Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

Have you ever woken up feeling a deep connection to something unseen, a sense of wonder about the universe, and a burning desire to unlock your intuition? That’s the magic of spiritual awakening! But amidst the excitement, a nagging question might pop up: “Can I really ask my spirit guides anything?”

Let me tell you, when I first tapped into my clairaudience (hearing spiritual messages), I felt like I was on a whirlwind rollercoaster. Everything was new, and questions swirled around me. One of the biggest ones? Do my spirit guides get bothered by everyday stuff? Should I save my questions for the truly momentous occasions, the life-changing crossroads?

Back then, I worried that asking about “petty” concerns – daily frustrations, minor roadblocks – felt beneath their divine attention. It was almost like I pictured them with a celestial to-do list, and my problems wouldn’t even make the cut!


Watch: Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

But as I ventured deeper on my spiritual path, a beautiful truth unfolded: there’s absolutely no hierarchy of importance when it comes to reaching out to your spirit guides. They’re not cosmic concierges, prioritizing existential questions over rush hour traffic jams. Their purpose is pure love and support, guiding you towards clarity, wisdom, and alignment with your truest self.

So, whether you’re wrestling with a major life decision or simply need help finding your keys (because hey, even spirit guides know losing your keys can throw off your whole day!), their wisdom and guidance are always there for you.

One of the most liberating moments on my journey was realizing I didn’t have to wait for some grand event to connect with my guides. I learned to embrace an open dialogue, inviting their guidance into every aspect of my life, big or small.

Now, I see them not just as companions for the extraordinary moments, but as my steady allies in the everyday stuff too.

Are you asking your spirit guides for help? Are you saving it for the really big stuff? I’d love to hear about it!


Big Decisions During Mercury Retrograde: Should You Wait?

Big Decisions During Mercury Retrograde: Should You Wait?

Have you ever heard the advice that you shouldn’t buy a house or sign any legal contracts during Mercury Retrograde? It’s a common belief in astrology circles and among spiritual communities, but what if it’s holding you back from amazing opportunities?

In this video, I’m busting the myth that Mercury Retrograde means hitting pause on your life and sharing what you can do instead.

Watch Now!:

Why do people avoid agreements during mercury retrograde?

For years, I’ve heard the same thing: avoid big decisions and agreements when Mercury appears to be moving backward. But let’s be real, can we really put everything on hold for weeks at a time? Especially when it comes to something as important as buying a house?

The truth is, Mercury Retrograde is often associated with miscommunications and delays. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined for disaster if you sign a contract during this time.

Here are a few tips to support you during retrograde is you’re jumping on a special opportunity:

  • Be extra cautious and detail-oriented.
  • Double-check everything, from emails to documents, and make sure communication is clear on all sides.

A little extra effort can go a long way in preventing misunderstandings.

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t ditch your relationships just because Mercury Retrograde might cause some communication hiccups, right?

So, the next time a great opportunity comes your way during Retrograde, don’t let fear hold you back. Follow your intuition, and take action with a bit more attention to detail.

In my own experience, I bought my house during Mercury Retrograde and it turned out to be the best decision ever! We got a fantastic price and amazing interest rates – something that would be hard to find today’s market.

What do you think? Do you avoid big decisions during Mercury Retrograde, or is it business as usual? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Gene Key 33: How the Shadow of Forgetting Dims Your Magnetic Messaging

Gene Key 33: How the Shadow of Forgetting Dims Your Magnetic Messaging

Hey there, fellow Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Conscious Professionals! Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the world of marketing, and wonder why your message isn’t hitting home like you know it should? Well, let’s dive into the meaning of Gene Key 33 and uncover why the shadow of forgetting might be putting a damper on your magnetic messaging.

Note: Even if you don’t have this Gene Key in your Hologenetic Profile, all the spheres apply to us if you contemplate them.

Gene Key 33 is a fascinating journey from the shadow of Forgetting to the Siddhi of Revelation through the gift of Mindfulness. Richard Rudd, in his contemplative book “The 64 Ways,” delves into the concept of forgetting not as mere absent-mindedness but as a failure to embrace mindfulness in our daily lives. It’s about getting caught up in the chaos and letting those precious moments slip through our fingers without a second thought. It’s also about not taking time to savor and reflect and really embody your day.

