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What Emerging Empathic Writers Need to Know to Be Successful

what emerging empathic writers need to know to be successful

Being empathic is definitely a plus when it comes to writing. It allows you to really get in the head of your characters, connect to your reader’s struggles and share your vulnerable side in order to really connect in a heart-to-heart way.

Which should be a good thing, right?

Except, there is one thing empaths have a hard time doing which makes it a HUGE challenge if you are trying to get your voice out in the world to be heard, seen and read.

We have a hard time taking up space!

Yep. Being empathic means you are empathetic to others. To their pains, worries, anguish, drama, and plight. You can literally feel what they are feeling and come from a place of understanding for even the most challenging person. You may not like the person, you may not agree with their behavior or support it, but you can have a sense of where they are coming from and why they got to where they are – which makes you a great listener – but not a great space-taker-upper.

And if you are going to get your book, your blog, your article, or your website out into the world and reach others in a big way – you need to be able to take up space!

Empathy is both a super power for writers AND an Achilles’ heel if you aren’t aware of it.

It means we often show up apologetically. In THIS great video from Matt Kahn he talks about how empaths are likely to get bumped in the supermarket by a cart and turn around and apologize for having our foot in the way (when we were just walking normally!).

Being understanding, seeing the core of an issue and how it came to be, does not mean that we shouldn’t be able to show up in the world with a big energy.

It just may not be in your first nature to do so. You may need to bring some awareness to it and really begin to “own” it.

Try it saying it with me “It’s OKAY for me to take up space.”

Oftentimes empaths have been broken down as children because we are sensitive in nature. We don’t want to offend anyone or rock the boat. It becomes our desire to blend in rather than stand out.

But if you are a writer, in today’s climate publishers want you to have a large following. They want you to have a proven concept with thousands of people lined up and ready to buy your book. If you are a blogger, people can’t find you if you don’t know how to label your key words so that you appear on page one of google results instead of page 13 (no one looks at page 13!) – so you need to have that powerful energy to choose those strategic key words. You need to be able to command a presence, even if it’s not comfortable at first.

Which is why I’m writing this to you to tell you that it’s okay to take up space. It’s okay to command an energy and say “I’m here and I deserve to be heard.” Or even better, “People will benefit from what I have to say.”

You have a unique point of view and a unique understanding and being empathic is what makes you relatable and able to share in such a way that people really get what you are saying. Sharing your voice is a gift. But if you hide it unknowingly, your gift won’t reach those who are ready to receive it.

It’s okay for you to take up space!

It’s your birthright. We all should be able to show up and be seen.

I’m even seeing this with my soon-to-be-middle schooler who told me, “Mom. I just want to blend in at school next year.” When I asked him what he meant since he’s dying to be an actor on a TV show and LOVES attention, he said, “Well if you are popular, those are the kids who are more likely to do drugs and have pressure to do drugs. But if you are weird you get bullied. So I just want to blend in.” He’s a wise soul but it also made me sad that his plan is actually how we learn to hide our light. We don’t want to get bullied or picked on so we try to become incognito. Especially if you are sensitive you go out of your way not to be picked on and what kid isn’t sensitive?

As a fellow soulful writer, as an empathic writer, I can tell you this blending in will not get you far. Hiding your light will only come back to haunt you later when you unconsciously manifest being small in your adult life.

I don’t know how to solve my son’s problem just yet (other than encourage him to be himself and remind him that so far he’s been accepted and he has a big group of friends who are good kids) – but I will say that until I decided that I deserved to take up space, my writing was barely seen and rarely shared.

It’s okay for YOU to take up space.

In fact, you taking up space often helps humanity. If you are empathic, you are likely called to some type of healing work or humanitarian effort to help the earth and its amazing inhabitants. But you need to be seen and heard to help them! Empowered, if you will. Which means, you have a right to be seen, heard and command a strong presence when you want to.

You don’t have to be a force all of the time, but when needed, behind your words even, that energy can be POWERFUL.

It’s OKAY to take up space. It’s already yours – Claim it!

There was a time when we could hide behind pen names (you can still try it if you are powerful behind it) and publish anonymously, but the climate has changed. It’s an Instagram following #influencer world and empathic writers need to find the balance between the spotlight and our authentic voices.

If you would like some help activating your soul’s voice and beginning to connect to that part of you who really knows and IS comfortable taking up space, I have an Unlock Writer’s Block Audio and Workbook Guide to help you. It will support you in beginning to connect to the wise and authentic you – your soul’s voice – so you can feel more comfortable taking up space. More confident that your words are meant to be read.

The words wouldn’t be coming to you, if you weren’t the one who is meant to convey them.

It’s okay for you to take up space.

We all have our purpose and reason for showing up.

And it isn’t to blend in.

Let’s take up some space!

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Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...

what emerging empathic writers need to know to be successful

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