5 Unexpected Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients - Get the FREE Guide

Unpacking “Quiet Quitting” and Career Fulfillment With Shirani M. Pathak

Unpacking “Quiet Quitting” and Career Fulfillment With Shirani M. Pathak

As an Awakened Professional, Conscious entrepreneur, and former Human Resources professional, I think it’s time to add my two cents to the topic of “Quiet Quitting”.

I want to talk about the energy of “quiet quitting” and what it does to your self-esteem, your law of attraction abilities, and how to let yourself off the hook if you’re “quiet quitting” (depending on your definition) or manifest something better.

I invited relationship expert Shirani M. Pathak who is a pro at boundary setting to join me in unpacking this topic.

Energetic Boundaries and Empowerment? My guest today is all about it!

Listen in to get our thoughts on quiet quitting, quick quitting, quick firing and career fulfillment in general.


Shirani M. is your secret to creating a company culture where your employees are excited to get up and go to work every day. She is the founder of the Fierce Authenticity™️ Movement and a specialist in relationships and belonging. Shirani is on a mission to help 100,000,000 people rewrite their stories and create their Legacies of Love. You can learn more about her at www.shiranimpathak.com

You can find her here:

WEBSITE:  https://www.shiranimpathak.com/fierceauthenticity
PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fierce-authenticity/id1516923641
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ShiraniMPathak/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/shiranimpathak/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shirani-m-pathak/
FIND HER BOOK: Fierce Authenticity: Show Up. Be Seen. Get Love 


NY Post: The surprising origin of the ‘quiet quitting’ trend sweeping multiple countries
Fierce Authenticity Podcast: The Personal and the Professional aren’t separate

Work with Me:
Intuitive Copywriting and Content Writing for Spiritual Businesses

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Get the Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients
Get the Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple

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This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Gene Key Shadows – The Key to Magnetic Copy Your Audience Will Love

Gene Key Shadows – The Key to Magnetic Copy Your Audience Will Love

Understanding your Gene Key shadows is the easiest way to write more magnetic copy without changing anything else!  It’s the energetic factor that will have your soul clients seeking you out instead of leaving your website because they feel confused.

When you are writing to your soul mate audience, whether it’s a sales page or a social media post, they can feel your energy!

If you are speaking to them from the energy of your shadows, it can feel low vibe, like an overshare, or TMI, even if you’re telling them something genuine.

But when you understand which energy is your “gift” energy and which is your shadow energy, it can help you create more magnetic copy that attracts your soulmate clients to you and keeps them hanging around to see what else you have to say.

One of the most eye-opening tools that I’ve used for myself and for my clients to understand when your copy is coming from your shadow energy is the gene key profile that you can download for free. It has been so accurate that I haven’t found anyone yet who didn’t resonate with theirs. More importantly, it’s a strong clue to where you have unhealed patterns and where you have a more high-vibe tone when you are sharing your wisdom with the world.

You CAN share information from the energy of your shadow, but the difference is if you have awareness of it or not (I explain it in this post!). But first, let’s take a look at how I am using the term “shadow” for the purposes of this discussion.


what is shadow work

What do I mean by “shadows”?

You may be familiar with “shadow work” or have heard it mentioned before. For me, I see our shadows as the unconscious conditioning that affects our patterns of flow. For example, if I have a strong intuition about something and decide to follow it, but obstacle after obstacle arises, I will explore whether or not it is a shadow energy or a sign that it’s not meant for me.

Carl Jung first shared this idea of the shadow as the alternate to the light side of ourselves.

“The shadow, as described by Carl Jung, is the unconscious part of our character or personality that does not align with the ideal version of what we’re aiming for, this being the version of us Jung called the ego ideal.”

Through a myriad of spiritual development classes, I’ve come to see my shadow as the spot where my conditioning is strongest. It’s where I keep unconscious patterns that I find myself bumping into when I’m trying to uplevel or grow. The shadow is often our blind spot!

For example, if your parent told you, “speak only when spoken to” before entering a family gathering when you were little, you may find later in life you have a hard time speaking up. You may not remember your parent even saying that but when you find yourself in a room full of people you don’t really talk unless someone asks you a question.

It becomes an automatic response to a situation and it may not even bother you until you decide you want to become an entrepreneur. All of a sudden, you find yourself at networking events with a chance to promote your business and you feel like your tongue-tied, or even anxious.

Your shadow, in this example, is blocking your entrepreneurial goals. By uncovering the memory that is no longer true, you can speak even when not spoken to when you can bring awareness to it and thereby heal the pattern for good. The shadow may be “self-sabotage”, but it stems from the dark side of wanting to be able to speak freely and being told “no”.

Now I am not a therapist or an expert in shadow work, but I do work with energy healers when I feel those blocks and I do inner child work to access my shadow patterns because I always want the sky to be the limit for me!

For years I did inner child healing meditations and used this Messages from Shadow oracle card deck to bring awareness to my shadows. I recorded this short video to show you how I use a shadow card deck to uncover any stubborn energy blocks. I still think this is great inner work, but when it comes to writing authentic copy that resonates with my soul audience, I’ve found the Gene Key shadows can be even more potent. They seem to cut right to the chase when it comes to which energy of yours is coming across low vibe and which is coming across feeling yummy and powerful.