Your Potential Can Be Dimmed by This Shadow

What is interesting though, for your life and for your magnetic messaging, is that within this shadow lies the key to unlocking your true potential! Through mindfulness, reflection, intention, and awareness, we can transform the shadow of forgetting into creating content in the higher more magnetic frequency of revelation (the Siddhi frequency) that attracts your Soul Clients.

Let me share a bit of my own journey with you to help this make sense. Years ago, long before I stumbled upon the wisdom of Gene Keys, I embarked on a blogging adventure called “Mind Over Messy.” It was my way of navigating the messiness of life with a touch of mindfulness and a sprinkle of spirituality. Little did I know that those early experiences would lay the groundwork for my encounter with Gene Key 33.

But here’s where things get interesting. As I delved deeper into my spiritual awakening, I found myself hesitating to share certain aspects of my journey, particularly when it came to my family and my kids. I’m an open book but they had the potential to want privacy as they grew. I grappled with the idea of putting their experiences under the spotlight, unsure of how they would feel about it in the long run.

However, it was during this period of introspection that I received a powerful insight: the importance of documenting my spiritual evolution. My intuition whispered that as I awakened, I would integrate these learnings into my life, gradually forgetting their explicit details—a phenomenon that Rudd aptly describes as the shadow of forgetting.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself leading a community of spiritual entrepreneurs, conscious professionals, and energy healers on a journey of self-discovery and growth. But amidst the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, I noticed something peculiar: a forgetting of natural tendencies and gifts —the shadow of Gene Key 33.

The Siddhi of Revelation

And that’s where the Siddhi of Revelation comes into play. You see, my friend, the insights, ideas, and intuitive downloads that we tend to forget are often the ones we’re meant to share with the world. It’s all part of the revelation process—the unveiling of our true gifts and talents. It’s what makes you magnetic and it’s likely what your Soul Clients need help with the most. So those things I felt called to write down, NOW are what my Soul Clients need! I’m spending time remembering and reconnecting with those lessons and knowledge because I did indeed integrate it and stop talking about it. My clients too are saying “I think people need to know this! I just assumed they knew it!”

So, if you’re finding yourself stuck in the shadows of forgetting, know that you’re not alone. Embrace mindfulness, cultivate self-awareness, and let the wisdom of Gene Key 33 guide you on your path to revelation.

Remember those natural gifts you have and don’t think “People already know this. They don’t need me to teach them!” Because it’s simply not true.

It’s a little easier to explain in video if you’d prefer to watch here:

The Gift is in Remembering

You are here for a reason and those things you “forget” are at the shadow frequency. The gift is in remembering and that can be as simple and bringing your journal to the beach, the infrared sauna, or with your morning cup of tea.

And remember, my friend, we’re all in this together, uncovering the hidden treasures of our souls one key at a time. So let’s continue to contemplate, explore, and share our gifts with the world—because that’s where true magic happens.

Let me know if you’re using your natural gifts to help your Soul Clients? Have you been assuming they don’t need help with it? Please share your thoughts in the comments!


About the Gene Keys:

Richard Rudd wrote the Gene Keys in 2002. It took him 7 years to write and he says he was transformed as he did. He was a student of Ra Uru Hu (the founder of Human Design) and taught Human Design when he had his own mystical experience emerging from what he called a “field of limitless light” that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. He emerged with the wisdom of The Gene Keys. The Gene Keys are a contemplative tool to unlock your path of gentle transformation and prosperity.

These are my personal contemplations of the Gene Keys and Human Design after living them and helping my clients transform their shadows too so they can uplevel to their full potential.


You can find Rudd’s Written Works Here (Amazon Affiliate Links):

THE 64 WAYS: Personal Contemplations on the Gene Keys (I find this easier to understand)
The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Activation Sequence 1 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Venus Sequence 2 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Pearl Sequence 3 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
Human Design Circuitry

Decoding the Dreaded “The Ick” Feeling in Marketing With the Gene Keys

Decoding the Dreaded “The Ick” Feeling in Marketing With the Gene Keys

Does it happen to you where you connect to someone either in person or online and you just don’t like them?

You can’t really explain why… they aren’t doing anything wrong, necessarily, you just feel a strong “Nope!”

I find this fascinating!

