Easy Ways to Play With Your Intuition and Increase Your Confidence

Easy Ways to Play With Your Intuition and Increase Your Confidence

A great way to get better at tuning into your intuition and understanding when it’s actually intuition, and not ego interference, is to play!

Testing it out, learning how you receive it (see this blog post), and taking action when the stakes are LOW… it’s what allows you to be confident when you need to make much bigger decisions.

I’m going to give you an example that just happened on Friday – that has to do with fried chicken.

(And if you’re not a meat eater, please replace that part of the story with something yummy you would love to eat!)

My 12 year old has started taking diving lessons. It’s 3 hours per week of constantly pulling himself up out of the water on a warm summer day. And for some reason, after each lesson, he craves Raising Cane’s fried chicken strips.

I got it for him one time but then my healthy Mom voice kicked in and told him “You can’t just eat fried food every time you exercise – that’s not good for your body!”

He is skinny so he tried to pull the “I need more meat on my bones” card but I gave him a nourishing meal instead.

But on Friday, he was still craving fried chicken and couldn’t stop talking about it. I began to crave it too! We all did.

Except I had promised my 14 year old we would go to Downtown Disney because he’s been looking all summer for a little Remy character from Ratatouille that has been sold out. (He’s going into a culinary program for High School and has been wanting this so badly!).

We looked up Downtown Disney’s food and the best we could find was a fried chicken sandwich at a restaurant. We’ve been there enough times to know that the restaurant is always packed! And this was a Friday night on top of it.

And let me tell you we were already STARVING.

It takes at least 40 minutes to get there, probably 20 to park and get through security, and then we were expecting a 1-2 hour wait for the restaurant.

It didn’t make sense to go there for fried chicken.

My husband started looking up other places on the way to see what other options we had but I strongly heard “just head to Downtown Disney”.

Even on the way as we were stuck in traffic, my husband kept asking “Should I just pull off and look here?” and I would tune in to my intuition again and it was the same “Go to Downtown Disney”.

Now I know getting fried chicken isn’t a big deal and that’s why it’s the perfect way to practice tuning into your intuition.

If we couldn’t get into the restaurant, I knew they had hot dog carts and we already planned on a delicious milkshake or churro (it was a splurge day!) so not a big deal.

When we got there, finally, as we finished the long walk from the parking lot and arrived at the security station (they check your bags), can you guess what was the first thing we saw?

A food truck! And not just any food truck!!! A Nashville fried chicken food truck!!!

I mean, what are the odds of a fried chicken food truck being right at the entrance of your destination when that’s the one thing you’re looking for???

Well, when you learn to access your intuition, the odds are much better.

And let me tell you it was really good. So not only did my son get what he was craving, it was delicious on top of it and fun to eat with a band playing next to us on a planter we found to sit on.

Now you could say “That’s just coincidence!” but when you play with your intuition enough, you no longer feel that way.

Because things just line up! Life becomes easier.

I have no idea if the seed was planted in his head to talk about fried chicken when there was a food truck, or if the idea to choose Friday for this adventure is what allowed us to get there, but either way, if we had pulled off the freeway to find an alternative, we probably would’ve settled on something else and then been sad when we walked in and saw that big truck right freaking there!

Playing with your intuition when the stakes are low is what helps you grow your confidence.

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Because I tell you, I’m teaching my boys about manifestation and there’s no way they could argue that one.

My 12 year old now feels he manifested what he was craving!

As for the Remy my 14 year old was looking for, he settled for a big one while we keep looking for the little chef that fits on your shoulder.

But my intuition didn’t say it would be there, it just sounded fun to go look for it. And we love Disneyland so being in that energy is always fun for us.

I can give you another quick example of listening to your intuition so you too can play with it more.

After I wrote this post, it was time for me to go exercise and then head to the infrared sauna so I decided to finish it later.

At the sauna, they have a TV with a remote control that they set up to play relaxing music with beautiful pictures of scenery.

You CAN take the TV remote in with you and watch Netflix or Hulu, but I usually don’t because I don’t need to change the channel.

Today though, I heard “that voice,” say “Bring in the remote”.


“That’s strange”, I thought but I decided to take it into the sauna with me. Playfully, I wondered if I was going to get bored and want to watch TV or what else would be the reason I would need it.

AND again I was so surprised when 20 minutes into my session the music stopped and the message “Your account is being paused because it’s being used in another location” appeared on the screen.

I have been using the infrared sauna as a way to detox and hopefully lower my blood pressure and the music is what makes it relaxing because the quiet makes me want to bolt!

I was so happy I had the remote with me so I didn’t need to open the glass and feel how much better the air-conditioned room would be over sweating (I might have ditched the detox!).  I hit the home button and found how to put the music back on and went back to my relaxing/sweating.

Would it have been THAT much of a problem if I had to step out and get the remote?

Of course not. But following your intuition when nothing is really at stake is what allows you to make choices when bigger things are on the line.

I’ve used my intuition (after clearing the fear, stress, and worry from my energy field) when our family has had an illness, needed to make school decisions and important health decisions during the pandemic – and even for financial choices like buying a car to get the best deal.

Play with your intuition when the stakes are low, so you can TRUST it when the stakes are higher.