To be clear, this is not a hack, or some way to try to get rich quick. This is for those of you who are trying to connect to your soulmate clients and audience and you’re feeling like something is off. You want to get your message out there but it doesn’t seem to be connecting. It could very well be that you are writing from your shadow energy without realizing it but when you are in your “gift” or your “sidhi” people can feel it!

how to find your shadows

What are the “Gene Keys”?

The Gene Keys are an offshoot of your Human Design chart. Human Design is said to be your unique blueprint based on the time and date of your birth, and the Gene Keys are an extension that goes further to show you how to heal lower frequencies to raise your vibration.

You can get your free profile here: Gene Keys: https://genekeys.com/ (choose “Free Profile”)

What I find SUPER interesting about the gene keys is that each gene key shows you three levels.

  1. Your Shadow.
  2. Your Gift.
  3. Your Sidhi.

It’s explained in the Gene Keys book as three levels, from a lower vibration to a higher vibration.

I interpret it as the shadow is when you have conditioning and are operating out of a “not-self” theme (explained further in Human Design). Something that is going against your natural tendencies, preventing you from being in your most potent power, and you have the opportunity to heal it if you become aware of it.

The gift level is after you’ve transformed your shadow and where you are experiencing greater flow, alignment, and probably attracting people to you who want to learn from you and be in your networks.

The Sidhi, to me, is like a mastery where you just allow yourself to be and your vibration is in a much higher state. Free of your shadows a majority of the time.

I think many of us who have been doing “the work” are in the gift level with some ups and downs. So you may go to the Sidhi from time to time or the shadow from time to time with the goal of healing when you’re in the shadow but not staying stuck there.

When I found the Gene Keys, I felt like it made shadow work easier because I could spot the patterns so much more easily! Not only that, whenever I pull the Gene Key chart for a family member or a client, they are usually blown away by its accuracy. I know nothing is set in stone when it comes to our lives, but what I’ve found is that the Gene Keys usually remind us of what our natural tendencies were before someone told us we were “too something”. Too loud, too sensitive, too demanding, or too whatever. When we change that behavior, we deviate from our natural potent power.

Embracing our Human Design is embracing who we are at our core! It can be so magnetic when you are aligned.

shadow the awakened professional

Why you want to heal your shadows.

Here’s the thing. The shadow energy does not feel good once you start awakening.

It feels like you know something is pulling you in the wrong direction. Or you hear your words sounding like a person you don’t want to sound like.

It’s a lower vibration and because like attract likes, you’re more likely to attract drama when you’re living in your shadow energy.

The Gene Keys have been such an eye-opening tool for me because when I saw my shadows named, I immediately recognized them! It was like “OMG, I struggle with that all the time”.

KNOWLEDGE is POWER. Having a tool to recognize your patterns or conditioning is so powerful.

In Your Marketing and Copy

When you are writing copy or in any marketing endeavors, you want to be authentic. If you are not, your audience can feel it. And it can make them feel uncomfortable!

You may have seen this in situations where it seems like someone “overshares” or is giving TMI. You start thinking “Why would this person share this when they’re clearly uncomfortable?”

Yet, someone else can share the same story and it can feel vulnerable and heartfelt and they’re helping others with their story.

The difference is when you try come across authoritative when you are in your shadow energy it feels “unhealed”. It isn’t a high vibration yet because you are still learning and working through it. Unless you share that you are still in it, instead of trying to be the authority, it can feel “off putting”.

But when you are at the gift level, or you have transformed from that shadow, then it feels like a higher vibration and becomes more powerful.

Exploring your shadows to write more magnetic copy isn’t a trick or a hack! It’s a way to bring your soul creations into the world feeling more healed and more authentic because you are doing your shadow work, which in turn helps your whole life anyway.


Now I realize this is challenging to sum up in a blog post and explain when the Gene Keys are such a complex system, but there is something I would love for you to take away from this blog post if you are open to it.

And that is if you print your chart and check the boxes on the right to include the levels, you can have the shadow of each handy, and it clues you in to where you are out of ALIGNMENT.

I recorded this quick video to show you how to access your gene keys and see these three vibration levels I’m referring to.


For example, one of my shadows is “Addiction”. As a teenager, this was an issue for me in the form of substance abuse, but now I pay attention to this in the form of thoughts.

If I feel like something isn’t working, or intuitively I feel like something is stuck in my life, I’ll become more aware of my thoughts.

Do I have a pattern?

My workday gets interrupted quite frequently. I used to think it was my ego interfering with my life purpose, but I’ve recently noticed that I’ve replaced that thought with “this is just how my life works”.

I set aside three hours of peace and quiet to get work done and the dogs bark EXTRA, a kid is sick, or the Internet goes out… and I think, “Ugh. This ALWAYS happens!”

Well… am I addicted to this pattern? Am I addicted to this thought? Can I reframe it?

This is how I use the shadow information from the Gene Keys to create change in my life.

The Gene Keys can be such a rabbit hole that you may not have time for at the moment, BUT you may want to consider just focusing on the shadows for now.

Because when you’re in your shadow energy, you’re not in alignment and people can feel that from you. It feels off and not quite right when someone is in their shadow, but you usually can’t quite put your finger on it.

It carries out into your words, your digital programs, and your copy. People can feel it!

