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What If There Is No Secret Formula for Your Success?

“Nothing worthwhile is easy, Ellen.” National Lampoon’s Vacation

Over the course of my writing career I’ve read countless posts on how seemingly easy it is to make money blogging (or coaching, selling your ebooks, selling any product, etc.).

“You just need a sales funnel!”

“Try a reverse sales funnel!”

My favorite, “Just spend $10,000 on Facebook ads and you get back $13,000.”

The last one being for those very comfortable with risk, but ALL are neglecting a VERY important aspect of success.

If you decide to pursue a calling, if you feel compelled to go after something that is so different from what you’re currently doing, when you feel that call to do something with “meaning,” it is a HEALING JOURNEY.

 no secret formula to online success

It’s truly not about the funnel or the money spent on ads – those are TOOLS.

By the time you have an evergreen sales funnel, you will have to have fine-tuned your message (and learned to LOVE the word evergreen). You will have figured out who you are marketing to and where they hang out so they can see you. You will be speaking their language and really getting to the root of their problem and how to help them solve it.

Which means you’ll probably have gone through a lot to get to that point.

In most cases, that’s the messy, confusing part of Career growth that usually is left out of the trainings.

What if there is no quick fix for your obstacles?

A Career Journey, as I like to call it, is really deep down about soul growth.

It is healing your shadows.

It is healing ancestral patterns you inherited just by virtue of the family you chose to be born into.

Making a great living doing what you love is more about being aligned with your authentic self and allowing that energy to flow.

Money is an added bonus for doing what you love – like a wonderful side effect.

So when you see the promises to just buy this expensive course or that one, it’s going to depend on whether or not you’ve healed the energy holding you back as to how effective the course is.

And some courses absolutely have the tools you need to be successful, and some will leave you hanging.

The great thing is, if you are willing, if you are open to it, you can heal as you grow and you will continue to see the positive effects in your life because of it. No matter what route you take to get there.

You will find your life flows more smoothly when you embrace energy healing and energy clearing.

You will find solutions show up much more quickly.

You will find when things go wrong you really don’t feel the need to dwell and instead you might go play for a while and let it work itself out.

Stepping into a calling is a vulnerable process – but one that compels you forward like NO OTHER.

And I’m sorry to say there’s no quick fix or secret formula.

It’s an inward journey, but one worth taking. If you can accept the discomfort as temporary and important, it helps so much (see “Are you in your lobster-without-its-shell phase?”).

When hope seems lost you can say, “I feel really uncomfortable right now, I don’t see how this is going to work out, but I have hope that everything is unfolding as it should and it all leads to the next wonderful thing.”

And maybe, “Universe. I trust you, but you can you clarify where we’re headed so I don’t jump ship before we get there?”

dear universe please clarify

A calling is different than working to pay your bills.

It’s often our life’s work (20 Signs You’re an Awakening Professional).

So allow it to be. Invest when you feel it will be truly helpful or healing, but don’t expect one online course, or one coach to be the answers to all your problems.

You will get where you desire to be when you have a little more clarity, then a little more, and a little more – then BAM… it’ll all make sense.

Keep going!


no secret formula

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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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