It’s beyond helpful to know when it’s fear, other people’s ideas, your ego guiding you to a “safer” path that isn’t the best for you, or your own worry VERSUS your intuition.

intuition makes life easier

Intuition is your GIFT to make your life easier.

And it can even lead you to a good meal!

Some easy ways to play your intuition are:

Notice HOW you receive your intuition. Do you hear it? Do you just have a knowing? Do you see a vision about an outcome? (SEE: How Understanding Your Dominant Clair is Magical).

If it’s easy to follow, doesn’t seem harmful (like my example to “grab the remote”), just try it!

Learn to clear your energy and then ask questions and wait for your intuitive guidance to show up. You can clear your energy with my Intuitive Writing 101 Course that you can access here:

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automatic intuitive writing 101

Let me know in the comments how you’re playing with your intuition. I’d love to know.


6 Ways to Energetically Clear Your Desk Without Smudging Or Smoke

6 Ways to Energetically Clear Your Desk Without Smudging Or Smoke

Energy clearing your space (and desk!) is so important for every single one of us.

I don’t think you have to be highly sensitive to feel the thoughts and emotions of a space, but if you are highly sensitive you’ll definitely be more aware of it.

Even if we aren’t aware of it, most of us can walk into a restaurant that feels low vibe and not want to eat there. Or avoid a certain chair at the movie theatre. Or find yourself avoiding certain parts of your home… well, you get the point.

Energetic imprints are everywhere. If you pay your bills at your computer and you worry every time you do it, you leave worry in that space.

If there’s a certain room in the house where you argue with your significant other, it can be caused by an energetic imprint there too.

In the book, Clear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Haner talks about how if you move into a house where a couple argued all the time, you might actually find yourself arguing!

This is why it’s so important to clear your space regularly to avoid energetic build-ups.

And this is especially true if you are writing or doing ANY kind of creating.

You don’t want other people’s energy, or feelings, in your magical creations, no! You want your purest and highest self coming through.

If you CAN open a window, THIS post will help you cleanse your space.

But if you can’t open a window, don’t want to use smoke, or it’s just not possible all the time – here are some ways to clear the energy of your space that work just as well.


What is “smudging” and why wouldn’t you just do that?

smudging as energy clearing

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You may have heard the term “smudging” synonymous with clearing your space.

Smudging has its roots in Native American ceremonies and over the years we have an increased awareness about whether or not this is Cultural Appropriation. (This article explains it though I don’t align with their belief not to burn sage).

It seems to me the appropriation lies in the ceremony, more than the use of white sage, but I highly encourage you to do your own research and decide how you feel about using the term “energy cleansing” and finding your own way to do it over the term “smudging” as a ceremonial act if you haven’t researched it or been trained.

Since smudging is the most commonly used term, I used it here to explain that I’m talking about energy clearing and cleansing your space, but not in a specific ceremony for which I do not have the cultural origin.

Many energy healers and energy-sensitive folk find clearing your space with white sage to feel very cleansing.

White sage also has antibacterial properties and can eliminate germs! It is said to kill up to 94% of germs (see: THIS post for more on that). I use this quite a bit if someone is sick in our household or if we had someone in our home who was showing symptoms.

So burning white sage can come with some controversy both over whether or not we are overusing white sage and depleting the supply, and also the question of whether or not it’s cultural appropriation to smudge. (I personally do burn white sage on occasion and have my own ritual that I’ve adapted from my spiritual teachers over time.)

But the good news is that you don’t have to use only sage to clear your space. It can be Palo Santo or my favorite pure resin Frankincense and Myrrh incense (I love this stuff!).

In any case, for the purposes of this post, you may not want to use sage, or smoke, for any given reason and there are other perfectly good ways to clear your space that I’m excited to share.

The goal is for you to have a way to keep your space feeling high vibe, cleansed and with reduced interference so you can be productive and creative at your desk.


Here are 6 ways to energetically clear your space before you write or create.


music lifts the energy clearing away the negative

Play high vibe music to energetically clear your desk and surrounding space.


YouTube, Pandora, Spotify – they are all full of high vibe music that will lift the energy of your space.

These are a few that I like to play at my desk (even when I’m not sitting there) to give it an energetic sound bath:

9 HOURS Tibetan Healing Sounds


I also had a Kundalini yoga teacher once who swore that if you played Kundalini music in your home it would be energetically clear and also protect your home! I haven’t found Kundalini music online that I connected to, but if you have it, why not try it?

The great thing about music is that you can also play energy cleansing tones while you write. I have found that it keeps me in a flow state and I can write more in less time when I have this type of music on. Music with words distracts me so I save that for graphics and publishing, but writing and editing are greatly enhanced with energy clearing choices.


sound for energy clearing your desk for writing

Use sound tools for energy clearing your desk.


Sound, in the form of sound bowls, gongs, and other options like tuning forks is a great way to clear the energy from your space. It makes it feel like spring cleaning but for energy!

You can hit a gong, tuning forks, or a sound bowl over your desk and around your room to lift the vibe.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to use sound to clear the energy before you write:



If you’d like to hit a gong, I use this desk gong: Woodstock Chimes WDG The Original Guaranteed Musically Tuned Chime Desk Gong, which even my kids love to hit. It’s been easy and durable.

