5 Unexpected Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients - Get the FREE Guide

So, maybe you’re hearing some talk about the Gene Keys and how much it can quantum leap your business. Well, everything you’ve heard is true! Depending on whether or not you want to take the time to go down the rabbit hole and if you have the patience to digest what you find.

Exploring your Gene Keys can be an unexpectedly, intuitive journey of self-discovery that’s all about YOU!

It’s an incredible tool that can help you peel back the layers of conditioning that have built up energetically over time to allow you to shine brightly so your soul clients can find you.

Like actually see and hear you through all the social media noise.

But I’m not going to lie, it’s COMPLEX. Breaking down the information into small steps and then applying them little by slow is what allows you to see the results and really feel the impact of this powerful tool.

So where should you even start? Today I’m sharing how you can get started on your contemplation journey without getting stuck in “analysis paralysis” and saying, “Forget it!”


The Basics

We all start life with our own set of superpowers, our core abilities. But here’s the catch. As we grow, we experience conditioning. Everyone experiences it because our past experiences shape our future behavior.

Conditioning is a sneaky thing that influences you more than you realize.

conditioning is sneaky

Conditioning is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot, but have you ever stopped to think about how it can affect you and your entrepreneurial journey?

I was thinking about this the other day… about how easily we’re conditioned, and how quickly we change our behavior going forward without giving it another thought.

Most people talk about the conditioning you experienced growing up. The way you perceived the world, or what adults told you that you could and could not do, and it became part of your unconscious programming, aka “conditioning”.

And of course, if you’re not mindful of it, the leading thought leaders will caution you that it becomes a limiting belief you hold in the future. An “upper limit” if you will (see: “The Big Leap”, a Road Trip and the Secret to Happiness?).

But I think it’s more than that. I think it’s our everyday life as we’re plugging along and if we’re not mindful of it, we create these new ways of being without even realizing it!

For example, and this is just a small example, the other day I was taking out the trash and I walked into a spiderweb on the side of our house.

Now I’ve taken out the trash a million times and just this ONE time I walked into a spider web.

So, the next time I went out there, I looked for a spider web. I was extra careful, I paused, and my heart rate went up a little trying to make sure I didn’t walk into anything scary or sticky.

I noticed I did this the next time and the next time too!

All because one time there was a web, even though ALL the other times there wasn’t.

One small, tiny event has caused me to alter my behavior, and say years from now I may not even remember why I pause in that same spot when I take out the trash, it will just be part of how I operate.

Now I know this is a simple and less complex way to look at conditioning, but I wanted you to see how easily we can change our behavior based on something that either happened, or we PERCEIVED to have happened.


Conditioning in Business

When you think about this for your business there is so much more pressure on it.

And if what you are creating in your business or career has to do with creating your dream life and or wanting to create an impact in the world? Well, there’s so much more pressure than just a sticky web.

Being an entrepreneur can actually create a certain amount of trauma if you feel deeply connected to your vision.

You put out your best offer and nothing happens. No engagement, no buyers, no interest… it affects the next time you put yourself out into the world.

What happens is that over time we forget that our guard is up, that we’re no longer putting ourselves out there Soul-Aligned, because we start trying to do things someone else’s way because OUR way didn’t work.

But did it truly not work? Are you sure it was the right time for your offer? Did you believe in it 100% and decide you were getting it out there no matter what??? Did you shout it from the rooftops and knock on people’s virtual doors telling them about your amazing thing?

And… when you truly get down to it, is it in your core, your soul being, what you really want to do or did you choose something that you thought would work instead (been there!).

It’s like when you go for a job you don’t want and then you’re bummed you don’t get it, right?

There’s nothing wrong with taking a 9 to 6 office job and building a nest egg, and there’s no shame in pursuing your dreams and experiencing trial and error.

I bring up conditioning because we’ve often strayed from that part of ourselves who wanted more.

The one who wanted our dream life and to schedule our day in a way that honors our energy.

You may want financial freedom, or perhaps your root center LOVES a steady paycheck and the ability to leave work at work at the end of the day and not take it home with you.

Maybe you want to travel and work from anywhere or perhaps you just want a beautiful backyard with a hot tub in it (me!).

This is why I love Human Design and the Gene Keys because it’s like a “Lost Dream” detector we all have access to. Free access to, no less.

Human Design and the Gene Keys has brought me back to ME. My soul signature. The person I started out being before I graduated college with big dreams and entered “the real world”.

If you think Corporate America isn’t the best at conditioning, well… I would say we’ll have to agree to disagree because it’s built on people falling in line and as much as people say they don’t want “group think” they LOVE group think.

Understanding who I am at my CORE, even going back to my teenage rebellious self is LITERALLY right there in my Hologenetic Profile.

It’s who I was before I wanted to move up the corporate ladder and then before I got my “six-figure blogger” dreams which led me down the path of copywriting.

Are you ready to remember who you are at your Core?

That’s what allows you to magnetically attract people into your little corner of the world because you vibrate at a higher frequency.

If you’re ready, let’s have a little fun!


Ready to Start Your Journey? Here’s how to take that first step.

Let’s start small by looking at ONE thing in your Hologenetic profile. I say one thing because even though looking at just one sphere sounds small, it’s not.

Today I’m going to show you how to look up your “Life’s Work” sphere and what that means.


You can watch this video OR follow the steps below:

  1. Go to genekeys.com​ and download your free profile.

gene keys where to begin

Look at the very top sphere “Life’s Work” to see where it is.

gene keys where to begin

Then go to the paragraph provided and read that ONE paragraph. This one sphere is the beginning of how the Gene Keys help you unlock your genius and it’s the very first step.

gene keys where to begin

Don’t get tempted to look at everything on your chart!


Notice each has a shadow, gift, siddhi plus line keynote.

gene keys where to begin

These are your energetic frequencies for your Life’s Work.


That’s great Nicole but what do I do with this information?

Well, my friend you “contemplate” it.

The Gene Keys are a journey of contemplation.

Richard Rudd, the author of the Gene Keys, wrote this powerful tool in 2002, and it took him seven years to complete. He was a student of Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, and underwent a mystical experience that led to the emergence of the Gene Keys. These keys are a contemplative tool to unlock your path of transformation and prosperity.

As Richard Rudd puts it, “The Gene Keys are a code that you contemplate. And as you contemplate, they come alive inside you.”

This isn’t just a passive journey; it’s an active exploration of your Soul Signature.

Take your time to let this information sink in. It’s all about rediscovering your true self, peeling away the layers of conditioning, and living a life that’s uniquely you.

It’s how you start to decondition all those rules, habits, beliefs, and places you’ve strayed from your intuition and bring it back to your true soul signature.

It’s fascinating to explore for your life in general but especially helpful for me as a professional copywriter to be able to align someone’s Gift and Siddhi to their copy. It’s what makes you magnetic!


Rediscovering Yourself

If you ever felt like you’ve lost touch with who you are, you’re not alone. The hustle of life can take you away from your true self. The Gene Keys can help you reconnect with that inner spark.

Whether you’re an artist, a business owner, or a dreamer, they can guide you back to your authentic self.

When you find your Life’s Work sphere, take time to think about what that means for you. What shadow shows up for you? Do you feel that? Did you used to feel it?

How often are you in your gift vibrational energy?

You can check out this video on how to transmute your shadow for more information if you’d like.

When you’ve had time to explore your life’s work sphere, come back to this post and leave a comment about what you’ve found, or tag me on Insta at @theawakenedprofessional. I’d love to hear it.

If you don’t want to look it up yourself, and want someone to help you, you can find my Soul Aligned Entrepreneur Readings HERE.