BUT… when you’re in alignment, that creates your potent energy and radiance.

And who doesn’t want more radiance?


“Broke Healer” to Inspiring Leader in Her Industry – With Emily Aarons!

“Broke Healer” to Inspiring Leader in Her Industry – With Emily Aarons!

I’m so excited to bring this guest to the podcast today. I’ve had the honor of first being a listener to Emily Aarons’ Aligned & Unstoppable podcast and being inspired by her – to becoming a writer on her team for the past several years.

I’ve seen her business explode and witnessed the shifts as she’s been able to embody and share her wisdom centered around her incredible healing work and her beliefs about intuition in your business.

Today we’re talking about Emily’s journey, which includes a stint in Corporate America when she had to get a “real job” and where that led her to the Awakened Professional she is.

Her mission to break the broke healer stereotype is inspiring to anyone who has thought of giving up and needs that extra inspiration to take those last few steps to move the needle forward in your business.

I hope you enjoy our conversation and tag us @theawakenedprofessional and @emilyaarons with any insights you take away from this episode. We love to see them!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

    • Emily’s journey from “Broke Healer” to thriving entrepreneur and what the tipping point for her was.
    • It can look like you are thriving on the surface, but your job can be soul-sucking (income goals alone aren’t enough!).
    • What do you want? You have to do what’s right for you.
    • “Showing up” – you don’t have to look perfect!!! Is your message stronger than your appearance and perfection?
    • You cannot fake good energy.
    • Alignment! How to know if you’re in alignment or not in your physical body.
    • How do you know if the universe is shutting a door or if you need more inner work? “Trusting that the final outcome will be in your favor no matter what.”

Resources Mentioned:

Emily’s FREE Abundance Power Duo
Emily’s Aligned & Unstoppable Membership Waitlist
Episode 221: Why You Should Stop Saying I Can’t Afford It – Emily Aarons

About Emily:

Emily Aarons is a highly sought after intuitive healer for female empire builders. She’s best known for getting her clients out of overwhelm and burnout and unlocking the wisdom within to create alignment in their business. For over two decades, Emily has been practicing healing work directly with powerful visionaries and teaching them how to tap into their intuition to activate quantum growth in their business. She’s the creator of the “Angels In Your Biz Oracle Card Deck” and “Aligned & Unstoppable Personal Journal”, and is the host of the top podcast “Aligned & Unstoppable”.

You can find her here:

Website: https://emilyaarons.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyaarons/

Work with Me:
Intuitive Copywriting and Content Writing for Spiritual Businesses

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Your reviews mean the world to me! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave an authentic review. You can help this podcast grow and reach other awakening professionals! When you send a screenshot of your review to hello@theawakenedprofessional.com, I will send you a FREE guided meditation to Uplevel Your Biz or Career by tuning into your inner wisdom. I appreciate your support!

Get the Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients
Get the Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple

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Let me know! 
Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

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By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting hello@theawakenedprofessional.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Intuition, Marketing, and the Importance of Social Media Energy With Caitlin at Meraki

Intuition, Marketing, and the Importance of Social Media Energy With Caitlin at Meraki

I love this episode! I feel that way about every episode, but this one, in particular, is the “one about intuition!”

Caitlin from Meraki Media is here to talk all things intuition, marketing and fusing them together for your business. Yes, your social media has an energy!

We have such a fun story of how we met and our conversation was so engaging we created a part 1 and part 2.

This is part one, where we delve deep into Caitlin’s background including unexpected financial responsibility at a young age, tragedy, and even her Eat, Pray, Love moments around Europe.

You’ll find part 2 on “The End in Mind” podcast where she asks me questions about Intuitive Writing and more.

I hope this high-vibe conversation will keep you thinking for days to come.

If you love this episode, please help my podcast grow by leaving a review. Before you hit the submit button in iTunes, take a screenshot of your review and send it to hello@theawakenedprofessional.com and I will send you a free gift of a guided meditation to help you UPLEVEL YOUR BIZ OR CAREER with the help of your inner wisdom.

Without further ado!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Caitlin’s journey into financial independence at a young age through tragedy and how it shaped her into the business owner she is today.
  • Being exposed at a young age to the movie “The Secret” and how she feels about that now.
  • How to use Intuition in your business, especially for your marketing.
  • We both share our beliefs about being an Intuitive Channel and how that journey unfolded for us (we get REAL on this one!!!).
  • An honest discussion of how marketing and copywriting works for Spiritual Entrepreneurs (Yes! We are different!)


Resources mentioned:

Intuition Made Simple Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple
End In Mind Episode: Intuitive Investing
Manifestation Babe: Rapid Resolution Therapy will change your life w/Dr. Jon Connelly
The Movie “The Secret

About Caitlin:

Caitlin is the Owner and Creative Director of Meraki Media, and obsessed with all things Instagram. Business Instagram Training is her passion project that lets her live her mission of authentic community building. She loves to show you the potential of targeted marketing on social media.

Where you can find Caitlin:

Website: Meraki Media Management
Instagram: meraki_media_management
Podcast: The End in Mind: Personal Development for Entrepreneurs

Work with Me:
Intuitive Copywriting and Content Writing for Spiritual Businesses

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Your reviews mean the world to me! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave an authentic review. You can help this podcast grow and reach other awakening professionals! When you send a screenshot of your review to hello@theawakenedprofessional.com, I will send you a FREE guided meditation to Uplevel Your Biz or Career by tuning into your inner wisdom. I appreciate your support!

