Feeling Drained by Work? Clear Your Energy and Shine!

Feeling Drained by Work? Clear Your Energy and Shine!

Have you ever started your day feeling great, only to be completely drained by lunchtime? This feeling of being bogged down and stuck can have to do with something you may not even be thinking about. Your energy field!

Science has long known about “resonance” and how we can align our frequency to the frequency of someone else or the energy of a place, but it’s often dismissed as “woo” or weird when people talk about how you’re affected in your career or business by this.

Back when I worked in a Corporate environment, I had no idea I could be an energy sponge and I frequently felt inexplicably “heavy” and drained without any idea why.


Are you wide open with your energetic boundaries?

I was a Director of Human Resources (HR) which meant I was often the person people would come to when things weren’t going well.

Now, I’ve since learned that Therapists are taught how to shield their energy because they are aware that it can be an issue, but HR professionals are definitely not trained for this.

So I would start my day feeling great! I would bring a healthy lunch, a positive attitude, and plans to be productive.

Person after person would come into my office with their struggles and by lunch I was craving my favorite steak quesadilla and a Diet Coke and ready to toss my healthy salad. So much for my healthy lunch! I was drained!!!

Years later, I learned about this book that talks about how you should imagine when someone comes to you with a problem they have a monkey on their back. And if you take on the problem, it’s like you take the monkey from them and put it on your back. So, by the end of the day, you’re weighed down by the metaphoric monkeys while the people all feel lighter.

That’s what happens with our energy if we aren’t aware of it.

I was an OPEN RECEIVER for low vibrational energy and had no idea!

Unknowingly Empathic

Being empathic, I was not only merging my energy with the energy of others to offer support, but I never cut ties to it and would have to go home at night, exercise to try to clear it, and then attempt to reset for the next day.

I honestly thought something was wrong with me because I would start each day with such good intentions and then feel so drained and deflated without knowing why.

I was carrying the problems, fears, and unhappiness of others and it WASN’T MINE!

This happens even if you run an online business and you are connecting with freelancers, spend time on social media, or have students.

Understanding your Energy Field and how to clear it and set good energetic boundaries is what helps you go from feeling like things are “off” to understanding what feelings belong to you, how to be in your own frequency, and helps you be a vibrational match for what you want, instead of what you don’t want.

Sound good? Then keep reading as I share more about the concept of energetic hygiene and how to clear your energy field for greater well-being.

energetic boundaries

What is your energy field?

Your energy field, sometimes called your aura, is like an invisible extension of yourself. It can pick up on the emotions and energy of others, both positive and negative.


Why clear your energy field?

Think of your energy field as a cup. If you keep pouring things in (other people’s energy, stress, negativity), eventually your cup overflows. This can lead to feeling drained, stuck, and unable to manifest your desires. You may end of feeling like you need to take breaks to get away from the negativity instead of feeling empowered.

Toxic co-workers, other people’s fears, and the collective energy

Several things that can negatively impact your energy field, including:

  • Toxic co-workers
  • Other people’s fears
  • The collective energy (stress, negativity circulating in the world)

Good news! I will be sharing how to clear your energy and create great energetic boundaries in the upcoming masterclass ENERGY WISE: How to Embody Your Most Authentic Self Through Energy Wisdom.

energy wise

Ready to ditch the energy drain and reclaim your vibrance? In the upcoming masterclass called “Energy Wise: How to Embody Your Most Authentic Self Through Energy Wisdom,” you’ll learn powerful techniques for:

  • Identifying when your energy needs clearing
  • Easy methods to clear your energy from anywhere
  • Understanding what’s really happening in your energy field
  • How to set firm, energetic boundaries every day
  • Bonus information on dealing with the collective chaos and overwhelm

sacred community

Join the Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community now to Access this Masterclass and others.

The masterclass is being held in the Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community. By signing up, you’ll gain access to the masterclass replay and other valuable content.

