In a world where standing out is necessary to grow and scale your business, content creation is critical to help your Soul Clients find you!

But creating engaging content can sometimes feel daunting, or even confusing if you don’t understand your niche or you’re just starting out in your business and you don’t have your engagement dialed in yet.

I have exciting news! There is an element in your free Human Design chart that can help you create content in such a way that you access a “wiser” you that connects to your Soul Clients!

It has to do with utilizing what is called your “strategy” in your Human Design body graph to create magnetic content that is a knowledgeable oasis you can tap into at any time.

Are you ready to try it? Keep reading to learn how to use your free body graph chart to access your higher wisdom data bank.

First of all, what is Human Design?

Human Design is a holistic system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It’s a tool for self-discovery and understanding that provides insights into an individual’s unique personality, characteristics, strengths, and potential life path.

At its core, Human Design offers a map, or blueprint, of your energy. It aims to help individuals live in accordance with their true nature, making decisions and navigating life in a way that’s aligned with who they are at their core.

You’ll hear me refer to this as “Soul Alignment”, or your “Soul’s Signature Energy”.

The system is based on the concept that each person is born with a specific Human Design, explained as 5 Aura types which include:

  1. Manifestors
  2. Generators
  3. Manifesting Generators
  4. Projectors, and
  5. Reflectors

Each type operates differently in terms of how they interact with the world and utilize their energy to create more ease and flow in their lives.

I’ll be focusing on today on Manifesting Generators and Generators strategy to “Respond”, to show you how you can utilize this insight in your marketing messaging.


How can it help your business?

According to Human Design, Generators and Manifesting Generators are wired to respond, but what exactly are they responding to?

There are many ways this can take shape. It can be:

✅ People’s questions
✅ Observations of the world
✅ Problems faced by themselves or others
✅ Questions from friends
✅The needs of your workplace
✅The needs of the collective

What is so interesting about understanding your Human Design strategy, is that when you embody it, it can unlock your innate gifts!

For example, you may not know the answer to a question someone asks you. You may have never even thought of it before.

But when they ask, suddenly you remember an article you once read or a book that has the information. Or possibly, the answer drops right into your mind and when you look it up it’s the exact thing that person needed!

That is the power of living by design – and it’s especially helpful if you are growing your business. You can tap into this energy to create engaging content that is magnetic to your Soul Clients. 


When you share without utilizing your strategy

When you just share, without responding, you can often be met with crickets, confusion, or people who are not ready to hear your insight.

This is why marketing efforts often fail – the energy isn’t aligning with your Soul audience. When you don’t follow your strategy, it can come across as “salesy”, pushy, and kind of icky.

But when asked, or if you are responding to a need, it can allow you to access a deeper well of insights that might not have been accessible otherwise.

And I don’t mean you get access to B.S. information, I mean you get access to insightful, helpful information.

A Real-Life Scenario

Imagine being at brunch with a friend who shares a work problem. As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you resist the urge to force a solution. Instead, you relax, absorb the information, and provide empathetic support.

Suddenly, like a burst of inspiration, a perfect solution manifests in your mind—an angle your friend hadn’t considered or an insight to explore for answers.

In this moment, you’ve tapped into your intuitive channel by aligning with your Soul’s Signature through the act of responding.


Even a teenager can do it!

Even a 16-year-old Generator can attest to the power of responding. Sharing this insight with my Generator teenager, he began to notice that when friends called him with homework questions, he seemed more knowledgeable than when studying alone. It’s a testament to the enhanced information and creative energy that responding can bring.


A Real-Life Scenario for Your Business

Look up someone who does something similar to what you do. Read the comments and see where people are struggling to understand the information. Respond! If you have a great way to explain it, or to help, create content that responds to their confusion!

This way of creating content can increase your engagement, make you more magnetic, and allow your soul clients to find you! You also get the added bonus of learning more than you did otherwise because synchronicities happen when you’re aligned with your Strategy.


Forcing vs. Responding

To harness ultimate creative energy and overcome roadblocks, it’s essential to discern between forcing and responding. Forcing, with its lower vibrational frequency, impedes creativity, whereas responding to a genuine need or question aligns with the strategy and can hold a higher vibration.

I’ve focused on Generators and Manifesting Generators here but it’s important to note that Manifestors use their strategy of “informing”. Projectors can use “waiting to respond” and Reflectors can pay attention to what they feel excitement about and also wait 28 days to make big decisions. Each Aura type possesses a unique rhythm.

By attuning to your strategy, individuals can unlock their creator magic, accessing profound insights and limitless creative energy.

So, the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, pause, listen, and let the magic of responding guide you to a realm of uncharted possibilities.


Validation and Intuition

As with anything intuitive, you can always follow these steps to validate your guidance that I share in this post. It’s a process I use for Intuitive Writing that I also now apply with Human Design and the Gene Keys to validate that I’m on the right track.

If you would like to learn more about your specific Energetic Blueprints for Business, you can order your Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Superpowers 100% Personalized Reading HERE.

Let me know in the comments if you try this hack to tap into your unlimited creative energy. I’d love to hear it!
