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What to Do When You Hate Your Job (that most people won’t tell you)

What to Do When You Hate Your Job (that most people won’t tell you)

What should you do when you find yourself in the position where you hate going to work every day and it’s draining your energy? Leave!

Well, that’s the more obvious answer, but truly if you are unhappy at your job and things aren’t looking up, it’s time to consider your options. While you are considering your options, the best thing you can do is give 100%. Why would you do your job better when you are discouraged, mistreated, unappreciated or just over it? Because you need to shift your energy.

First of all it’s easier to get another job when you have one. It helps with the pressure. You want to be able to play a little hard to get when you negotiate your salary, and if you are desperate, it’s much harder to do (see: Salary Negotiation Tips to Know Your Worth and Align Your Energy To It).

Most importantly though, it’s hard to get your next job if you have an energy of defeat or seem down. If you speak poorly about your current position or your current boss, it comes across as negative. The person interviewing you doesn’t know if you are a constant complainer, have a problem with authority or are in the wrong position for your skill set. Think about it. In an interview that person has 60 minutes or less to decide if they think you are someone that will fit in their company for the next 5-10 years. They are hoping you will be there for the long haul and are someone who can evolve with change. They don’t have time to sort out if you are truly at a bad company or if you bring drama, they just want to figure out your skill set and whether or not you will thrive in their position. Which means you need your energy positive and high. (Not to be confused with fake and perky.)


No one feels good about themselves when they are doing a crappy job or getting negative feedback. The best thing you can do for yourself and others is commit to being present and do your best when you are on the job. But also set some boundaries. Try not to take things personally or take on the problems of others. Will you be able to get your next job if you are working 60 hours a week and have no time to look? No! Decide what you can commit to. What hours you truly need to be there to get your job done and have laser-like focus to do it.

If you trust your boss or your Human Resources department you can even tell them where you are having issues and see if they can make some changes. Maybe they didn’t realize the problems and can shift some things around. Trying hard and having a good attitude will get you far. It will help you have references, someone may give you a lead on your next job, or the workplace may rise to meet your new vibe.

The worst thing I’ve seen time and time again that drives me crazy is the person giving 40% who doesn’t quit, doesn’t thrive, just comes in unhappy every single day. That brings everyone down. No one is happy in that situation. Believe me, your boss isn’t going home thinking how great it is to have someone moping and texting all day when they should be working. Odds are that boss isn’t comfortable having a heart-to-heart conversation about the work and figures some work getting done is better than none. Which it isn’t. The unengaged person is generally doing much worse than you know until they are gone and you find out you don’t even miss them. We’ve all seen it. One person can be in a meeting and drag everyone down and drive everyone crazy time and time again. Don’t be that person!

Now if you are already giving 100% and trying to be a positive person, keep doing your best, but start putting in effort as to how you can keep your vibe up.

Work on energy-shielding techniques, get out into nature, start listing your skills and write up your vision for your next position so you can start calling that into your field. Ask the universe to support you and help you find the job that meets your needs. Make sure to define what you are looking for so the universe knows!

What has even worked for me in the past is to look online for new jobs. That simple step toward action can shift you into a better place. It’s like daydreaming with intent! Keep in mind – the high vibe person attracts the high-vibe job. Win win. Save Save Save

Believe me, I know it’s not easy but if you can step back and see the big picture, your effort will turn into something much better.

To be crystal clear, I don’t mean kill yourself trying to work overtime to impress a boss that will only criticize everything you do. Instead, set boundaries, show up, be present, contribute when you can, shield your energy, surround yourself with any positive people you can connect to – and change your work life for the better. Take any positive steps such us updating your resume (see: Is Your Resume Great or Sad By Comparison?), networking, listing what makes your dream job your dream job and practicing potential interview questions. Leave with good references. You will be happy later that you did.

Networking is so important these days and it’s much better if you don’t burn any bridges. You may even find you weren’t aligned with the right role anymore and just needed a change. Find ways to light up your work life, and if it’s not your current position, time to call in the one more suited for you. Let me know in the comments if you are raising your vibe to call in a new job. I’d love to hear about it!


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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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