Find out more here: Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community


Turn Intuition into Action: Your Guide to Unlocking Inner Wisdom

Turn Intuition into Action: Your Guide to Unlocking Inner Wisdom

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, a hunch that whispered the “right” path but left you unsure how to translate it into action?  We’ve all been there. Intuition, that inner knowing, can be a powerful tool, but sometimes it feels like cryptic messages instead of clear directions.

The good news: you can bridge the gap between intuition and action. By learning to decipher these whispers and develop an “actionable intuition,” you can harness your inner wisdom to navigate life’s decisions with greater clarity and purpose.

Here’s how to turn intuition into actionable steps:


  1. Recognize Your Intuition’s Voice: 

The first step is becoming familiar with how your intuition speaks to you. It can be subtle and vary from person to person. Here are some common ways intuition shows up:

Physical sensations: A gut feeling (butterflies!), a sudden feeling of warmth or chills, or a tightening in your chest.

Emotions: Unexplained joy, excitement, or a sense of peace about a particular choice.

Dreams and Visions: Vivid dreams or waking visions that offer symbolic messages or foreshadowing.

Sudden Knowing: An intuitive flash of insight or a strong sense of “knowing” without clear explanation.

Synchronicity: Meaningful coincidences or recurring symbols that seem to point you in a specific direction.

Pay attention to these inner nudges, especially when they arise around important decisions!


  1. Quiet Your Mind and Create Space:

Intuition thrives in a space of quiet reflection.  Schedule some daily “me-time” to meditate, journal, or simply sit in nature. This allows your inner voice to emerge from the background noise of daily life.


  1. Journal Your Intuitive Insights:

Once you recognize an intuitive nudge, write it down in a dedicated journal.  Jot down the feeling, any associated images or emotions, and the context in which it arose.  Reviewing these entries over time can reveal patterns and help you decipher your intuition’s unique language.

  1. Ask Clarifying Questions:

Intuition rarely provides a step-by-step plan, but you can engage in a dialogue with your inner wisdom.  Ask yourself questions like: “What action best aligns with this feeling?” or “What outcome would bring me a sense of peace?”  Pay attention to the subtle shifts in emotions or thoughts that may arise as you inquire.

  1. Take Small, Aligned Actions:

Don’t wait for a grand revelation. Start small. The most powerful way to build trust with your intuition is to take action based on its nudges and observe the results.  Did things flow more smoothly?  Did you feel a sense of peace or excitement?

As you take these small, aligned actions, your confidence in your intuition will grow. You’ll become more adept at translating its whispers into concrete steps, empowering you to navigate life’s journey with greater clarity and purpose.

Ready to unlock the power of your intuition?  Consider joining the Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community!

soul align and shine sacred networking community

In our community, you’ll gain access to resources like a Masterclass to explore this further in “Intuitive Downloads Made Easy“. Get the guidance to help you refine your intuition and integrate it into your daily life.



Remember, your intuition is a powerful tool waiting to be harnessed! By taking these steps, you can transform your inner whispers into actionable steps, leading you towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


Intuitive Downloads Made Easy – How to Activate Your Inner Wisdom

Intuitive Downloads Made Easy – How to Activate Your Inner Wisdom

Have you ever felt like you were adrift in a vast ocean, guided by whispers on the wind – whispers you couldn’t quite understand? That was me for a long time. Intuitive downloads, those often cryptic messages from our inner wisdom, felt more like confusing riddles than clear directions.

Many of my spiritual teachers would simply say, “Trust the downloads,” but that trust felt shaky when it came to navigating the real world, especially my business. I craved something more, a way to decipher these messages and translate them into actionable steps.

Driven by a burning curiosity, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. It wasn’t easy. There were moments of frustration, like the time a seemingly “intuitive” business decision led me down a path of lost resources. But slowly, I began to unravel the mysteries of my intuition.

