5 Unexpected Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients - Get the FREE Guide

Your creative muse, your intuitive messages, your psychic insight… it can come at odd times and all hours of the night. It is generally inspiring, intriguing and something you want to capture but because of the irregularity of it, you may not have the ability or time to write it down.

Instead of the creative and beautiful messages, if you aren’t ready to receive them it can become an annoyance or hindrance to your life – and who wants that to happen?!!!

I’m going to let you in on something. You can set “office hours” for your creativity so that you are able to receive it and capture it rather than have it be a mysterious feeling in your life that comes and goes.

It begins with setting boundaries.

Let me share with you how I figured this out, because it started out more subtle and GREW!

When I finally committed to “this writing thing”, I started to become aware of this voice inside my head that spoke in blog posts (weird, I know!). I would hear it as I was walking, as I was cooking dinner, as I was resting my eyes, but most annoyingly – as I was trying to sleep!

It literally kept me up at night with a feeling of both excitement at the words coming through and struggle because I was tired and wanted to sleep.

I tried EVERYTHING to find a way to capture the words AND be able to sleep through the night but it was feeling so out of control.

Meditation, quiet before bed, falling asleep reading all failed. At 2:00 a.m. I’d be wide awake with words such as “Time to wake up Nicole and help others do the same,” followed by an entire page of words that went with the title. It was the same, night after night until I would finally get out of bed and write it down.

I didn’t understand it at first. It was like my voice but it wasn’t.

I finally realized “I’m not having these thoughts!”

That’s why I couldn’t quiet them. Those messages, blog posts, words… they were determined to be delivered and when I wasn’t able to write them the muse showed up in the middle of the night when I wasn’t able to ignore it.

Saying “I’m not listening” with my fingers in my ears just wasn’t going to cut it.

im not listening

You see, spirit comes when you are most likely to hear it. So if you keep your life hectic and busy with no time to listen, well then my friends they will come to you while you are trying to sleep because there’s nothing else going on to distract you.

Intuitive writing is a form of receiving and it can sneak up on you.

Mine came the day I committed to writing “The Great American Novel” which I discovered looked like blogging for me. Once I set up a blog, the words “showed up” and didn’t stop in between writing sessions.

This was long before I discovered I was an Intuitive Writer and before I even wanted to know more because, let’s be honest, with two toddlers underfoot what I wanted most was the ability to sleep.

You may “hear differently.

I should mention, not everyone hears it in words. Some see a page completed and can fill in the blanks. Others may stand in a bookstore and they suddenly know they will have a book on the shelf one day.

Or, it may come in dreams.

It’s important to be aware of your version of the voice and the “thoughts” you’re thinking that aren’t your thoughts. I mean, where are they coming from?

You can generally notice that they seem wiser and have it all together. A more omniscience narrator for your life than you would normally be. Often it involves a message for yourself or others that can feel healing and helpful.

BUT, we all need our beauty rest and being awoken in the middle of the night with words and messages it not a great way to live.

Make a date with spirit, aka set “office hours”.

set office hours

If this is happening to you, then it’s time to MAKE A DATE WITH SPIRIT (the universe, your Higher Self, whatever you want to call it).

You can literally make a deal with your words (visions or messages) so that they can come at a time when you are available. It’s like setting “office hours” for your creative muse!

The important part is that you have to stick to it for it to work. You simply say, “I will be available to write from 9:00 – 11:00 most mornings in exchange for my sleep”. Choose a time when you can be available, even if it’s only for a half hour.

I did this a good seven years ago and it has worked beautifully. The only time it stops working is when I start skipping writing. Usually when the kids get sick or life gets crazy and my whole routine gets out of whack.

And believe me, I generally know within a few weeks because suddenly there I am again, waking up with words running through my mind and an awake feeling that you probably know if you are an Intuitive writer or psychic medium.

And, if you want to get really good at hearing your words and having a time for them, you may enjoy my Unlock Your Writer’s Block Trio. It sets up your clear, energetic boundary and gives you time to write. You simply pause if you want to write more and be sure to turn it back on to experience “grounding”.

Once you get the hang of writing CLEARLY, you can take it “Next Level” with Deepen the Connection to Your Soul’s Words. Not to mention the One-Minute Energy Alignment, which has quite the story as to how I discovered the need for that (I share it soon!).

Well? I’d love to know if you’ve had this experience. Have you been woken up with messages or visions or felt them at an equally inconvenient time? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.



how to set office hours for your creative muse