I am always a student of energy and marketing so when I come across someone that I find interesting, and I opt-in/follow/or purchase something from them but then immediately feel like I don’t like them, I’ve been wondering why that is?

I mean, they get me to their programs or offers and then suddenly I don’t like their vibe??? What gives???

(If this happens to you too, let me know! I’d love to hear what gives you “the ick” when it comes to new people).

I’ve also had this happen in real life too where I either resonate with someone or I don’t.

There is a component of one sphere in my Gene Keys that talks about being able to discern whether someone is genuine or not.

Richard Rudd (the founder of The Gene Keys, an extension of Human Design) describes it as being able to sniff out imposters but I feel like there is more to it because not everyone is an imposter, I’m sure.

I think one of two things happens when we feel “put off” by someone’s energy.

  1. We’re vibing on different wavelengths. Therefore, we just aren’t meant to connect to that person at the time. This is why sometimes you don’t like someone at first, but later they grow on you. You start vibing on the same frequency and your feelings about that person change.
  2. People are often in their shadow energy and you can feel it. It’s not bad to be in your shadow, it happens! But the energy of it will attract other shadow energy. So, if you’re feeling great, embracing your gift, or Siddhi frequency, and you bump into someone in their shadow, it may trigger you. You may feel frustrated being around that person, or just plain feel like they aren’t for you right now.

And that’s OK! There is no right or wrong to being human! But because I’ve been thinking about this it’s helped me step back and be less quick to dismiss people with a quick “that’s for me” or “nope!”

Whereas before I used to just think “Something about that person bothers me”, now I stop and see “Why is this bringing up something in me?” And further, “Is it me or something about them?”

And, then I check in with my Sacral response (because I’m a Sacral Authority in Human Design) to decide if any next steps are involved.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, said that if you just follow your Inner Authority and Strategy in Human Design – it would be enough to live a full life following your soul signature – aka, the energy you were born with as your Highest Self.

It’s so easy to go down a rabbit hole of information and forget that if you start exploring Human Design, but as life gets more complicated, I’m falling back on this more and more. If you’re wondering about your strategy and authority, I include this information in your Soul Signature Entrepreneurial Blueprint​.

I will take this one step further to say that when you are creating your own marketing or sales pitches, you’ll want to make sure you’re embracing your gift, or your Siddhi (mastery) emotions as you are creating.

Coming from a place of knowledge and a strong, embodied vibration is magnetic to your soul clients.

It may not be magnetic to EVERYONE, again it goes back to the idea that we don’t all vibrate on the same wavelength, but the people you are most meant to help or serve will be able to feel when you are in your gift or shadow.

Not on a conscious level. It will be more like “I like that person, I don’t know why I don’t want to buy this?” They shy away when you are in your shadow without knowing why it resonated but something felt off.

In your gift? Those are your raving fans! See this YouTube video for more about your shadows in your messaging, and THIS video for how to get out of your shadows.

And if you need more insight into your personal gifts and the natural energy you emit when it comes to your business, you may really love my SOUL SIGNATURE ENTREPRENEUR BLUEPRINT AND LIVE READING.

You can find out more about that here:

unlock your entrepreneur superpowers gene keys blueprint


Let me know in the comments if you’ve felt the ick from someone’s sales page or once you buy their program. What did you do when it happened? I’d love to hear about it.


How to Create More Engaging Content Using Your Human Design Aura Type

How to Create More Engaging Content Using Your Human Design Aura Type

In a world where standing out is necessary to grow and scale your business, content creation is critical to help your Soul Clients find you!

But creating engaging content can sometimes feel daunting, or even confusing if you don’t understand your niche or you’re just starting out in your business and you don’t have your engagement dialed in yet.

I have exciting news! There is an element in your free Human Design chart that can help you create content in such a way that you access a “wiser” you that connects to your Soul Clients!

It has to do with utilizing what is called your “strategy” in your Human Design body graph to create magnetic content that is a knowledgeable oasis you can tap into at any time.

Are you ready to try it? Keep reading to learn how to use your free body graph chart to access your higher wisdom data bank.

First of all, what is Human Design?

Human Design is a holistic system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It’s a tool for self-discovery and understanding that provides insights into an individual’s unique personality, characteristics, strengths, and potential life path.