Now, I’m excited to share the tools and techniques I learned in the “Intuitive Downloads Made Easy” Masterclass, offered within the brand-new Soul Align and Shine, Sacred Networking Community!

This Masterclass will be your compass, helping you navigate the often-murky waters of intuition. You’ll discover:

  • The many voices of your intuition: Learn to identify your strongest mode of receiving guidance, whether it’s through visions, a sudden knowing, or a nudge in your gut.
  • Unlocking the hidden language: We’ll explore techniques for deciphering the deeper meaning behind your intuitive messages, so you can understand why they can feel confusing and how to gain clarity.
  • Building your integration toolkit: Develop practical strategies to seamlessly translate intuitive guidance into real-world decisions, whether it’s a career move, a business venture, or simply navigating a challenging day.

But the “Intuitive Downloads Made Easy” Masterclass is just the beginning.

The Soul Align and Shine Community is your supportive crew, offering a safe harbor to share your journey.

Here, you can:

  • Connect with like-minded souls: Share your intuitive breakthroughs and celebrate victories with others who understand your path.
  • Find guidance and support: Receive encouragement and accountability from mentors and peers within the community.
  • Cultivate your soul-aligned life: Discover how to integrate your intuition with your career and life goals, creating a path of fulfillment and purpose.

For less than the cost of a night out, you can join our supportive community and gain immediate access to the transformative “Intuitive Downloads Made Easy” Masterclass.

Don’t stay lost at sea any longer. Click here to join us and embark on your journey to intuitive empowerment: LEARN MORE!


Answering the Call: Are You a Lightworker or Light Warrior? (And Does It Matter?)

Answering the Call: Are You a Lightworker or Light Warrior? (And Does It Matter?)

Have you ever wondered about the distinction between being a Lightworker and a Light Warrior? These terms have gained popularity within spiritual communities, describing individuals who actively contribute to raising the collective vibration, aiming to bring positive change to the world.

But what is the difference between the two? And why does it matter as you seek to fulfill your soul’s assignment?


Understanding the Call

If you are feeling a strong pull to understand your purpose and your soul’s assignment, your Higher Self or guides are likely waking you up at this time of your life to help you kickstart your mission.

This journey is not for the faint of heart! It requires faith, trust, and a firm belief in yourself to step into the unknown without a clear picture of the outcome.

Well, you may have a vision of the outcome, but the HOW, the WHY, and the WHAT may be vague (been there!).

It’s helpful to know if you are a Lightworker, or a Light Warrior when it comes to answering your call so you know how to nurture your body, mind, and soul when it comes to taking each baby step on your journey and knowing where to focus your energy for the most impact.


Deciphering Lightworkers

Think of Lightworkers as the radiant souls among us, spreading warmth and positivity in various forms.

When I think of a Lightworker, I think of Mother Theresa’s empathy and understanding of the importance of treating others with dignity and personal connection. But this is a well-known example and overlooks the everyday lightworker, shining their light in all occupations and lifestyles.

Lightworkers can be anyone —from energy healers to teachers, doctors to artists, or even the friendly shuttle bus driver you encounter during your day. I once met such a driver in Laguna Beach. Despite battling cancer, his spirit remained so infectious, bringing a smile to each face that boarded his shuttle.

Lightworkers infuse their surroundings with light, often through their mere presence, and they come in all shapes and sizes.


Spotting a Light Warrior

On the other hand, recognizing a Light Warrior might require a keener eye. They often operate in the shadows, stirring action and awareness through subtle nudges or provocative initiatives.

You might encounter them championing causes on social media or standing firm against injustice.

Light Warriors often challenge the status quo, urging us to confront uncomfortable truths and effect meaningful change.

While their methods may seem assertive, their underlying mission remains to usher in a new era of consciousness and harmony.

When I think of a Light Warrior, I think of the paraphrased famous quote from Joan of Arc saying, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this” because though she faced surmountable odds, her belief that it was her divine mission compelled her to carry out her vision.