I do this for my desk and the surrounding area, but it also feels good to walk around and hit the gong throughout the whole house! It breaks up the stagnant energy and leaves a higher vibration in its place.

sound bowls clear your desk too

Sound Bowls

I also use this sound bowl that I bought in a metaphysical store but it’s a little tricky to find online: Tibetan Singing Bowl Gift Set: Purple (Crown)

If you can’t find that one, this one looks so appealing! I’m thinking of adding another to my collection: Tibetan Singing Bowl Set, Meditation Sound Bowl Handcrafted in Nepal for Healing.


Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are another great option to clear your physical space and can also clear mental clutter while you’re at it.

This is my favorite tuning fork – 128 Hz – that I use for any physical pains, to relax my jaw, or even if my sons have a stomachache… but that’s for a different post! This is about clearing your space and tuning forks are an easy option to keep it clear.

My most used tuning fork: Biosonics 128 Hz Otto Tuning Fork (Weighted)

It is important to make sure you buy a quality tuning fork as some say they are 128 Hz but measure differently when you get them home! You can experiment with a less expensive option to see if you like it, see if you feel a difference in your space, and then upgrade to Biosonics later because they are a high-quality brand.

I was introduced to this one from a yoga teacher who used it on us at the end of class and it felt amazing! Finding out it cleared my desk of energetic clutter was such a wonderful bonus.

Let me know which way you like to use sound for clearing in the comments. I’m curious what other ways you’ve found.


pendulums make great energy clearing tools for your space

Pendulums can clear negative energy from your desk.


Pendulums are more than just for “yes” and “no” answers. You can also clear space with them. I simply hold the pendulum over different areas of my computer, keyboard, and desk to clear the energy and create a nice, blank slate for writing.

I have programmed my pendulum to clear space by asking it “Show me what movement is for clearing”. Mine goes in a circle for clearing. I hold it over the spot, ask it to clear it and let it circle until it stops circling.

(I am a channel through Automatic Intuitive Writing so I like to be in an energetically clear space so I tune into the appropriate frequency.)

The pendulum takes more time so I generally use the gong or tuning forks for larger areas of my desk and home office and then the pendulum for smaller spaces like the keyboard and laptop.

Jean Haner also explains how to use dowsing rods for clearing in her book Clear Home, Clear Heart.

However, she recommends clearing your whole house much less frequently than I clear my desk space (once a year is her recommendation!). So that would be for the big jobs, and you can use the other methods for your daily clearings.


visualization can help clear negative energy from your desk

Visualization can clear negative energy from your space.


No tools on hand? No problem. You can use visualization to clear your space.

It’s important to see the lower vibration energy LEAVE your space when you do this.

Simply imagine light coming from above into your space. See it gently pour all over you, your desk, space, room and watch it wash the lower vibrational energy out of your windows, doors, out of your home, down the street until it is absorbed by Mother Earth – transmuted into something healing and beneficial.

You can also imagine it floating out of your window and turning into sparkling gold flecks and dissolving.

If you struggle with visualization or want something else, I LOVE this energy cleansing prayer by Melanie Beckler. I say this at every hotel we stay in and I feel the difference! In fact, my boys will now ask “Mom, can you do that prayer ‘thing’ for this room?” when we get there (they are both energy sensitive too!).


plants can absorb negative energy from your desk

Keep plants around your desk to filter negative energy.


Plants are such a wonderful addition to your creative space! Any plants that make you feel happy are good but I prefer leafy plants over succulents for energy clearing.

I have one plant in my space from when I left my corporate job over 10 years ago! It had been in my office with me so long I decided to take him with me.

It brightens things up and plants are said to help purify the air.

Here is a great post on “11 Indoor Plants That Will Absorb All The Negative Energy And Increase Your Happiness”.


energy clearing sprays for your desk

High vibe spray to lift and clear the energy of your desk.


Last, but certainly not least, there are many high vibe (or “smudge”) sprays you can use. These are great but if you are clearing a shared workspace, you may want to make sure your co-workers don’t have any issues with essential oils or scents. They should love them but I think I read somewhere that Canada was banning oils from the workplace. Maybe they had too many oils going on?

Otherwise, simply set the intention to invite the sacred into your space, take a deep and calming breath, and spray your space.

You may want to avoid spraying your keyboard, computer, or any other electronics. Instead, spray the space around them and perhaps use the pendulum for the final step.

This is my favorite spray: White Sage Smudge Spray

Many energy healers sell their own energy clearing sprays if you want to support a local business.


reiki for energy clearing your desk

Bonus: Reiki for energy clearing.


If you are Reiki attuned, you can also use Reiki to clear your space, and yourself.

I put my hands on my desk and say “Reiki on. This space is cleansed and cleared for the highest and greatest good, with ease and grace.”

Then I put my hands on my legs and say “Reiki on. I am cleansed and cleared for my highest and greatest good, with ease and grace”. I do the desk and myself for a minute each (unless I have more time because it feels yummy).


Bottom line: we all leave energy in our spaces and after a while it can build up and feel heavy.


If you are writing or doing anything creative, starting with an energetically pure, clean slate every time is so beneficial.

It can be the difference between sitting down to finish something and finding yourself procrastinating, tongue-tied, fumbling with your words OR being in a complete flow.