Get the Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients
Get the Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theawakenedprofessional

Let me know! 
Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

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By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting hello@theawakenedprofessional.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

How to Use Oracle Cards in Your Business to Increase Your Intuition

How to Use Oracle Cards in Your Business to Increase Your Intuition

Tapping into your intuitive guidance for your business is a powerful skill! Oracle cards are an easy way to get started receiving messages from your intuition, or your Higher Guidance, and also one of my favorite weekly practices to help me stay on track with my business goals.

There are times we can feel like we are stuck, have blind spots, or just want more information and I discovered early on in my awakening that using oracle cards is so helpful when it comes to this.

However, the way I saw most people using them didn’t work as well for me and I want to share the pitfalls I discovered in hopes that it helps you whether you are just starting out or have been using oracle cards for a while.

What are oracle cards?

Oracle cards usually have an image and a message on each and are used to gain insight, get more information, and access your higher wisdom.

They often have a short message on the front of the card accompanied by a longer message in a guidebook.

They are said to be divination tool but are more free flowing and open to interpretation than Tarot cards.

I feel our Higher Self and spirit guides communicate through the cards. It usually mirrors what I am experiencing and offers additional support and insight.

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How most people use oracle cards.

When I first discovered oracle cards, I was early in my awakening and did not understand why I was leaving a high-paying career to pursue blogging which did not seem to be working out for me at the time (you can read more about my story here).

My walls were thumping and knocking, my house felt haunted, my kids were falling apart any time I was on any type of upward trajectory and things would go wrong any time my husband went out of town for work (which was often).

I needed guidance from somewhere and I didn’t know how to “tune in” back then.

I would see people on Facebook going live and pulling oracle cards for their audience, or sharing daily cards in their group, and I started pulling cards for everything.

Every day I would get out one of my decks and see what it had to say.

The problem with this was that I didn’t deepen into the information. I didn’t take time to really understand what I wanted to know and what answers I was receiving.

I also didn’t know how to clear my ego, my energy, or my space before using oracle cards so the messages were all over the place and it wasn’t easy to understand them.

In any case, when I decided I really wanted to use oracle cards as a tool to receive guidance for my greatest good, that is when I stopped to learn how to use them better.

I took Kyle Gray’s Angel Card Mastery Certification Program and then combined that with the other tools I had learned by that point (as I share in my Writing Alchemy Course).

I’m excited to share what I learned about using oracle cards with you now so you can receive guidance any time you are stuck, or as a weekly tool for guidance.

I also share how I use them for business if you’re a spiritual entrepreneur and would like to apply this to your business blocks to skip those upper limits! Or at least stay stuck for less time and move through blocks more quickly. Who doesn’t want that?

Mistakes I see people when using oracle cards.

One of the most important things I learned in Kyle Gray’s Angel Card Mastery Certification Program was to develop a relationship with the cards and not be in such a hurry.

He encouraged us to go through each card in a deck and get familiar with what each one meant for us.

oracle cards in business

It’s important to note, if you assign meaning to the cards, your guides can deliver messages that way. They will begin to understand how you will interpret the card and that’s what can come through when you see that card.

It’s similar to how psychic mediums learn what symbols spirits use to communicate with them. If they see a suitcase, for example, it may mean “going on a trip” or “this person has baggage”. Psychics often become become familiar with symbols, just like you can have your oracle deck have specific messages for you so you know what it means if you pull that card.

However, I see many people owning numerous decks and pulling the cards for too many decisions per day and I can’t help but wonder if they are getting everything out of it that they can.

When you are first learning to use oracle cards, it’s like building muscles. It takes repetition and attention to detail at first to see progress. Oracle cards are helping with your intuitive muscle in this sense and taking time to ask one question at a time or pull a specific spread to see if you feel it gives you guidance is worth not rushing it.

Once you get good at receiving messages from your deck and understanding when it’s ego or interference, then it makes more sense to pull a card every day if you want to.

I love to pull them at the beginning of each week and leave them up all week long to get the most out of the message and guide my week (I’ll share more in a minute on that!).

While I do own quite a few decks, I will use a new one for several weeks or more until it becomes very familiar and I have a deeper understanding of what it means for me.

In any case, how you use your oracle cards is up to you, but I will share a few tips that have enhanced the relationship to the cards for me if you would like to try them.

The first thing I do when I would like guidance from my higher self and guides and want to use an oracle deck is deciding which deck to use.

For this post, I’m going to be sharing how I use the oracle cards for business so I usually choose from my favorite decks that I feel connect me to my life purpose and help me feel soul-aligned in my business.

Those decks are:

Angels and Ancestors, Kyle Gray (find it on Amazon)
Keepers of the Light, Kyle Gray (find it on Amazon)
Soul Coaching, Denise Linn (find it on Amazon)
Messages from Shadow, Keri Nola (find it on her website)

Additional Decks that are popular for entrepreneurs are:

Work Your Light, Rebecca Campbell (find it on Amazon)
Angels in Your Biz, Emily Aarons (find it on her website)
The Sacred Creators Oracle, Chris-Anne (find it on Amazon)


How to use oracle cards.