At its core, Human Design offers a map, or blueprint, of your energy. It aims to help individuals live in accordance with their true nature, making decisions and navigating life in a way that’s aligned with who they are at their core.

You’ll hear me refer to this as “Soul Alignment”, or your “Soul’s Signature Energy”.

The system is based on the concept that each person is born with a specific Human Design, explained as 5 Aura types which include:

  1. Manifestors
  2. Generators
  3. Manifesting Generators
  4. Projectors, and
  5. Reflectors

Each type operates differently in terms of how they interact with the world and utilize their energy to create more ease and flow in their lives.

I’ll be focusing on today on Manifesting Generators and Generators strategy to “Respond”, to show you how you can utilize this insight in your marketing messaging.


How can it help your business?

According to Human Design, Generators and Manifesting Generators are wired to respond, but what exactly are they responding to?

There are many ways this can take shape. It can be:

✅ People’s questions
✅ Observations of the world
✅ Problems faced by themselves or others
✅ Questions from friends
✅The needs of your workplace
✅The needs of the collective

What is so interesting about understanding your Human Design strategy, is that when you embody it, it can unlock your innate gifts!

For example, you may not know the answer to a question someone asks you. You may have never even thought of it before.

But when they ask, suddenly you remember an article you once read or a book that has the information. Or possibly, the answer drops right into your mind and when you look it up it’s the exact thing that person needed!

That is the power of living by design – and it’s especially helpful if you are growing your business. You can tap into this energy to create engaging content that is magnetic to your Soul Clients. 


When you share without utilizing your strategy

When you just share, without responding, you can often be met with crickets, confusion, or people who are not ready to hear your insight.

This is why marketing efforts often fail – the energy isn’t aligning with your Soul audience. When you don’t follow your strategy, it can come across as “salesy”, pushy, and kind of icky.

But when asked, or if you are responding to a need, it can allow you to access a deeper well of insights that might not have been accessible otherwise.

And I don’t mean you get access to B.S. information, I mean you get access to insightful, helpful information.

A Real-Life Scenario

Imagine being at brunch with a friend who shares a work problem. As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you resist the urge to force a solution. Instead, you relax, absorb the information, and provide empathetic support.

Suddenly, like a burst of inspiration, a perfect solution manifests in your mind—an angle your friend hadn’t considered or an insight to explore for answers.

In this moment, you’ve tapped into your intuitive channel by aligning with your Soul’s Signature through the act of responding.


Even a teenager can do it!

Even a 16-year-old Generator can attest to the power of responding. Sharing this insight with my Generator teenager, he began to notice that when friends called him with homework questions, he seemed more knowledgeable than when studying alone. It’s a testament to the enhanced information and creative energy that responding can bring.


A Real-Life Scenario for Your Business

Look up someone who does something similar to what you do. Read the comments and see where people are struggling to understand the information. Respond! If you have a great way to explain it, or to help, create content that responds to their confusion!

This way of creating content can increase your engagement, make you more magnetic, and allow your soul clients to find you! You also get the added bonus of learning more than you did otherwise because synchronicities happen when you’re aligned with your Strategy.


Forcing vs. Responding

To harness ultimate creative energy and overcome roadblocks, it’s essential to discern between forcing and responding. Forcing, with its lower vibrational frequency, impedes creativity, whereas responding to a genuine need or question aligns with the strategy and can hold a higher vibration.

I’ve focused on Generators and Manifesting Generators here but it’s important to note that Manifestors use their strategy of “informing”. Projectors can use “waiting to respond” and Reflectors can pay attention to what they feel excitement about and also wait 28 days to make big decisions. Each Aura type possesses a unique rhythm.

By attuning to your strategy, individuals can unlock their creator magic, accessing profound insights and limitless creative energy.

So, the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, pause, listen, and let the magic of responding guide you to a realm of uncharted possibilities.


Validation and Intuition

As with anything intuitive, you can always follow these steps to validate your guidance that I share in this post. It’s a process I use for Intuitive Writing that I also now apply with Human Design and the Gene Keys to validate that I’m on the right track.

If you would like to learn more about your specific Energetic Blueprints for Business, you can order your Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Superpowers 100% Personalized Reading HERE.

Let me know in the comments if you try this hack to tap into your unlimited creative energy. I’d love to hear it!