These easy ways to clear your space can turn things around in an instant! Banging a gong takes just a minute. Turning on high vibe music is super easy and can be done anywhere. Saying a cleansing prayer or imaging your space being cleared… it’s all doable and is worth the effort.

You can choose one method or use many at a time!

For example, I clear my space with sound before I start writing and then play high vibe music while I write to keep focused and clear.

When I forget to do this before and after I write, I start to feel it. I also notice more interruptions and interference (no one needs that!).


P.S. Let me know if you have other favorite ways to clear your space that don’t involve smoke. I’d love to hear it in the comments!

Automatic Writing: Why Understanding Your Dominant “Clair” Is Magical

Automatic Writing: Why Understanding Your Dominant “Clair” Is Magical

Understanding your dominant Clair is the powerhouse to receiving intuitive guidance from your Higher Self and guides through Automatic Writing. The tricky part is that it can be so natural to you that it’s deceptive! You may not even be aware of your most dominant Clair. I know mine NOW, but I definitely didn’t know it for a LONG time.

You see, I have been writing since the age of 11. At least that’s the age when I remember my first journal, but I also remember short stories that I wrote well back to the 3rd grade.

During my teenage years, I went into a depression and also “high risk” behavior – partying, missing school, and overall being a hot mess. As a lost teen is when I first became aware that writing felt good.

I would write poetry. And then I would re-write it in different colored pens or changing just one word. The connection to the words, the paper, and the pen… it was soothing. It helped me through some dark times even though I didn’t understand why.

In college, I decided to take a creative writing class where I realized that writing was such a big part of my life that I wanted to pursue it. It was so natural and such a part of me that I didn’t even realize how much I loved to write and had been pursuing art instead!

From there my writing journey began, with many detours along the way, but one of my most important discoveries is what I want to share with you today. It’s that I write what I hear.

And that voice that I hear sounds like me, but it isn’t exactly.

I NOW know that my predominant “Clair” is Clairaudience. Which means I hear guidance from my Higher Self and spirit through what I believe is an Intuitive Channel.

Many years later, after I had long since stopped writing poetry and switched to metaphysical subjects and blogging, I went back to read the words from my teenage, misdirected self. I expected the poems to be juvenile and as confused as I was at the time – but they weren’t.

Those poems were wiser than I was back then. They looked at the world as the collective and spoke about it. How did I have a wiser view when me in my younger years had such a limited perspective and was riddled with limiting beliefs?

I believe I was connecting to spirit through Automatic Intuitive Writing and that’s why it felt so comforting and soothing. And once I understood that Clairaudience was how I was doing it, it allowed me to understand that we can co-create with our Higher Self and guides. It doesn’t have to be a one-way conversation!

I truly believe that understanding which Clair is your dominant Clair can be magical when it comes to Automatic Writing.


What are the Clairs?

I believe the Clairs are the way we receive Intuitive information. They are our psychic gifts, in other words.

Some people may feel something is true. Others may just “know” what they are meant to do.

I remember hearing Rebecca Campbell say she picked up a metaphysical book in a bookstore as a teen and she just knew would write one someday (which she did!).

Or you may hear words, as I do. The voice may sound like your voice or a different voice (both happen to me but usually it’s my voice with an image of a person if it’s not my Higher Self or guides).

Whatever your dominant Clair is will likely feel very natural to you, like it’s been a part of you always.

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The main types of “Clairs”.

The most common Clairs you’ll see referenced are these:

Clairvoyance, clear seeing.

Images pop into your mind. It can be a true event, a future possibility, a metaphor to help you receive information.

Clairsentience, clear feeling.

Information comes to you in the form of a feeling. The term “gut instinct” would apply here. You may be able to tell how people are feeling through this sense, tap into “the collective” or know the mood in a room full of people.

Clairaudience, clear hearing.

A voice in your head that is calm and can sound like your own “thoughts”. Often it can come when you are not thinking anything. It can be insightful and have a larger perspective than you normally have.

Claircognizance, clear knowing.

You just “know” things. I used to have a client who when I led her in meditation to get answers, she would just know large quantities of information all at once. Anytime she was stuck we could tune into her guidance and it was amazing how quickly she’d connect back to her path. People refer to these as “downloads”.

Clairalience, clear smelling.

This is usually thought of as smelling scents that don’t have a specific source. So you may smell bread in the kitchen where someone used to lovingly bake bread, but none is being made.

I personally believe that it’s also a heightened sense of smell. When you can “tune in” through scent. This Clair alerts me when my body doesn’t like certain chemicals or foods, in addition to showing up at times without a source.

Also Clairgustance, clear tasting.

This is similar to Clairalience in the manner you may have a taste in your mouth (or know what something tastes like) without taking a bite! I’ve been wondering if Chefs are tuned into this sense. They seem to know which spices and herbs they can put into a dish, even with ingredients that are new to them.

My 14-year-old has taken an interest in cooking and even though he hasn’t been cooking that long, he will add flavors to our meals that I wouldn’t think of and they taste delicious. How does he know which spice will help when often it’s ones he’s never used before? I’m wondering if Clairgustance is a dominant Clair for him?

(SEE: What are the Clairs and Do You Have Them?)


How do you know which is your dominant Clair?