First, you’ll want to make sure that you, your space, and your oracle cards are ready. Here is what I recommend before you pull a card:

Clear your energy.

Use your favorite energy-clearing ritual, listen to one on YouTube, or try my 2-Minute Energy Clearing ritual before you begin.

This ensures you don’t bring stress, worry, or fear to your oracle card session and make it so you are a clear channel for the information.

Clear your space.

You can use Palo Santo, a house cleansing spray, or intention to clear the energy of your desk or space where you want to use the cards (see: How to clear your desk of icky energy for more tips on this).

how to use oracle cards

Clear your oracle card deck.

You always want to clear your oracle card deck.

To do this, you can hold your deck in one hand and knock it with the other. Be sure to have a good grip so you don’t drop them!

You’re knocking any energy that isn’t yours out of it. Like you’re knocking on a door creating a clean slate.

Infuse your energy into them.

There are many ways to do this but one of the most common is to hold the deck up to your heart and take a moment to connect to it.

Holding it on over your heart is such a warm connection.

Ready to begin!

There are many ways you can use your oracle card deck for guidance. You can ask about a problem you are having or get more information on how your energy is stuck.

The best way to begin is to set an intention before you shuffle the cards.

set an intention

You can say something like “Thank you cards for revealing what I need to know for my highest and greatest good”, or something along those lines.

If you want to ask a question, take a minute to think of the question while you shuffle the deck.

Then allow the card to reveal information to you. Don’t rush it. If it isn’t clear, pull another card.

Pay close attention to cards that fall out of the deck or that are upside down. These may be trying to get your attention even more!

You can also come up with a weekly spread or use the suggestion of the author in the book that accompanies your cards.

My favorite weekly spread that guides me in my business is a 3-Card Spread.

  • The first card is my strength that week.
  • The second card is what my heart wants me to know for the week.
  • The third card is any challenge I might have so that I can be aware of it and bring my strength to it.

This video shows you how I do it:

@theawakenedprofessional How to use #oraclecards for your business. #spiritualentrepreneur #entrepreneur #copywriter #spiritualtiktok #spiritualcontentcreators ♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依

It’s important to note that when you are using oracle cards, intuitive insight should feel positive and helpful.

It should offer a wider perspective or an “aha” moment that helps you move past something you aren’t seeing.

If it feels “off” or unhelpful, it’s likely your ego or your energy is not clear.

Your ego likes to stay safe, which means not changing a thing! However, the more you use oracle cards or other methods to receive your higher guidance the more your ego will settle down and realize it’s okay.

It starts to know that you did this before and it was okay and it becomes part of a routine that will become part of a new normal for your ego.

For your business decisions.

Once you have developed a relationship with your cards, you may also use them for your business when you are stuck on a decision.

But I caution you that sometimes we are so invested in the outcome of the question that we bring bias to the cards and how we interpret them.

I highly recommend you always ask your angels and guides for validation for any decision you are making whether you are receiving intuitive guidance, using the oracle cards, using a pendulum, or are just plain stuck.

This post can help you validate any guidance you receive if you would like more information on how to do that.

Additional Resources

You may also enjoy my FREE guide Intuition Development Made Simple if you would like to grow your intuitive muscle even more.

Intuition development made simple

What’s your favorite way to use oracle cards? Do you have a favorite deck?

I’d love to hear about which deck you respond to most and how you use it.


3 Ways to Validate Intuitive Guidance After Intuitive and Automatic Writing

3 Ways to Validate Intuitive Guidance After Intuitive and Automatic Writing

Validating the Intuitive Guidance you receive from Intuitive or Automatic Writing is a VERY IMPORTANT step! It’s not hard to do and is worth double-checking that the information you received is for you and is for now (and not later).

Your intuition may come to you in many ways, shapes and sizes. One of my favorite ways is through Automatic Writing or what I also refer to as Intuitive Writing. It’s a process similar to journaling, that most of us do without even knowing it and it’s a great way to receive intuitive wisdom from your Higher Self and guides. You can use it to clear stuck energy and remove energetic blocks and you can also use it much like you would use a pendulum when you’re stuck on a decision.

When people use pendulums they usually ask “yes” or “no” questions and have the pendulum “programmed” so they know what it means when it swings either horizontally or vertically.

The problem I found with the pendulum, and what caused me to crave an alternative solution, is that for me it wasn’t accurate.

It would say “yes” to something but my gut was having a response to say that it wasn’t correct. My authority in Human Design is to have a sacral response (which I didn’t know at the time!) and over time I have learned to trust my gut response, more than anything else.

The pendulum said “yes”, my gut said “no” and my gut proved to be the one who was correct most frequently in the long run.

3 steps before inspired action pendulum

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Now I use the pendulum as a clearing tool in line with Jean Haner’s Clear Home, Clear Heart process for energy clearing, but I no longer use it as a decision-making tool.

Even if the pendulum does work for you, and I know many of you have success with it, it still doesn’t give more insight than a “yes” or a “no”.

Intuitive / Automatic Writing allows you to go deeper. It allows you to ask questions, get guidance, find out your next step, and heal energy if something is standing between you and your dreams.

But, there’s an important step that comes before “inspired action” that I would love for you to consider adding to your practice if you haven’t already.

