How to Use Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls to Help Prevent Text Claw, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, Texting Thumb and Cell Phone Elbow
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If you’ve sat at a desk, then you probably already know that typing, or any other repetitive motion, can be such a challenge for you physically. You see people trying every position from sitting down to standing up to type, or you’ll notice a graveyard of different keyboard trays and monitors where they’re trying to get relief. But what you may not know, is all the repetitive motion effects we are starting to see from our cell phone usage and other beloved hand-held devices.*
Our love for our smartphones and smart devices is leading to repetitive motion injuries and strange ailments in record numbers. “Text Claw,” “Cubital Tunnel Syndrome,” “Texting Thumb” (possibly leading to thumb arthritis), “Cell Phone Elbow” – these are real things people!
Now I know, you aren’t about to give up your smartphone, or if you have a job that requires typing you’re obviously going to continue. This is why I invited Elyssa Strutton of Maha Movement to demonstrate how we can use Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls to relieve the pressure and break up the fascia for our hands, wrists and forearms.
If you aren’t familiar with fascia, it’s the connective tissue that runs throughout our body. When fascia is tight and constricted it can cause a whole host of problems (see 10 Ways to Keep Your Fascia Healthy So Your Body Moves Pain-Free). The general idea when you are trying to loosen your fascia is that when you break up the fascia in one area, it benefits your whole body.
I first learned about the benefits of using Yoga Tune Up® Therapy balls on fascia by taking Elyssa’s classes. She had us use the therapy ball on one foot and then stand with our eyes closed to feel the difference in our bodies. To my surprise, the shoulder on the side I had “foot rolled” was more relaxed and felt lower than the side that hadn’t been done yet. I was shocked to discover that taking care of your foot would relieve tension in your neck and shoulders!
So why not get rolling and see what benefits you find in other areas of your body too?
This step-by-step video will show you how to give your hands, wrists and forearms some much needed love, and after you’ve seen it you’ll notice there is a cheat sheet on this page that you can use as a reference when you need to “roll” a little quicker instead of along with us – although we’d love to roll with you every time but we know it’s hard to fit it all in.
The therapy balls we use in the video are Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls and you can find them HERE.
So grab some balls and LET’S ROLL!
Our disclaimer: We are not physicians! Always contact a physician if you feel you are experiencing pain or uncertain as to whether or not you should use Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls, or anytime you start a new exercise routine.
There are many videos on YouTube if you feel inspired to keep rolling on other body parts too! Elissa recommends keeping the therapy balls in a drawer and out of the light when not in use as it prolongs the life of them. You can find out more about Elissa and the amazing things she’s doing for workplaces everywhere at ElissaDawnYoga.
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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...