All the Clairs act as heightened senses. And while each of us has access to them all, one should be more prominent for you than the other.

I do believe as you embrace your gifts you will become aware of more than one. For example, my sense of smell is so strong! I’m driving my husband crazy because I can’t stand the smell of most cleaners and I can even smell if he’s used an antibacterial wipe from all the way upstairs. But my Clairalience wasn’t always this strong and it’s become more so over time.


Your dominant Clair is powerful because it’s the most natural to you, and will be your strongest connection when you are Automatic Writing.


Your dominant Clair is the one that is most natural to you. The one that is much like my Clairaudience where I thought it was just my thoughts running through my mind.

When you wonder how to solve a problem, for example, does the solution come in the form of words, an image, or a knowing? Do you have a dream about the solution?

Try to notice throughout your day. You can start with something simple like “What would I like for dinner?” Then be patient and see if it’s a craving, an image of what you’d like to eat, something you just know, or even a smell (scent).

You can do this for several weeks. Ask questions and see how you “know” what you know.

Once you get used to how you receive intuitive guidance most frequently, that is likely your dominant Clair.

As you try this experiment, it’s important to note that if you are currently detoxing from something like bread or sugar, the craving part may not be accurate. In that case, you may ask, “What can I eat for dinner that’s for my highest good?” and see what you feel/notice/sense/smell, etc.


How to use your dominant Clair to Co-create.

When you are automatic writing, this is when it’s important to be aware of images, visions, knowings (downloads), and words that are coming to you.

You can ask questions! Then pay attention to what “thoughts” and words pop into your mind and write them down. This is your Intuitive Guidance.

If something doesn’t feel right or like you would want to do it, you can ask more questions and also confirm that it’s your Higher Self and not your ego sneaking in.

You can talk to your ego through Automatic Writing, but it’s important to know when you are doing that so you know which advice can help you create alchemy and which is your ego’s protection mechanism.

If you receive an idea that lights you up, that’s a perfect time to ask more questions, such as “What is my next step to achieve that?” “How can I make that happen?” “What, if anything, do I need to know?”


It’s Co-Creation, not a one-way conversation.

When I first started Automatic Intuitive Writing, I didn’t understand that intuitive guidance is a suggestion – not a fact.

I would clear my space, set up strong energetic boundaries, and connect to my Higher Self and guides. (I share how to do this in the Writing Alchemy Bundle that you can find HERE.)

I would ask, “What is my path?” “What should I be doing?” and I would receive answers. These answers were OPTIONS. They weren’t answers to go leap into a new career, but I didn’t know that at the time.

It also took many years to know when my ego was posing as my Higher Self and steering me away from my purpose.

In my ego’s efforts to keep me safe, it kept me confused AF instead!

Getting clearer about what I wanted my life to look and feel like and then asking “How do I achieve this?” lead to much more tangible results, faster manifestations, and a more abundant life.

I now teach this in the Write Your Future portion of the Writing Alchemy Bundle so that others can learn to be discerning and not let their ego send them in all different directions like mine did!

The voice usually sounds the same to me no matter WHO is “talking” so developing my Clairaudience skills is what has allowed me to know which advice is the magic (the alchemy) and which advice is not.

Validating the guidance I receive has been a critical part of my development and I highly recommend it. SEE: Before You Take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing 3 Things to Do


Your soul launches the desire…


It’s important to note that your soul launches the desires you are having. When you crave something, have a strong desire to create something, a longing to start a business… this is coming from your soul.

You have a path you chose before incarnating and soul agreements you made. Your soul has those coordinates.

Taking those desires and asking your Higher Self and guides questions about how to bring them into your physical life is a game-changer.

If you’re able to distinguish between your unconscious manifestation patterns, your ego, and your true soul’s desires, it allows the manifestations you WANT to happen to come that much faster.

Again, your ego will often keep you confused or in struggle mode because sharing your voice, your light, and in my case words that the world can read, can be scary.

(I have a meditation to help with this –  Safe to Be Seen: Turn On Your Light with the Feminine Archetypes)

Understanding your dominant Clair and practicing to discern Intuitive Guidance is where the magic is!


Try it!

I invite you to try it the next time you are Automatic Writing.

Clear your space, get comfortable, set up your energetic boundaries, and then notice which is your dominant Clair when you write.

Capture that information! Date it and keep it somewhere where you can easily refer back to it.

Take the extra time to validate the information and over time you will create trust and begin your Writing Alchemy journey.

Let me know which is your dominant Clair in the comments and if you were surprised to discover it. I’d love to hear it!

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Happy Writing!


​A great way to begin is to try my FREE 2-Minute Energy Clearing Ritual for Writing. It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between clear and protected energy versus energetic interference. It’s a great first step!

The Best Energy Clearing Hacks to Write More Authentically

The Best Energy Clearing Hacks to Write More Authentically

The word “Authentic” comes up quite frequently these days, especially with regards to Spiritual Entrepreneurs and their online presence.

People are craving authentic-ness over “professional” or impersonal. Which makes sense, right? We are being fed such a steady stream of customized ads and click-bait titles that it IS really nice to connect with people who feel genuine.

But writing authentically, IMHO, isn’t as easy as it sounds. Not because you want to trick people or be someone you are not, but for several other reasons.