And that it is VALIDATING that the information you receive as Intuitive Guidance is correct and is truly meant for you.

In any case, when you receive those Intuitive nudges (or Intuitive information), it’s always a good idea to validate it if it doesn’t require immediate action. Just to make sure the information is for YOU, and for you right now.


What is Inspired Action?

what is inspired action

Inspired action is when you receive that divine wisdom from your higher self and spiritual support team and you are inspired to take an action toward your goals.

I think of it as magic advice, the kind of magic that belongs to co-creation and alchemy, where it’s so clear and insightful that you just know that something great will come of it.

This is not to say the advice will make sense!

Often it’s a tiny baby step to a much larger puzzle that years later you can look back and think “Oh! If I hadn’t done that one thing ALL these other things would not have happened.”

Intuitive guidance is often like that (which comes through Intuitive Writing). It’s a nudge, a step, a clue… and on a rare occasion, you get a roadmap of where you are headed so you can set your internal GPS to that coordinate.


Why do you want to validate?

why you want to validate the guidance

Intuitive Writing isn’t an exact science, especially when you are starting out. It’s similar to tuning the radio on your car to a clear station. Or finding the right spot for your cell phone if the reception is bad.

When my boys were little they had walkie-talkies. They would try to talk to our neighbor in his house but often they couldn’t hear him. Their walkie-talkies had different channels so they would change them around and sometimes we would hear strangers’ conversations!

And sometimes a stranger (or neighbor I guess it must’ve been) would talk through it. They would have to figure out which frequency their friend was on and then leave it on that channel or they couldn’t communicate.

And even then every once and awhile the walkie-talkie would have a strange voice come through out of NOWHERE if they left it on!

Intuitive Writing is like that. If you are perfectly dialed into your Higher Self and guides, you get a clear conversation and can write down (or type!) the wisdom.

But, it could also turn out you have mediumship abilities and someone else’s spirit guides are trying to get a message to them.

Or it could be your ego posing as your Higher Self (this has happened to me many times!), or your inner child may want to share.

Depending on WHO is giving the “inspired action” to you… well, it may not be for you and it may not be for right now.

Your ego, for example, wants to keep you safe. They want you to stay doing what they know, even if it doesn’t feel soul-satisfying. So if you are Automatic Writing or Intuitive Writing and you’ve tuned into your ego, the advice may be to do nothing for a while. Or apply for a “safe” position instead of taking a career risk.

Your ego isn’t likely to say “go for it!” in other words.

It’s important to validate the information you get from writing, just as I took the time to validate that the pendulum wasn’t giving the right input for me.

automatic intuitive writing 101

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101


Here are 3 things you can do before you take inspired action from intuitive guidance:


1. Clear your energy and ground

Clear your energy

After a writing session, the first thing I do is ground my energy. I make sure my energy is clear and that I am once again rooted to the earth and not with my head still up in the stars. This is great music on YouTube for grounding that I like to listen to and you can also try my FREE 2 Minute Energy Clearing Ritual for Writing 👉 HERE.

Then I’ll look at what I’ve written (or typed!) and ask “Is this for me?” “Is this for my highest and greatest good?”

Clairaudience is my dominant Clair so I’ll usually hear a “yes” or “no”. If it’s a “no”, I will leave it and ask for more clarity in my next writing session as to why not. ( Understanding your dominant Clair is a game-changer for Automatic and Intuitive Writing!)

If it’s a “yes”, I will go to the next step.



2. Leave it.

Sometimes you have to wait to take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing


Before you take any action, especially big action, it’s a great idea to just leave things alone for a hot minute.

You’ll have time to take action, but it’s important to understand if you were given the first baby step, or step number 20 when it comes to fulfilling your desires.

Things do not always come through in a logical order or specific timeline. I had a spiritual teacher who received intuitive guidance about an important event she would attend in June. She was so excited for June to come but guess what? It turned out to be a whole year later! Still June but when the thing happened the following year she knew it was exactly as she had imagined it but a whole year later!

I know it seems hard, but write the guidance down and leave it be for a minute, a few days, or a week.

Go out in nature, talk a walk, ponder how it would happen.

Sometimes you want to just jump into action and get things done. I heard a phrase from one of the coaches in Aaron Daughty’s 21-Day Abundance Challenge “Start with your heart, then add your smarts”.

If you get guidance to quit your job, that would likely come from the heart. Your soul knows what you’re meant to do and when you’re off the path.

Adding in the “smarts” would be the follow-up plan. “How can I quit?” “What can I do for money in the meantime?” “Can I create a side hustle while I’m at this job until I have the income to quit?”

You’re also wanting to make sure you were tuned into YOUR frequency. What if “Quit your job” was meant for your best friend and her guides were trying to get that message to her?

It’s important to make sure the information is for you and that you weren’t tuned into a frequency that isn’t for your highest and greatest good at this moment.

It doesn’t have to take long.


3. Ask for signs.

Ask for signs to validate Inspired Action After Automatic Writing

Once I’ve grounded and cleared my energy field, explored “Is this for me?”, I will ask my guides to send 3 signs that I’m meant to take this action.

You can let them surprise you and pay attention to signs. Is a song suddenly stuck in your head or playing every time you get in the car that has lyrics that match your situation? That’s often a sign.

