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Pricing your products or services can often feel like a tricky balancing act. You want to set a price that’s fair to your customers while ensuring your business remains profitable.

But what if I told you there’s a unique and intuitive way to approach pricing? In this blog post, I share how to use pendulums to align your energy with your pricing strategy.

By tapping into your sacral and gut feelings, you can set prices that not only make sense for your business but also resonate with your potential clients.

energy of pricing

The Energy of Pricing

When it comes to pricing, your energy and intuition play a crucial role. Your pricing decisions are not just numbers on a page; they carry a vibe that can be sensed by potential customers. If you doubt your price, your clients will pick up on that doubt. If you undervalue your product or service, it will reflect in your pricing strategy. To create a successful pricing structure, you must align your energy with it.

Here are some tips to use a pendulum when deciding how to price your product or services.

Step 1: Ignore the Competition:

Instead of looking at what others in your industry are charging, turn inward. Trust your inner guidance system, which is often more in tune with your business than external benchmarks. This is where the pendulum comes into play.

Step 2: The Pendulum Technique:

**Choose Three Price Points:**

Start by selecting three different price points: a low, middle, and high number. These should be based on what you believe your product or service is worth at its best!

**Program Your Pendulum:**

If you’re new to using a pendulum, it’s essential to program it so you know what is a “yes” and what is a “no”.

Hold it in your dominant hand and, ask it to “show you yes” and then “show you no”. It should swing up and down for one, side to side for the other, or in a circle.


Next, while focusing on your intent, say something like, “This pendulum will help me make pricing decisions that are aligned with my business and my clients’ needs.”

**Ask Your Pendulum:**

With your pendulum in hand, ask it to choose between the three price points. You can frame your question like this: “Is [say one of your numbers] the ideal price for my product X?”

Step 3: Trust Your Feelings:

Regardless of what your pendulum indicates, pay close attention to how you feel about the answer. Your emotions are a valuable compass in this process.


If your pendulum suggests the lower price, but it leaves you feeling disappointed, then that’s a clear sign that it’s not the right price for you or your clients.


On the other hand, if the pendulum points to a price that excites you, it’s a positive indication that this price resonates with your energy and could be the right choice.

In the world of business pricing, it’s essential to balance market realities with your inner intuition and energy. By incorporating the use of a pendulum into your pricing strategy, you can find a harmonious price point that not only reflects the value of your products or services but also aligns with your feelings and your clients’ perceptions.

Remember, the pendulum should guide you, but your intuition, business sense and emotions should have the final say. Trust in the power of your intuition, and you’ll find pricing success that benefits both you and your customers.