The Crucial Role of Light Warriors

Contrary to popular belief, Light Warriors aren’t confined to traditional spiritual or healing roles. They can emerge from any walk of life, fueled by a deep sense of purpose and a burning desire for transformation.

Consider the TikToker spearheading a boycott against corporate greed, or the activist rallying against regressive policies.

These are modern-day warriors, bravely navigating the chaos of our times to pave the way for a brighter future. Speaking up when it would be easier to stay silent, putting themselves into the spotlight for the greater good, even when they’re uncomfortable.


Embracing Your Calling

Regardless of whether you resonate more with the archetype of a Lightworker or a Light Warrior, answering your inner calling can ease the sense of urgency that you must do “something” and help you align to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

It’s about stepping into your power, whether that means spreading light through your presence or catalyzing change through action.

Both are needed, all are welcome.

Each of us has a unique role to play in the grand scheme of things, and honoring that role is key to living a purposeful life.



As you continue on your journey of self-discovery and service, remember the importance of staying committed to your path. Whether you’re embodying the qualities of a Lightworker or a Light Warrior, you won’t regret throwing your hat in the ring to help shape a brighter future.

Let your authenticity shine!

Are you feeling that inner tug, calling you to step into your purpose? Maybe you’re already knee-deep in your passion-fueled business. Share your journey with us in the comments!


The Shadow Side of the 4-Hour Workweek as a Measure for Success

The Shadow Side of the 4-Hour Workweek as a Measure for Success

Ever since the book, the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss, there seems to be this gold standard in entrepreneurship that the goal is the freedom to travel and live your life while your business practically operates itself from the influx of all the passive income.

I want to talk about this!

Because there are many factors at play here and the risk is that you decide to pursue a soul-led, passion-fueled endeavor but when you find yourself working 80 hours a week as an entrepreneur instead of this elusive four, you think you’re doing something wrong.


Is the Dream Sustainable?

Let me tell you. I have been co-creating with entrepreneurs from their copywriting to their content, to their brand strategy and buzz plans, and I have yet to see ANYONE work a 4-hour workweek! They may work long weeks and then take vacations, but make no mistake about it, work is getting done to get them there.

If you READ the book, you will also find that SOMEONE is working those hours, it’s just not the author. The book is about outsourcing and leveraging your knowledge.

So there are more than 4 hours of work that need to be done each week to run a successful and profitable business but Ferriss is about efficiency, leveraging your work in the form of passive or residual income, and outsourcing when you can at a lower cost so you can have the freedom lifestyle you desire.


The 4-Hour Workweek is a Myth!!!

Which is why I want to talk about this because I’ve come to realize that so many new entrepreneurs set this extremely-hard-to-attain metric as their measure of how well they’re doing and it often leads to a lot of heartbreak and broken dreams because that kind of outsourcing and proficiency in your business comes with experience, an in-depth understanding of who you serve and what they want from you, and a OK-ness with having free time on your hands.

If you don’t yet have clarity in your business and know how to convert prospective clients to buyers, it’s OK. You will get there and it may take time, trial and error, and effort.

It’s better to measure your success in terms of moving the needle forward in your business and gaining momentum over how many hours per week it takes to do this.

Not everyone is ready to manage a team, outsource and can afford to pay others right from the beginning, and let’s be honest, it can be fun to work at your own business when you become your own boss which will make it hard to manifest the 4-hours only per week anyway.

Give yourself time and explore whether or not “free time” is the only measure of your success.



soul aligned entrepreneur

Beyond the Hours: Finding Your Why

Who wouldn’t want free time? Let’s talk about this.

It sounds so good to say you want a freedom lifestyle and that you don’t want to work. But is that really true?

Is the goal to sit on a beach all day every day or is there more to it?

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with travel and luxury, but what I’ve found with the clients I serve is that they are trying to make an impact.

