intuitive writing 101

Clear the Static, Hear the Magic✨

What You Need to Know About Automatic Versus Intuitive Writing

It’s really important to know whether or not you are Automatic Writing or Intuitive Writing when it comes to setting up your protective boundaries and being a clear channel for the information.

These two types of writing can be seen a similar, but trust me, as an Intuitive Writer for years, I understand both and I explain the difference in this video (transcript below if you prefer to read it). Neither is the better way, or the only way, just different styles and different ways to manage the energies that come with each writing discipline.


Over the years I’ve created a process for Automatic Writing that I call “Intuitive Automatic Writing”. It has all the amazing benefits of automatic writing but is more intentional.

It’s about:


✅making sure you are a clear channel and aren’t receiving interference

✅being able to ask questions and get information.

While I love Automatic Writing, it felt aimless to me and I didn’t make time for it once I learned to be an Intuitive Channel.

Once I understood that it can be a tool to communicate with my Higher Self and spirit guides, I then spent almost a decade learning how to make sure it WAS my Higher Self and guides instead of my fears, ego interfering, or cosmic impersonators.

Happy Writing!



intuitive automatic writing

If you’ve watched the video and like the idea of Intuitive Writing but don’t know where to begin, I have an intro course called INTUITIVE AUTOMATIC WRITING 101. It’s a great way to explore creating the clear connection you need to bring the Intuitive information through with writing as the tool.

It’s designed to give you the building blocks you need to:

✔️manage your energy

✔️ protect your energy while you write

✔️create a clear space to access the information clearly so that your ego, limiting beliefs and other people’s fears don’t interrupt your flow. Or worse! Make you second guess everything! (I hate that😠).

You can find out more about Intuitive Automatic Writing 101 here: Intuitive Automatic Writing 101.

Here is the transcription if you prefer to read it:

Hi, I’m Nicole Strychaz, from and I wanted to talk really quickly about the difference between intuitive writing and automatic writing. Actually, I don’t know if it’ll be quickly, but I do want to discuss the difference.

When I was a teenager and I would write, you know, pen in hand to paper, my penmanship would get all over the place. I’d be writing one way and be slanted and then come the other way. And I really felt like I was fighting myself to write. And I used to wonder what the heck is wrong with my penmanship? Why can’t I decide one way to write and just write it? Everyone else had a really distinct way to write. My sister would have her pretty penmanship and it would always look the same every time. And then there was mine. I always thought someone analyzed it would probably look like a serial killer because I heard that you could analyze and you could see like people can’t make up their mind or something when they write. And that’s how mine was. But I didn’t know at the time and much, much later when I was going through an awakening and having a stronger awareness of what was happening, when I wrote, I realized that I was automatic writing.

So automatic writing is this idea that spirit or well I’ll just say spirit can come through you and actually physically write and take your hand. So in my case, I think my penmanship was going all over the place because I didn’t know how to have a connection to one spirit. So I actually think more than one was writing through me. So one was like, hey we’re going to write this way, and the other was like we’re going to write this way and this way. I didn’t have a true one voice with my writing. Automatic writing is that idea that something is coming through and physically helping your hand write.

Well, because I wasn’t comfortable with that once I started understanding about automatic writing, I learned how to set myself up. I learned how to put on my protective boundaries. But I just didn’t feel like that was something I wanted to do. And I have nothing against it. If it’s working for you. But to me, it felt a little like a Ouija board or something where you’re communicating and it’s coming through and telling your hand what to do. And even though I felt really called to write and give information and have writing come through me, I didn’t want something physically taking my hand.

That’s when I discovered intuitive writing. And for me and the reason I want to tell you the difference is because it made me feel a lot more comfortable. So what intuitive writing is, is you yourself so me Nicole in my body, in control of my fingers and keyboards, all those things. But I reach up and I get more information. So I’m connected to, say, my higher self or a collective consciousness. And I hear that information through one of the Clairs. In my case, I’m clear audient. But you could be just know the information and bring it through. Or you could sense it all those different things. But I reach up and then bring the information down. So nothing physically types for me. I just stay clear and can write really clearly, really quickly because that information is intuitively coming to me. So the difference in my mind is automatic writing you kind of clear yourself as a vessel and not something to write through you. And intuitive writing, you still clear yourself, but you connect up and allow that information to come to you and then you bring it through and you either write by hand or on the computer. Artists do this. You could paint the picture that you saw when you brought the information through. I imagine songwriters, singers, all kinds of intuitive ways you can bring it through, but you’re connecting up like a channel, like a tube and you’re pulling the information down and in.

Some people even believe those thoughts are put into collective consciousness. So really, even if you just accept it like, hey, I like that idea, I’ll be the one that brings that through. That’s also intuitive receiving as well. So hopefully that helps. In both cases, I think it’s good to have energetic boundaries and know how to bring the information through. But with automatic writing, if you do it that way, you’ll probably want to look up some posts. There’s ways you can make sure you’re connecting for the highest and greatest good. You want to always know like who is writing through you. If you if you feel that someone’s writing through you and with intuitive writing, you also want the information to be pure. With intuitive writing I think the biggest hang up can be your own ego and your own critical voices that you may have heard in childhood or even from people now that say maybe, who are you to do this or why are you doing that? Or that doesn’t make sense. Those voices can interfere with the intuitive writing, so getting clarity is always helpful. It’s one of the things I teach my clients on how to be a clear channel. So you receive that information and especially if you’re trying to bring through healing messages or things that are helpful for people.

Helpful for people, I can’t say that, you want it to be a pure message. You don’t want your own insecurities or limiting beliefs getting in the way, if you haven’t healed them yet, because then the message can be cloudy. So being a clear channel in either case is really important. But I just was thinking about it lately, I think most people don’t know the difference between being an automatic writer and an intuitive writer, and nothing’s wrong with either. It’s a preference. It’s just my preference happens to be the intuitive writing where I’m mixing my energy with that higher information and bringing it through, acting like a channel vs. stepping aside in my body in any way, shape or form so that it can come through. Not to say that I might not change my mind some day and do something different, but for now that’s what I spent a lot of years devoting my time to is intuitive writing, and I find it exciting and magical and still brings through powerful messages, things that help even me in my life when I have a problem it’ll help me solve the problem. I’ll get information that I may not have had otherwise. Maybe a larger perspective. And that is why for me I love intuitive writing, because I feel that it’s something special and sacred and even moves me forward in my life.

I do think we’re creating some sort of alchemy when we do our intuitive writing that we’re doing more than we think. So that’s been a great asset to my life. But for this video, I just want to bring up the difference between automatic writing and intuitive writing so that if you feel called to be an intuitive writer, you start to head down that path and read posts about that. And if you feel called to do automatic writing, that that’s kind of the direction you head into to get more information about what you’re doing when you do that.

Again, I’m Nicole Strychaz from I have posts I’m putting out regularly on my Website so that you can keep up with it. I’m really gearing it toward intuitive writers, things we can do to nourish ourselves, keep our energy up, how to manage the highs and the lows of our energy when we write, because when you do connect intuitively your vibration goes up. And then, of course, what goes up has to come down. So those ways to manage your energy and be more even about it, then going up and then down and crashing. So hopefully I’ll see you on my Website or here on YouTube again. Yeah. So that’s it.

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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

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