You can ask to find a bird feather in your path, even specify if it’s a white feather or black one. I kid you not, one time when I did this I was sitting and saw a bird hopping on my patio to our doormat where it dropped a feather from its mouth! After I regained my composure out of total disbelief I picked up the feather and marveled how there’s so much more going on in our connections and universe than we know!

Another way this often gets validated is through conversation with others.

Say, for example, you get the message to try acupuncture. Then you’re having a random conversation at the grocery store and someone starts telling you about acupuncture.

Then potentially, you look at the magazine rack and there’s an article on acupuncture. Next thing you know, you find someone’s business card and they are, I know you know what I’m going to say, an Acupuncturist.

Your guides will validate for you and you can also ask, “If this is meant for me, can you tell me which Acupuncturist can most help me?” Or whatever “the thing” is that you got guidance to take inspired action on. Which vacation, which career, which [insert the thing that’s meant for you].

I’d like to add that once you get very in tune with your Higher Self and guides through Intuitive Writing and you learn to work with and not against your ego and inner child, these steps will happen much more quickly.

These days, I get the inspired action and I will leave it for a while to see if it starts to feel urgent.

My intuition will become a small craving and the become a sense of “You have to do this now!” kind of thing.

I still validate and ask for guidance on how, but that’s how I know it’s SUPER aligned is when it feels urgent.


The difference between validating inspired action and taking action if there’s true danger.

I want to make sure I specify that this is not the same as your intuition in extreme situations or when there’s danger. That comes through calm and clear for me in those moments. “Don’t go down that street” or “Turn right here now”…

Don’t take time to validate if there is danger involved or if it’s a quick action when you’re out in the world.

This is for the guidance you receive through Intuitive Writing, not if you are doing something like skiing full speed down a mountain and something tells you to go right or left. That’s a different relationship to your intuition than the one I’m talking about in Intuitive Writing.

Although, in those moments you may get guidance like “Why not start a new business?” That would be a start with your heart and then add your smarts situation. 😉

But when something needs your immediate attention, skip the steps!

I hope this helps you get the most out of Automatic and Intuitive Writing and take those inspired action steps when they come. It’s truly magical when you can align with your soul’s desires and the guidance of your Higher Self. They want what’s best for you and want you to get the most out of life. That includes happiness, pleasure, abundance, and experiencing your life to the fullest.

Writing is a great tool for this and taking the steps after a session will help you skip some of the trial and error of it.

If you would like to learn more about how to use Intuitive Writing as the magical tool that it is, I’m pleased to announce the digital course INTUTIVE WRITING 101 to connect to your Inner Magic! It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between interference and being a CLEAR CHANNEL. It’s a great first step!

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

automatic intuitive writing 101


What “inspired action” are you up to? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Happy Writing,

The Importance of Grounding and Easy Hacks to Get Back in Alignment

The Importance of Grounding and Easy Hacks to Get Back in Alignment

Grounding! We need to chat about this. It seems more prevalent lately and I highly encourage you to try these easy hacks to get back into alignment.

Not feeling grounded energetically affects your safety and your intuition! It’s super quick to get back to being present and I’m sharing how you can do that in a pinch.

This episode is for you if:

  • You’ve been noticing that you are forgetting things (like locking the door, closing the garage, etc.)
  • You feel a little spacey
  • You notice people around you are almost running you over in the parking lot
  • You need to be more present on the roads these days.

Or… any other way you’ve been experiencing not feeling fully present in your life.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why it’s essential to be grounded and “in your body”.
  • How to get out of your head and back down to earth.
  • Signs you’re not grounded.
  • How being “ungrounded” affects your intuition.
  • An easy way to get back in alignment.
  • Boundaries you can set to help you be more present.


PREFER TO WATCH INSTEAD? You can view this episode on YouTube:

Resources mentioned:
Free Energy Clearing Ritual

Work with Me:
Write Your Future Course  Podcast listeners get 20% off with the coupon code: podcast.
Mindset Coaching Sessions for Career or Business

Get the FREE Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients
Get the FREE Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple

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Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

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By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting hello@theawakenedprofessional.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

The Power of Mindset on Your Health and Dreams With Nate Ortiz

The Power of Mindset on Your Health and Dreams With Nate Ortiz

Nate Ortiz had a rough start! He was born to a drug-addicted mom with heroin in his system. After rehabbing as an infant, it left him with physical ailments to the point where doctors didn’t think he would ever walk or speak normally and he would need a full-time aid.

But not Nate! When you hear his inspiring story there is NO WAY you can deny the power that belief and inspired action have in our lives.

When I first heard Nate Ortiz on the Highest Self Podcast, I knew I had to have him as a guest! I reached out to him before I even had a podcast and was so excited when he said “yes”.

This episode is so inspiring because his manifestation process validates so many things I’ve been sharing with you on this podcast – and his is 10X’d!

If he can be in a situation where he wasn’t expected to walk, definitely wasn’t expected to go on and play Division 1 football, be a motivational speaker and physical trainer, then I know that anyone can create change.