They love teaching techniques to support someone’s nervous system, they enjoy sharing tips on manifestation and self-worth and are passionate about encouraging people to go after their best lives.

They may unlock health struggles, release energy blocks, foster community, or share mindset shifts that bring a more positive outcome in the workplace.

Working 4 hours is NOT really what it’s about if they stop and think about it.

Instead, it’s about sharing their wisdom, making an impact, and hopefully leaving the planet a little better off than how they found it.

More recently, it’s also become about being confident in the chaos and leading through challenging times when the world looks explosive and corrupt – and how to find footing and navigate that and then help others do the same!

I’ve encountered so many entrepreneurs who think they want the 4-hour workweek but honestly, if they really stopped to think about it they are creators, teachers, and healers at heart and enjoy spending time doing those things.


Redefining Success: What Matters Most to You?

What most people are likely saying when they say they want to work less, is that they want to feel aligned to their soul purpose. They want to feel like they are making a difference, that their work has value, and that they feel good about showing up every day to their career or business.

Most people actually can’t work just 4-hours per week without getting restless and going stir-crazy!

Take my husband for example. He would be thrilled to surf every day at lunch but beyond that, he can’t sit still! I’m always saying “Just sit down” so we can watch one show together but it’s hard for him to relax – even on vacation.

So would he be doing something else if we could travel unlimitedly? Maybe. But I think he would be bored after a few months and be ready to work with a team and contribute again because he seems to really enjoy that.

Bottom line, we all think we want to work less, but is it really more about spending our days doing what we love instead?


Let’s Reframe the Conversation

If you had all the money in the world, what would you do? Is it travel? Is it start a non-profit? Is it help the Earth? Is it paint, draw, photograph, or create?

Thinking about why you want the 4-hour workweek will help you know if you want a business where you manage several people to have that kind of time off (some people hate managing people!), or if there’s another business venture out there for you where you do what you love full-time.

Because there IS a difference!!!


The Truth About Passive Income

In any case, let’s stop this idea that we all need a 4-hour workweek because it’s making new entrepreneurs feel like there’s not a WHOLE bunch of work upfront that goes into attaining that.

I remember when I bought a blogging course from Create & Go because their six-figure blogger lifestyle looked so appealing. When they shared what it took to achieve that – they had both quit their jobs, moved into a free home with money saved, and worked 17-hour days eating only eggs and rice for months – well it was an eye opener for me.

That “passive” income was actually very active, head-down, work-hard income. This doesn’t mean they weren’t doing what they loved and had made a career out of it, it just means that it took TIME to achieve those results and keep them up.

In their case, it allowed them to travel with a “wi-fi” tribe of other entrepreneurs who worked remotely and got to see the world. But the keyword there is “wi-fi”, they still were working but had redefined what that looked like for them.

Work can be fulfilling, but it depends on how that looks for you! Is it expansive feeling or restrictive?

It’s like that expression, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life again”. You’re still working, but hopefully, you can do it in such a way that feels meaningful and fulfilling. Perhaps even answering your soul’s calling along the way?

In any case, the 4-Hour workweek as described by Ferriss is a MYTH! People get rich, sell businesses and retire – but they don’t get that way working only 4 hours a week without outsourcing any of it.

So if you are craving a lifestyle with more financial freedom, just know that it will take time to set up, gain momentum, and put the pieces in place to get there. Don’t give up too soon!

What are your thoughts?

How about you? What does success look like for you? Is it time to be creative? Free time? Vacationing? Working remotely? Working with a great set of co-workers at a job where you feel valued?

I’d love to hear about it in the comments!


If you’re struggling to understand who you are as an entrepreneur, I highly encourage you to schedule your Soul Aligned Entrepreneur Brand & Visibility Accelerator package where we dive deep into your Soul-Aligned “WHY” and you can begin to embody your big-picture vision with Soul Alignment and actionable steps that help you set up a business that matches your energetic needs!

soul aligned entrepreneur