I’m assuming with this blog post that I’ve attracted the voices and the writers who want to be seen and heard in their truest form, over someone is who trying to be authentic just to make a quick buck.

While I have nothing against making money, the purpose of this blog post is to help those of you who are wanting to make soul connections to your soul audience, but something is blocking you OR you find it feels hard to be vulnerable and seen.

Your authentic voice is there, waiting for you and this post can help you.

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What keeps you from your authentic writing voice?

Before I share the best energy clearing hacks to connect to your authentic writing voice, I want to talk about what needs to be cleared.

Several things keep your authentic voice elusive and when you shine awareness on them it can help to dissolve the obstacles to it.


The first one is fear.

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

There are so many reasons to feel fear when you are writing a book, an article, a blog post, your social media posts – the world is pretty dang JUDGEY right now.

It’s so easy to sit home in your pajamas and comment on what other people are doing in negative ways and many are doing just that (see: I got my first hater and it made me smile all day).

But I don’t actually think that’s the real fear most of us experience. I think this goes back to the “burning times” where millions of people suspected to be witches were tortured and burned often just for using a simple herb for a stomachache.

I mean geez! If your crops grew and your neighbor’s crops didn’t – they said you were a witch.

The current cancel culture and hater brigades feel a lot like the witch hunts to me and it can make it feel scary to put your words out there, even on an unconscious level.

But put them out you must if that’s your path because otherwise, you will end up playing small and not fulfilling your dharma.

Here’s the good news! When you clear your energy before you write and connect to your authentic writing voice, you can stand behind your words.

These are NOT just things you will have written for no reason or that you are unsure about, no. It will be pure content that you believe in.

That way if a hater does come along or you receive a negative comment you can feel confident that you did your best and you were TRUE to yourself.

And you are just as important as anyone else!



energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

Your ego will often get in the way of your authentic writing voice. It’s afraid of change, channeling, and anything that feels different.

Your ego is here to protect you and believe me, going online and putting your words out into the world feels anything but safe.

And that ego is great at sounding like your higher self and higher guidance! It’s the one that wants you to make everything perfect, professional, and tie it up neatly in a bow.

Then perfect it again, and again… until maybe it never even makes it out into the public’s view. That feels much better to your ego if it’s not ever seen.

We’ve all felt the “too perfect” sales pages where everything looks right but something keeps you from taking the action to sign up, right?

Often the energy is off. The alignment isn’t there because that person was in the perfection of the page instead of the heart of it. I’m sure their ego LOVED the page that looked pretty, took up a lot of time, and then didn’t convert so that person would go back to doing what they were doing before.

Yes…  your ego is happy to keep you small and inauthentic because soul-to-soul contact is much more vulnerable and scary!



This is similar to what I mentioned about the ego but different in the sense that this usually comes from teachers and online courses.

You may write a beautiful and heartfelt sales page that you feel showcases your creative projects perfectly, but then you edit it to death based on a sales page template you bought that is supposed to be “high converting”.

Or you write a blog post and let it flow, but then edit it the way you remember your English Professor wanted things and it no longer sounds relatable.

How you write authentically, and what you “should” do, are not the same (see: Forget the rules when it comes to Authentic Writing).

And while I do believe there are ways to make your sales page have higher conversion, blog posts have a flow that readers have come to expect, and your emails to have a higher open rate – if it doesn’t SOUND like you and FEEL like you it won’t connect.

It just won’t.


How do I know if I’m writing “authentically”?

When you are writing authentically, I believe it has a feel to it. I often experience an energetic high after the things floating in my head come out in an aligned and understandable way.

I think of it like the singer that gives you goosebumps. They’ve connected to their higher self in that moment and are channeling through the magic and you can feel it.

Writing is the same.

When you are aligned you know it.

But to make sure it happens more often than not, I’m sharing energy clearing hacks to help you connect to your authentic voice (not your fear, ego, or past professor’s rules) and make sure you are a clear channel when you write.

automatic intuitive writing 101

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Here are the best energy clearing hacks to help you write more authentically:



1. Before you even start clearing yourself, make sure your space is clear.

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

I invite you to look at your writing space. Is it cluttered?

Physically clean your space (dust, vacuum, wipe down your desk and monitor/laptop screen) and put away anything that can be distracting.

Since I write daily, every Sunday night I clean my desk and put away any papers I no longer need, throw away old post-it notes and look at my manifestation wall to see if I manifested anything that is ready to come down and be replaced.

You won’t believe what a difference just cleaning your space can make!


2. Next, open a window!

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

If you can open a window before you write, I highly recommend it. Getting stagnant energy out and being able to get fresh air is so helpful (see: THIS post if you can’t open a window and want to clear your space).

I open my window every single day, rain or shine, to keep the energy from piling up. It does wonders!


3. Get outdoors to write notes (or bring your laptop!)

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

If you can write some notes outdoors, it’s a great place to connect to your authentic voice. Especially if you can get barefoot and put your feet on the ground.

Taking a walk and letting your mind roam and clear is also a great way to prepare for writing authentically.

After walking you can head straight to your writing feeling recharged and clear-headed.

I often hear what I’m going to write on my walks and then come home and it practically writes itself.


