unlock your entrepreneur superpowers


Your Soul Left You the Roadmap!

Tapping into your intuitive guidance for your business is a powerful skill! Oracle cards are an easy way to get started receiving messages from your intuition, or your Higher Guidance, and also one of my favorite weekly practices to help me stay on track with my business goals.

There are times we can feel like we are stuck, have blind spots, or just want more information and I discovered early on in my awakening that using oracle cards is so helpful when it comes to this.

However, the way I saw most people using them didn’t work as well for me and I want to share the pitfalls I discovered in hopes that it helps you whether you are just starting out or have been using oracle cards for a while.

What are oracle cards?

Oracle cards usually have an image and a message on each and are used to gain insight, get more information, and access your higher wisdom.

They often have a short message on the front of the card accompanied by a longer message in a guidebook.

They are said to be divination tool but are more free flowing and open to interpretation than Tarot cards.

I feel our Higher Self and spirit guides communicate through the cards. It usually mirrors what I am experiencing and offers additional support and insight.

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How most people use oracle cards.

When I first discovered oracle cards, I was early in my awakening and did not understand why I was leaving a high-paying career to pursue blogging which did not seem to be working out for me at the time (you can read more about my story here).

My walls were thumping and knocking, my house felt haunted, my kids were falling apart any time I was on any type of upward trajectory and things would go wrong any time my husband went out of town for work (which was often).

I needed guidance from somewhere and I didn’t know how to “tune in” back then.

I would see people on Facebook going live and pulling oracle cards for their audience, or sharing daily cards in their group, and I started pulling cards for everything.

Every day I would get out one of my decks and see what it had to say.

The problem with this was that I didn’t deepen into the information. I didn’t take time to really understand what I wanted to know and what answers I was receiving.

I also didn’t know how to clear my ego, my energy, or my space before using oracle cards so the messages were all over the place and it wasn’t easy to understand them.

In any case, when I decided I really wanted to use oracle cards as a tool to receive guidance for my greatest good, that is when I stopped to learn how to use them better.

I took Kyle Gray’s Angel Card Mastery Certification Program and then combined that with the other tools I had learned by that point (as I share in my Writing Alchemy Course).

I’m excited to share what I learned about using oracle cards with you now so you can receive guidance any time you are stuck, or as a weekly tool for guidance.

I also share how I use them for business if you’re a spiritual entrepreneur and would like to apply this to your business blocks to skip those upper limits! Or at least stay stuck for less time and move through blocks more quickly. Who doesn’t want that?

Mistakes I see people when using oracle cards.

One of the most important things I learned in Kyle Gray’s Angel Card Mastery Certification Program was to develop a relationship with the cards and not be in such a hurry.

He encouraged us to go through each card in a deck and get familiar with what each one meant for us.

oracle cards in business

It’s important to note, if you assign meaning to the cards, your guides can deliver messages that way. They will begin to understand how you will interpret the card and that’s what can come through when you see that card.

It’s similar to how psychic mediums learn what symbols spirits use to communicate with them. If they see a suitcase, for example, it may mean “going on a trip” or “this person has baggage”. Psychics often become become familiar with symbols, just like you can have your oracle deck have specific messages for you so you know what it means if you pull that card.

However, I see many people owning numerous decks and pulling the cards for too many decisions per day and I can’t help but wonder if they are getting everything out of it that they can.

When you are first learning to use oracle cards, it’s like building muscles. It takes repetition and attention to detail at first to see progress. Oracle cards are helping with your intuitive muscle in this sense and taking time to ask one question at a time or pull a specific spread to see if you feel it gives you guidance is worth not rushing it.

Once you get good at receiving messages from your deck and understanding when it’s ego or interference, then it makes more sense to pull a card every day if you want to.

I love to pull them at the beginning of each week and leave them up all week long to get the most out of the message and guide my week (I’ll share more in a minute on that!).

While I do own quite a few decks, I will use a new one for several weeks or more until it becomes very familiar and I have a deeper understanding of what it means for me.

In any case, how you use your oracle cards is up to you, but I will share a few tips that have enhanced the relationship to the cards for me if you would like to try them.