I can’t wait for you to listen in on his journey, his manifestation process, and his tips for how you can do this too.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Nate’s background with being born with heroin in his system, having to stay in the hospital for months, leaving him feeling unsafe with an activated nervous system and physical ailments.
  • Nate felt like he had no control over his body as if his “wiring system was tangled”.
  • How an obsession with “Why” began to allow him to create change in his life.
  • A turning point in Nate’s life had to do with a form of writing that he calls “dream mapping” (similar to what I call “intuitive writing”).
  • Manifestation – how Nate does it and how we’re all different.
  • Nate shares how to listen to what he calls “Life’s Compass” to manifest and adjust your actions to reach your dreams.
  • Energy blocks can happen based your area and the people you’re around.


Resources mentioned:

Sahara Rose & Nate’s podcast episode: Highest Self Podcast 442: Why You Have Digestive/ Hormonal Issues- The Spiritual Causes with Nate Ortiz
Elliott Hulse – Yo Elliott
Paul Chek

About Nate:

Nate Ortiz is a writer, celebrity life and health coach, retreat leader, workshop leader, podcast host, social media influencer (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram), and public speaker. His television appearances include Pix11 News and Hollywood All Access. He is the lifestyle coach people call when they want to turn a new leaf and need the push to make it happen.

Where you can find Nate:

Website: https://www.begreatwithnate.com/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/begreatwitnate/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@begreatwithnate

 Work with Me:
Write Your Future Course  Podcast listeners get 20% off with the coupon code: podcast.
Mindset Coaching Sessions for Career or Business

Get the FREE Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients
Get the FREE Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theawakenedprofessional

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Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.

By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting hello@theawakenedprofessional.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

10 Ways to Trust Your Intuition at Work (And Have Others Start Trusting It Too)

10 Ways to Trust Your Intuition at Work (And Have Others Start Trusting It Too)

Being able to use your intuition at work is the most highly beneficial thing you can do!

Why would you want to be cut off from your higher wisdom and your zone of genius? You wouldn’t!

The reason I want to talk about intuition at work, in particular, is because other people and processes are usually part of your ability to implement your intuitive hits and often have to be included in your decision-making process.

It’s not the same as if you’re a solopreneur or run your own company and you can connect to your intuition and implement the guidance at will.

Learning to trust your intuition and have more confidence in it, will help you know when to go to bat for one of your ideas and when to let it go.

I share all of this and more in this jam-packed episode on learning to trust your intuition at work.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What can hinder you from following your intuition at work?
  • The time I wanted to change one form at a large company to make it more efficient.
  • What to do when your decision-making process is impacted by other people (co-workers or processes!)
  • What is Intuition and “intuitive downloads”?
  • Your intuition contains your Zone of Genius!
  • Learning to trust your intuition and be a clear channel for it.
  • Use it or lose it!
  • 10 Ways to build this trust.
  • Intuition doesn’t make sense, most of the time.


Resources mentioned:

New Guide: Intuition Development Made Simple
Episode 8: 4 Magical Ways You Tap Into Your Intuition Without Even Trying
Blogs: How to Validate Your Intuitive Downloads
6 Ways to Energetically Clear Your Desk without Smudging or Smoke

Work with Me:
Write Your Future Course  Podcast listeners get 20% off with the coupon code: podcast.
Mindset Coaching Sessions for Career or Business

Get the FREE Energy Clearing Ritual: 2 Minute Ritual for Energy Clearing
Get the FREE Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients

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Your reviews mean the world to me! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a comment. You can help this podcast grow and reach other awakening professionals!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewritingmedium/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thewritingmedium

Let me know! 

Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.

By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting support@thewritingmedium.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

The 4 Magical Ways You Tap Into Your Intuition Without Even Trying

The 4 Magical Ways You Tap Into Your Intuition Without Even Trying

Many people think they don’t have intuition, or that their intuition isn’t guiding them, but that’s simply not true! If you learn how to tap into your inner wisdom you’ll likely discover you’ve been receiving it ALWAYS.

The great thing about this episode is that you don’t have to change anything or do anything differently to be able to receive your inner guidance more often.

It’s bringing awareness to a skill you already have and I can’t wait for you to listen and find out more.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What is intuition really.
  • What intuition is not!
  • How you can learn to be better at accessing your inner wisdom.
  • We all have intuition, we can all access it, and we can all get better at receiving it.
  • Examples of intuitive advice that comes through in various ways and how it happens.
  • The 4 Ways you can tap into your intuition without making any changes.

Resources mentioned:

Episode 1: Are you an “Awakened Professional”? How do you know?

Blogs Mentioned:
Why Understanding Your Dominant “Clair” Is Magical
Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do
Easy Ways to Play With Your Intuition and Increase Your Confidence

Work with Me:
Write Your Future Course  Podcast listeners get 20% off with the coupon code: podcast.
Mindset Coaching Sessions for Career or Business

Get the FREE Energy Clearing Ritual: 2 Minute Ritual for Energy Clearing
Get the FREE Guide: 5 Surprising Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients

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Your reviews mean the world to me! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a comment. You can help this podcast grow and reach other awakening professionals!

Follow me on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewritingmedium/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thewritingmedium

Let me know! 

Let me know how you are an Awakened/Awakening professional. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @theawakenedprofessional with something that represents living your life in this “awakened” kind of way. I’d love to see it!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info.

By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of The Awakened Professional, or used by The Awakened Professional with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use the information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of The Awakened Professional, which may be requested by contacting support@thewritingmedium.com.

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.