4. Energetically Clear Your Space

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

It’s a great idea to clear your space with Sage, Palo Santo, or this pure resin Frankincense and Myrrh incense that is my personal fav (if you can’t open a window or use smoke see this post).

Set the intention that your space is cleansed and cleared and is a sacred space for writing.

Then burn the item of your choice and allow the smoke to permeate your space.

You don’t need much! Just a small amount will do and make sure you’ve put it out completely, or rested it in something fireproof, before you begin.


5. With your space nice and clear, it’s time to clear yourself!

Here is where it’s important to clear fear out of your energetic space. If it helps, I often remind myself that at this point we’re writing and don’t even have to publish it. That takes the pressure off so I can just write without expectation.

Later, you can support the parts of you who are afraid when you publish your words, but for now, you want to connect to your authentic voice and feel/hear what it sounds like.

A simple way to clear your energy is to imagine drops of light coming down like rain all around you. (I have a FREE 2 Minute Energy Clearing Ritual that’s great for this! You can find it HERE).

See the drops of light cleansing the energy all around you and washing out of your home. You don’t want to just dump it in your space, instead see it flow out and turn to gold, or green, or something beneficial the earth can absorb.

energy clearing hacks to help you write authentically

Once your energy is cleansed on the outside, you can imagine the light coming down like a column, entering through your crown, coming behind your eyes, throat, down through your body, and all the way out your feet.

When the light comes out of your feet into the ground, imagine roots are being formed to keep you grounded and secure.

With your energy cleansed internally and externally, imagine you are in a bubble of light, like Glenda the good witch in the Wizard of Oz.

This light bubble will keep your energy clear as you write. If you are having an unusually tricky day with your energy, you can imagine the edges of your bubble are pokey to keep away any unwanted energy so you can connect to your authentic writing voice undisturbed.

From there you can write away!

This should keep your ego feeling comfortable too, but when you are done writing you’ll want to remember to cleanse your energy once again using the same process with the drops of light, a column of light, and an energy bubble.

Then I like to talk to my ego. Let it know it’s safe and that we’re OK. You may tune in to your body and see what your ego wants to feel secure. To sit and watch a show? Eat an earthy meal? Sit outside? Honor that.

Once your ego feels you do this several times it will get comfortable. It will know “Oh, this is how we write and it was OK yesterday, the day before and the day before…”

Write authentically, support the emotions that may arise with it such as fear, your ego, and the desire to make things too perfect and you will be surprised at what you can create.

I often find my authentic voice has more insight than I normally have and feels comforting.

Let me know how your authentic voice feels to you in the comments. I’d love to know! Feel free to leave a link to a blog post where you’ve shared your authentic words.

Happy writing!


How Soul Alignment Brings Ease to Your Biz – A Real-Life Example!

How Soul Alignment Brings Ease to Your Biz – A Real-Life Example!

Over the years I’ve come to understand that when we are soul-aligned, synchronicities happen more frequently, abundance feels easier, and manifesting in general happens more quickly.

But “Soul Alignment” is one of those terms that can feel loaded or leave you thinking “That sounds good, but what does it even mean?” In order to explain it, I want to share a real-life example with you so you can see what this looks like on a micro-level.

The best way to do that is to tell you about a conversation I had with a client in a Breakthrough Session and what happened within 24 hours! It’s such validation that when you create Soul Alignment synchronicity becomes the norm!

No, she didn’t make a million dollars suddenly or win the lottery (those people tend to lose the money anyway!). Instead, she validated that she can feel aligned and have clients show up OUT OF NOWHERE. Which is pretty cool, right?

Looking at what’s true for you…

We were discussing social media and the “need” to be on Tik Tok. She had been in a mentoring group where they talked about how powerful Tik Tok is (and I’m sure it can be!) but that she just wasn’t feeling it.

I tuned into her higher guidance to feel out whether this was a visibility block or something else. And oooohhhh… the guidance showed me this message:

“What if you don’t?” “What if you don’t outsource your social media (something she was considering), what if you don’t spend all the hours on it either, and only do Tik Tok if/when it feels good to you?”

What if… you only show up on social media when you feel excited about it and really connected to your message? Would it be more POWERFUL?

You see, what I’ve witnessed for myself and my clients is this “need” to show up for social media (that all the marketing gurus say we have to do) ends up depleting our energy if it isn’t being received and translated to some sort of real connection.

When you are putting yourself out there, if you’re not receiving an energetic exchange, it can actually drain your energy.

As Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Mindful Business Owners, you’ve likely encountered this idea of energetic exchanges. But if you haven’t yet, it’s the idea that everything in life has this balance. If you put out your energy and give to a charity, for example, if it feels amazing to you, it’s a balanced energy exchange. If you write a blog post, or create a video, and you feel great about it – it’s a balanced energy exchange.

But if you feel you have to show up on social media three times a day, every day and it’s feeling uncomfortable, like too much work, like it’s going nowhere – then it’s NOT a balanced energy exchange.

And in the imbalance is where the burnout happens my spiritual friends. 

It’s true that sometimes you are fully aligned and connecting with your audience and it DOES feel amazing.

But often, instead, it feels exhausting. And I’ve tried the schedulers and batching content when I’m “in the mood” but it still has felt so blah to me.

So I personally stopped showing up unless I’m feeling powerful and completely aligned and you know what? My results have been better with less effort.