The first thing I do when I would like guidance from my higher self and guides and want to use an oracle deck is deciding which deck to use.

For this post, I’m going to be sharing how I use the oracle cards for business so I usually choose from my favorite decks that I feel connect me to my life purpose and help me feel soul-aligned in my business.

Those decks are:

Angels and Ancestors, Kyle Gray (find it on Amazon)
Keepers of the Light, Kyle Gray (find it on Amazon)
Soul Coaching, Denise Linn (find it on Amazon)
Messages from Shadow, Keri Nola (find it on her website)

Additional Decks that are popular for entrepreneurs are:

Work Your Light, Rebecca Campbell (find it on Amazon)
Angels in Your Biz, Emily Aarons (find it on her website)
The Sacred Creators Oracle, Chris-Anne (find it on Amazon)


How to use oracle cards.

First, you’ll want to make sure that you, your space, and your oracle cards are ready. Here is what I recommend before you pull a card:

Clear your energy.

Use your favorite energy-clearing ritual, listen to one on YouTube, or try my 2-Minute Energy Clearing ritual before you begin.

This ensures you don’t bring stress, worry, or fear to your oracle card session and make it so you are a clear channel for the information.

Clear your space.

You can use Palo Santo, a house cleansing spray, or intention to clear the energy of your desk or space where you want to use the cards (see: How to clear your desk of icky energy for more tips on this).

how to use oracle cards

Clear your oracle card deck.

You always want to clear your oracle card deck.

To do this, you can hold your deck in one hand and knock it with the other. Be sure to have a good grip so you don’t drop them!

You’re knocking any energy that isn’t yours out of it. Like you’re knocking on a door creating a clean slate.

Infuse your energy into them.

There are many ways to do this but one of the most common is to hold the deck up to your heart and take a moment to connect to it.

Holding it on over your heart is such a warm connection.

Ready to begin!

There are many ways you can use your oracle card deck for guidance. You can ask about a problem you are having or get more information on how your energy is stuck.

The best way to begin is to set an intention before you shuffle the cards.

set an intention

You can say something like “Thank you cards for revealing what I need to know for my highest and greatest good”, or something along those lines.

If you want to ask a question, take a minute to think of the question while you shuffle the deck.

Then allow the card to reveal information to you. Don’t rush it. If it isn’t clear, pull another card.

Pay close attention to cards that fall out of the deck or that are upside down. These may be trying to get your attention even more!

You can also come up with a weekly spread or use the suggestion of the author in the book that accompanies your cards.

My favorite weekly spread that guides me in my business is a 3-Card Spread.

  • The first card is my strength that week.
  • The second card is what my heart wants me to know for the week.
  • The third card is any challenge I might have so that I can be aware of it and bring my strength to it.

This video shows you how I do it:

@theawakenedprofessional How to use #oraclecards for your business. #spiritualentrepreneur #entrepreneur #copywriter #spiritualtiktok #spiritualcontentcreators ♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依

It’s important to note that when you are using oracle cards, intuitive insight should feel positive and helpful.

It should offer a wider perspective or an “aha” moment that helps you move past something you aren’t seeing.

If it feels “off” or unhelpful, it’s likely your ego or your energy is not clear.

Your ego likes to stay safe, which means not changing a thing! However, the more you use oracle cards or other methods to receive your higher guidance the more your ego will settle down and realize it’s okay.

It starts to know that you did this before and it was okay and it becomes part of a routine that will become part of a new normal for your ego.

For your business decisions.

Once you have developed a relationship with your cards, you may also use them for your business when you are stuck on a decision.

But I caution you that sometimes we are so invested in the outcome of the question that we bring bias to the cards and how we interpret them.

I highly recommend you always ask your angels and guides for validation for any decision you are making whether you are receiving intuitive guidance, using the oracle cards, using a pendulum, or are just plain stuck.

This post can help you validate any guidance you receive if you would like more information on how to do that.

Additional Resources

You may also enjoy my FREE guide Intuition Development Made Simple if you would like to grow your intuitive muscle even more.

Intuition development made simple

What’s your favorite way to use oracle cards? Do you have a favorite deck?

I’d love to hear about which deck you respond to most and how you use it.


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