitive hits you are receiving and also create thought provoking content. Why not entertainment – who doesn’t need that?

The seers (see-ers), the intuitives, the energy healers, the essential oil advocates, the holistic practitioners, our spiritual mental health professionals – they’ve all been building their tool kits, not even knowing how much we would need them.

It can feel scary to speak up.

You may feel your words will be deleted anyway.

But humanity has a long recovery ahead because the energy word for the year was “INTENSE!” So much to process, beyond having our hopes on a quick fix like a vaccine.

Being a clear channel for your words is so important. It’s the difference between putting out solutions and good energy versus feeding the collective fear and panic. A HUGE distinction!

My question to you is, “What is awakening within you?” What is stirring inside… what thoughts are popping into your mind? Do you dare to see it?

I’ve spent much of my journey afraid to say I’m a medium. I guess I thought my house would be full of spirits if I admitted it rather than feeling them all the time with me anyway. Just right there waiting for me to say “okay”.

During these challenging times I have stepped up to say “Okay. Let’s do whatever it is we’ve come here to do!” (Otherwise they keep me up at night which I talk about in THIS POST “How to Set Office Hours for Your Creative Muse”).

If you are ready to embrace your communication tool of writing, UNLOCK Writer’s Block is a very supportive process that helps you to clear your energy so you tune into YOUR words and YOUR mission, rather than the collective energy of chaos and mistrust.

I’ve developed it over the years as a way to keep our egos out of our Intuitive Writing process. The ego has a very important place in your life, but not in your writing (unless you want fear driven, small perspective content ).



Unlock Writer’s Block can help you get on track with your writing, embrace your highest Inner Writer and feel supported by your Spiritual Support team as you do.

Well? Are you feeling called? I’d love to hear what’s calling you right now and how you are supporting yourself to answer it.

Let me know in the comments.


well closet writers now is the time

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