Or I should say, the effort goes to me being fully aligned and in my power instead of “shoulding” because I think I have to.

Which is why I wanted to share a real-life example with you from my client (with her permission of course), Rini York.

As I said, we talked about putting her content and herself out there ONLY when she felt soul-aligned and like it’s a “hell yes”.

Then, she told me the WiFi sucks in her newly manifested home! She has these great readings she does over zoom but she’s trying to get her WiFi to support them. Ugh… that’s a real problem if you’re running an online business so it was time to be creative.

And it came through in a flash –  “What if you offer a written year ahead reading?” We’re close to the new year and it’s so helpful when you know how to utilize your energy with the celestial guidance of the stars. (I don’t know about you, but I’ve had astrology readings where I came away overwhelmed and didn’t know how to keep it all straight so having a month-by-month guide seems like it would be so helpful.)

She got excited about this and said that offering the year ahead reading felt good to her and guess freaking what???

The next day I got a message from her that someone texted her asking if she offered this.

Let me repeat that! She thought of an offer that felt soul-aligned and possible in her new home and before she could even create a sales page for it, someone asked her if she offered it. When she said “yes,” they said “Great. Where do I sign up?”

She didn’t even have a way for her to sign up yet!!!

That is the best when you’re creating the payment page for people who already want to buy!

It’s the magic of soul alignment. I know I throw out those words and they sound good, but I wanted to give you a real-life example of what I mean by that. Because it’s a real thing!

When you can clear the clutter, take fear and self-sabotage out of the equation and align with what your soul wants for you, it makes the rest feel simpler.

As spiritual entrepreneurs and mindful business owners we need as much ease and flow in our biz as we can get. I have seen way too many burned out healers who started out so passionate, completely embodying their gifts, and witnessed them burnout or return to the dreaded unaligned 9 to 5 (Noooooo!!!!).

You have to get in alignment so your energy knows where to go and is always in an energetic exchange.

It doesn’t have to be complex. You can get simple and ask yourself “Does this feel good to me?” “Do I believe in this?” “Do I feel empowered right now or do I feel like I HAVE to do this?”

This small shift in your mindset for your business, and even your career, can reap great magic.

Try it and let me know how it goes.

If you want help getting that soul alignment, there are two ways I can help you.

  1. Soul Align and Shine Breakthrough Sessions
  2. 1:1 Soul Alignment Foundation Building for when you’re ready to create the foundation YOUR success story is built on.

When you are soul-aligned, your energy will naturally go to the places that have the greatest return on your energetic investment.  Your consciousness will go freaking get people just like Rini’s did!

The best part is, that once this happened, she was able to create social media posts and videos about this new offer. Her soul likely wasn’t aligned before because it knew that the WiFi problem needed to be sorted out before she could welcome that many zoom readings and needed another way to connect with people. 

When you’re feeling blocked, there’s a reason. And the good news is when you take time to tune in there’s always another solution!

Let me know what you are doing to get into alignment and how it’s feeling for you. I’d love to hear from you in the comments.


If you’d like to see the sales page Rini created and her offer, you can find it . I’m so proud to say that before we were working together Rini struggled with sales pages and being clear in her offers and look! But now, she can whip up a page in no time that feels good and people understand what’s being offered.

If You Could Go Back With the Wisdom You Have Now…

If You Could Go Back With the Wisdom You Have Now…

I recently attended an online retreat with Jean Haner called The Spiritual Side of Chinese Medicine. Each day we learned about one of the elements of Chinese Medicine and discovered how to heal it if we were out of balance (and who isn’t???). On the day we were studying water, one of our assignments was to think about what we would do differently if we were to go back and do our life over – but this time with the wisdom we have now.

I would do many things differently, but the one thing that really stood out to me is that I would offer more grace.

I didn’t used to understand what grace is but I’ve come to love the word for meaning allowing people to be who they are and allow them space to heal their lives without my judgement.

When they make a mistake, letting them off the hook for it.

When someone is going through a hard time, offering support instead of criticism.

When someone hurts me, offering them grace knowing they are human and we all makes mistakes (I’m not saying let them hurt me – that is different!).

Growing up I held everyone to such a high standard and felt so disappointed when they didn’t show up how I thought they should. When they weren’t who I thought they should be.

I was such a tough critic!


If I went back with this level of wisdom I have now, I would offer everyone in my life grace. Including myself. I would offer myself grace for doing the best I could at the time with what I knew. We should be our own biggest supporters instead of our toughest critics!

Imagine what a gentler world we’d live in if we offered each other, and ourselves, grace.

Grace for your business.

I also want to mention offering ourselves grace when it comes to running our online business. There’s so much pressure to be on social media, to do this and do that – it can be too much! I’d love for us to offer ourselves grace with that too!

Allow for our own shortcomings, for the cycles of creation that come and go, for the desire to be seen and to NOT be seen at times too.

Letting ourselves be who we are and not judge ourselves so harshly.

You may enjoy this post from when I went against my nature and tried to really put myself out there on social media. I committed to showing up on social media for 30-days in a row and this is what I learned and the conclusion I came to.



I’m curious if there is one thing you would do differently if you went back and started over with your current wisdom? I’d love to hear it, if you would like to share.